7,810 research outputs found

    Your Friends Mention It. What About Visiting It? A Mobile Social-Based Sightseeing Application

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    In this short poster paper, we present an application for suggesting attractions to be visited by users, based on social signal processing technique

    Encouraging persons to visit cultural sites through mini-games

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    Gamification has been recently proposed as a technique to improve user engagement in different activities, including visits to cultural sites and cultural tourism in general. We present the design, development and initial validation of the NEPTIS Poleis system, which consists of a mobile application and a Web interface for curators, allowing the definition, and subsequent fruition by users, of different minigames suitable for open-air assets

    3D visualization tools to explore ancient architectures in South America

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    [EN] Chan Chan is a wide archaeological site located in Peru. Its knowledge is limited to the visit of Palacio Tschudi, the only restored up to now, whilst the majority of the site remains unknown to the visitors. The reasons are manifold. The site is very large and difficult to visit. Some well-conserved architectures, such as Huaca Arco Iris, are very far from the core centre. Furthermore, there are heavy factors of decay, mainly caused by illegal excavations, by marine salt and by the devastating phenomenon of El Niño. For these reasons, the majority of the decorative elements are protected by new mud brick walls. Finally, the vastness of the buildings makes difficult to understand their real value, even through a direct visit of the site. In order to overcome the aforesaid problems, we designed, developed and realized the museum exhibition presented in this paper. We named Esquina Multimedia an installation where every corner is aimed to solve a specific problem, providing the tourists with interactive and enjoyable applications. The virtual tour allows reaching also the unreachable areas. An Augmented Reality (AR) application has been developed in order to show ancient artefacts covered by the earth. A web-browser has been specifically designed to show bas-reliefs, with HD visualization, anaglyph stereoscopic view and a 3D virtual model of both the structures and the bas-reliefs. At the same time, a wall-mounted panel representing a metric 3D reconstruction of the building helps the user to find the artefact position. Descriptions of the hardware components and of the software details are presented, with particular focus regarding the implementation of the application, arguing how the digital approach could represent the only answer towards a full exploitation of archaeological sites. The paper also deals with the implementation of a web tool, specifically designed to display and browse 3D-Models.Pierdicca, R.; Malinverni, ES.; Frontoni, E.; Colosi, F.; Orazi, R. (2016). 3D visualization tools to explore ancient architectures in South America. Virtual Archaeology Review. 7(15):44-53. doi:10.4995/var.2016.5904.SWORD445371

    Towards a 3D digital model for management and fruition of Ducal Palace at Urbino. An integrated survey with mobile mapping

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    none1noThe digitization is the first feat of safety, knowledge and management of Cultural Heritage. The technological development has produced a complexity increase to manage the big data acquired. This paper shows the best practices for the digitization of a museum (National Gallery of Marche), hosted in a historical and complex building: it's a problem of contents and "container" (the Urbino Ducal Palace = a city in the appearance of a Palace). This is the case study of the first challenging aim of the CIVITAS project. The digitization workflow has combined the several sensors and technology at different scales, such as static and mobile wearable laser scanners systems, the different focals for internal and external cameras, 360 panoramas and HD images. The goal achieved is the new 3D digital model, validated and with high accuracy, containing big 3D data, as starting point of HBIM, Serious Games, VR/AR applications.openNespeca R.Nespeca, R

    Internet of things: why we are not there yet

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    Twenty-one years past since Weiser’s vision of ubiquitous computing (UbiComp) has been written, and it is yet to be fully fulfilled despite of almost all the needed technologies already available. Still, the widespread interest in UbiComp and the results in some of its fields pose a question: why we are not there yet? It seems we miss the ‘octopus’ head. In this paper, we will try to depict the reasons why we are not there yet, from three different points of view: interaction media, device integration and applications

    Heritage education through serious games. A web-based proposal for primary schools to cope with distance learning

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    [EN] In recent years a growing amount of research has shown interest in studying how virtual reality (VR) could be relevant in many fields. In this respect, VR has gained consideration throughout many applications such as education. Among other aims for its use in education, serious games based on VR were used to promote heritage and make students experience either far or inaccessible scenarios. Until now, VR-based applications have been mainly implemented using head mounted displays (HMD), which actually reduced their circulation. This gap is particularly remarkable in the current Sars-CoV19 pandemic because students, being at home or being at school without sharing equipment, cannot exploit educational programs based on this technology. The current paper proposes a web-based platform on which VR applications could be accessed on any device, either desktop- or mobile-based. The serious game was initially set up on a computer with a specialized software using a HMD, while the process of turning it into a web-based platform is described so that the used methodology could be available to those, who would like to follow it. This project is probably also able to cope with the general aim of making inaccessible objects available to students and, thus, to make the application useful even beyond the current pandemic emergency.The VAR.HEE. project – Virtual and Augmented Reality for Heritage and art Education in school and museum Experiences – was funded by the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano with a competitive call for proposals by the Central Research Commission in 2017. The project lasts three years, started in January 2018 and will end in December 2020 (June 2021, after Covid-19 health emergency).Luigini, A.; Fanini, B.; Basso, A.; Basso, D. (2020). Heritage education through serious games. A web-based proposal for primary schools to cope with distance learning. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 5(2):73-85. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2020.14665OJS73855


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    The research purpose is to present a project of cultural dissemination and enhancement of the “Madonna della Pace” Sanctuary at Rocchetta di Airuno (Lecco - Italy), based on an immersive experience of knowledge of the history and places that characterize not only the sanctuary but also the “Cammino di Sant’Agostino” (of which it is one of the stages). The research goal focuses on the direct employment and exploitation of HBIM models for the digital fruition project. An integrated digital survey based on a terrestrial laser scanner and photogrammetry was conducted to provide a complete geometrical representation of the sanctuary and its surroundings. Both output point clouds were employed as metric and geometric references to create the reality-based parametric model. Specifically, the work focuses on creating a three-dimensional chronological model of the sanctuary, which not only represents the current state of the cultural asset but is also enriched through the definition of different evolutionary phases of the architectural artifact based on an indepth study of the photographic and bibliographic documentations. Four Project Phasing has been identified to represent the most significant transformations of the building and were managed using the time parameter in the same BIM project. The sanctuary geometric and parametric models were displayed and navigable thanks to the aid of Virtual and Augmented Reality applications. A VR environment was defined to display in the first person the textured model. Finally, an AR smartphone app prototype was developed to show tourists the sanctuary’s historical transformation over time

    Semantic Brokering of Multimedia Contents for Smart Delivery of Ubiquitous Services in Pervasive Environments

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    With the proliferation of modern mobile devices having the capability to interact each other and with the environment in a transparent manner, there is an increase in the development of those applications that are specifically designed for pervasive and ubiquitous environments. Those applications are able to provide a service of interest for the user that depends on context information, such as the user's position, his preferences, the capability of the device and its available resources. Services have to respond in a rational way in many different situations choosing the actions with the best expected result by the user, so making environment not only more connected and efficient, but smarter. Here we present a semantic framework that provides the technology for the development of intelligent, context aware services and their delivery in pervasive and ubiquitous environments