921 research outputs found

    Event detection in field sports video using audio-visual features and a support vector machine

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    In this paper, we propose a novel audio-visual feature-based framework for event detection in broadcast video of multiple different field sports. Features indicating significant events are selected and robust detectors built. These features are rooted in characteristics common to all genres of field sports. The evidence gathered by the feature detectors is combined by means of a support vector machine, which infers the occurrence of an event based on a model generated during a training phase. The system is tested generically across multiple genres of field sports including soccer, rugby, hockey, and Gaelic football and the results suggest that high event retrieval and content rejection statistics are achievable

    Low-latency compression of mocap data using learned spatial decorrelation transform

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    Due to the growing needs of human motion capture (mocap) in movie, video games, sports, etc., it is highly desired to compress mocap data for efficient storage and transmission. This paper presents two efficient frameworks for compressing human mocap data with low latency. The first framework processes the data in a frame-by-frame manner so that it is ideal for mocap data streaming and time critical applications. The second one is clip-based and provides a flexible tradeoff between latency and compression performance. Since mocap data exhibits some unique spatial characteristics, we propose a very effective transform, namely learned orthogonal transform (LOT), for reducing the spatial redundancy. The LOT problem is formulated as minimizing square error regularized by orthogonality and sparsity and solved via alternating iteration. We also adopt a predictive coding and temporal DCT for temporal decorrelation in the frame- and clip-based frameworks, respectively. Experimental results show that the proposed frameworks can produce higher compression performance at lower computational cost and latency than the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    A framework for event detection in field-sports video broadcasts based on SVM generated audio-visual feature model. Case-study: soccer video

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    In this paper we propose a novel audio-visual feature-based framework, for event detection in field sports broadcast video. The system is evaluated via a case-study involving MPEG encoded soccer video. Specifically, the evidence gathered by various feature detectors is combined by means of a learning algorithm (a support vector machine), which infers the occurrence of an event, based on a model generated during a training phase, utilizing a corpus of 25 hours of content. The system is evaluated using 25 hours of separate test content. Following an evaluation of results obtained, it is shown for this case, that both high precision and recall statistics are achievable

    Semantic spaces revisited: investigating the performance of auto-annotation and semantic retrieval using semantic spaces

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    Semantic spaces encode similarity relationships between objects as a function of position in a mathematical space. This paper discusses three different formulations for building semantic spaces which allow the automatic-annotation and semantic retrieval of images. The models discussed in this paper require that the image content be described in the form of a series of visual-terms, rather than as a continuous feature-vector. The paper also discusses how these term-based models compare to the latest state-of-the-art continuous feature models for auto-annotation and retrieval

    DFD based scene segmentation for H.263 video sequences

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    Content based indexing and retrieval of video is becoming increasingly important in many applications. Identifying scene changes and special effects in a video scene is an essential pre-requisite for indexing. In this paper, a sudden scene change detection algorithm for H.263 video sequences is proposed. This method uses the number of intra-coded macroblocks and Displaced Frame Difference (DFD) signal of the video signal. Experimental results show that the performance of this algorithm is independent of the encoder threshold. Furthermore, this algorithm is capable of detecting abrupt scene changes accurately even the video sequence contains special effects

    The Effective of Image Retrieval in Jpeg Compressed Domain

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    We propose a new method of feature extraction in orderto improve the effective of image retrieving by using apartial Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)compressed images algorithm. Prior to that, we prune theimages database by pre-query step based on coloursimilarity, in order to eliminate image candidates. Ourfeature extraction can be carried out directly to JPEGcompressed images. We extract two features of DCTcoefficients, DC feature and AC feature, from a JPEGcompressed image. Then we compute the Euclideandistances between the query image and the images in adatabase in terms of these two features. The image querysystem will give each retrieved image a rank to define itssimilarity to the query image. Moreover, instead of fullydecompressing JPEG images, our system only needs to dopartial entropy decoding. Therefore, our proposed schemecan accelerate the effectiveness of retrieving images.According to our experimental results, our system is notonly highly effective but is also capable of performingsatisfactoril

    Event detection based on generic characteristics of field-sports

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    In this paper, we propose a generic framework for event detection in broadcast video of multiple different field-sports. Features indicating significant events are selected, and robust detectors built. These features are rooted in generic characteristics common to all genres of field-sports. The evidence gathered by the feature detectors is combined by means of a support vector machine, which infers the occurrence of an event based on a model generated during a training phase. The system is tested across multiple genres of field-sports including soccer, rugby, hockey and Gaelic football and the results suggest that high event retrieval and content rejection statistics are achievable