638 research outputs found

    Image-based Text Classification using 2D Convolutional Neural Networks

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    We propose a new approach to text classification in which we consider the input text as an image and apply 2D Convolutional Neural Networks to learn the local and global semantics of the sentences from the variations of the visual patterns of words. Our approach demonstrates that it is possible to get semantically meaningful features from images with text without using optical character recognition and sequential processing pipelines, techniques that traditional natural language processing algorithms require. To validate our approach, we present results for two applications: text classification and dialog modeling. Using a 2D Convolutional Neural Network, we were able to outperform the state-ofart accuracy results for a Chinese text classification task and achieved promising results for seven English text classification tasks. Furthermore, our approach outperformed the memory networks without match types when using out of vocabulary entities from Task 4 of the bAbI dialog dataset

    Hierarchical semantic representations of online news comments for emotion tagging using multiple information sources

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    With the development of online news services, users now can actively respond to online news by expressing subjective emotions, which can help us understand the predilections and opinions of an individual user, and help news publishers to provide more relevant services. Neural network methods have achieved promising results, but still have challenges in the field of emotion tagging. Firstly, these methods regard the whole document as a stream or bag of words and can't encode the intrinsic relations between sentences. So these methods cannot properly express the semantic meaning of the document in which sentences may have logical relations. Secondly, these methods only use semantics of the document itself, while ignoring the accompanying information sources, which can significantly influence the interpretation of the sentiment contained in documents. Therefore, this paper presents a hierarchical semantic representation model of news comments using multiple information sources, called Hierarchical Semantic Neural Network (HSNN). In particular, we begin with a novel neural network model to learn document representation in a bottom-up way, capturing not only the semantics within sentence but also semantics or logical relations between sentences. On top of this, we tackle the task of predicting emotions for online news comments by exploiting multiple information sources including the content of comments, the content of news articles, and the user-generated emotion votes. A series of experiments and tests on real-world datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed approach

    A Review of Text Corpus-Based Tourism Big Data Mining

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    With the massive growth of the Internet, text data has become one of the main formats of tourism big data. As an effective expression means of tourists’ opinions, text mining of such data has big potential to inspire innovations for tourism practitioners. In the past decade, a variety of text mining techniques have been proposed and applied to tourism analysis to develop tourism value analysis models, build tourism recommendation systems, create tourist profiles, and make policies for supervising tourism markets. The successes of these techniques have been further boosted by the progress of natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and deep learning. With the understanding of the complexity due to this diverse set of techniques and tourism text data sources, this work attempts to provide a detailed and up-to-date review of text mining techniques that have been, or have the potential to be, applied to modern tourism big data analysis. We summarize and discuss different text representation strategies, text-based NLP techniques for topic extraction, text classification, sentiment analysis, and text clustering in the context of tourism text mining, and their applications in tourist profiling, destination image analysis, market demand, etc. Our work also provides guidelines for constructing new tourism big data applications and outlines promising research areas in this field for incoming years

    A Review of Text Corpus-Based Tourism Big Data Mining

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    With the massive growth of the Internet, text data has become one of the main formats of tourism big data. As an effective expression means of tourists’ opinions, text mining of such data has big potential to inspire innovations for tourism practitioners. In the past decade, a variety of text mining techniques have been proposed and applied to tourism analysis to develop tourism value analysis models, build tourism recommendation systems, create tourist profiles, and make policies for supervising tourism markets. The successes of these techniques have been further boosted by the progress of natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and deep learning. With the understanding of the complexity due to this diverse set of techniques and tourism text data sources, this work attempts to provide a detailed and up-to-date review of text mining techniques that have been, or have the potential to be, applied to modern tourism big data analysis. We summarize and discuss different text representation strategies, text-based NLP techniques for topic extraction, text classification, sentiment analysis, and text clustering in the context of tourism text mining, and their applications in tourist profiling, destination image analysis, market demand, etc. Our work also provides guidelines for constructing new tourism big data applications and outlines promising research areas in this field for incoming years

    Exploiting Emotions via Composite Pretrained Embedding and Ensemble Language Model

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    Decisions in the modern era are based on more than just the available data; they also incorporate feedback from online sources. Processing reviews known as Sentiment analysis (SA) or Emotion analysis. Understanding the user's perspective and routines is crucial now-a-days for multiple reasons. It is used by both businesses and governments to make strategic decisions. Various architectural and vector embedding strategies have been developed for SA processing. Accurate representation of text is crucial for automatic SA. Due to the large number of languages spoken and written,  polysemy and syntactic or semantic issues were common. To get around these problems, we developed effective composite embedding (ECE), a method that combines the advantages of vector embedding techniques that are either context-independent (like glove & fasttext) or context-aware (like  XLNet) to effectively represent the features needed for processing.  To improve the performace towards emotion or  sentiment we proposed stacked ensemble model of deep lanugae models.ECE with Ensembled model is evaluated on balanced  dataset to prove that it is a reliable embedding technique and a generalised model for SA.In order to evaluate ECE, cutting-edge ML and Deep net language models are deployed and comapared. The model is evaluated using benchmark datset such as  MR, Kindle along with realtime tweet dataset of user complaints . LIME is used to verify the model's predictions and to provide statistical results for sentence.The model with ECE embedding provides state-of-art results with real time dataset as well
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