4 research outputs found

    Modern Computational Techniques for the HMMER Sequence Analysis

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    Automated Genome-Wide Protein Domain Exploration

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    Exploiting the exponentially growing genomics and proteomics data requires high quality, automated analysis. Protein domain modeling is a key area of molecular biology as it unravels the mysteries of evolution, protein structures, and protein functions. A plethora of sequences exist in protein databases with incomplete domain knowledge. Hence this research explores automated bioinformatics tools for faster protein domain analysis. Automated tool chains described in this dissertation generate new protein domain models thus enabling more effective genome-wide protein domain analysis. To validate the new tool chains, the Shewanella oneidensis and Escherichia coli genomes were processed, resulting in a new peptide domain database, detection of poor domain models, and identification of likely new domains. The automated tool chains will require months or years to model a small genome when executing on a single workstation. Therefore the dissertation investigates approaches with grid computing and parallel processing to significantly accelerate these bioinformatics tool chains

    Parallelization of dynamic programming recurrences in computational biology

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    The rapid growth of biosequence databases over the last decade has led to a performance bottleneck in the applications analyzing them. In particular, over the last five years DNA sequencing capacity of next-generation sequencers has been doubling every six months as costs have plummeted. The data produced by these sequencers is overwhelming traditional compute systems. We believe that in the future compute performance, not sequencing, will become the bottleneck in advancing genome science. In this work, we investigate novel computing platforms to accelerate dynamic programming algorithms, which are popular in bioinformatics workloads. We study algorithm-specific hardware architectures that exploit fine-grained parallelism in dynamic programming kernels using field-programmable gate arrays: FPGAs). We advocate a high-level synthesis approach, using the recurrence equation abstraction to represent dynamic programming and polyhedral analysis to exploit parallelism. We suggest a novel technique within the polyhedral model to optimize for throughput by pipelining independent computations on an array. This design technique improves on the state of the art, which builds latency-optimal arrays. We also suggest a method to dynamically switch between a family of designs using FPGA reconfiguration to achieve a significant performance boost. We have used polyhedral methods to parallelize the Nussinov RNA folding algorithm to build a family of accelerators that can trade resources for parallelism and are between 15-130x faster than a modern dual core CPU implementation. A Zuker RNA folding accelerator we built on a single workstation with four Xilinx Virtex 4 FPGAs outperforms 198 3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processors. Furthermore, our design running on a single FPGA is an order of magnitude faster than competing implementations on similar-generation FPGAs and graphics processors. Our work is a step toward the goal of automated synthesis of hardware accelerators for dynamic programming algorithms