3,440 research outputs found

    Intrinsic noise induced resonance in presence of sub-threshold signal in Brusselator

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    In a system of non-linear chemical reactions called the Brusselator, we show that {\it intrinsic noise} can be regulated to drive it to exhibit resonance in the presence of a sub-threshold signal. The phenomena of periodic stochastic resonance and aperiodic stochastic resonance, hitherto studied mostly with extrinsic noise, is demonstrated here to occur with inherent systemic noise using exact stochastic simulation algorithm due to Gillespie. The role of intrinsic noise in a couple of other phenomena is also discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Transient dynamics of a superconducting nonlinear oscillator

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    We investigate the transient dynamics of a lumped-element oscillator based on a dc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). The SQUID is shunted with a capacitor forming a nonlinear oscillator with resonance frequency in the range of several GHz. The resonance frequency is varied by tuning the Josephson inductance of the SQUID with on-chip flux lines. We report measurements of decaying oscillations in the time domain following a brief excitation with a microwave pulse. The nonlinearity of the SQUID oscillator is probed by observing the ringdown response for different excitation amplitudes while the SQUID potential is varied by adjusting the flux bias. Simulations are performed on a model circuit by numerically solving the corresponding Langevin equations incorporating the SQUID potential at the experimental temperature and using parameters obtained from separate measurements characterizing the SQUID oscillator. Simulations are in good agreement with the experimental observations of the ringdowns as a function of applied magnetic flux and pulse amplitude. We observe a crossover between the occurrence of ringdowns close to resonance and adiabatic following at larger detuning from the resonance. We also discuss the occurrence of phase jumps at large amplitude drive. Finally, we briefly outline prospects for a readout scheme for superconducting flux qubits based on the discrimination between ringdown signals for different levels of magnetic flux coupled to the SQUID.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Effects of cell cycle noise on excitable gene circuits

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    We assess the impact of cell cycle noise on gene circuit dynamics. For bistable genetic switches and excitable circuits, we find that transitions between metastable states most likely occur just after cell division and that this concentration effect intensifies in the presence of transcriptional delay. We explain this concentration effect with a 3-states stochastic model. For genetic oscillators, we quantify the temporal correlations between daughter cells induced by cell division. Temporal correlations must be captured properly in order to accurately quantify noise sources within gene networks.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Predicting Health Impacts of the World Trade Center Disaster: 1. Halogenated hydrocarbons, symptom syndromes, secondary victimization, and the burdens of history

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    The recent attack on the World Trade Center, in addition to direct injury and psychological trauma, has exposed a vast population to dioxins, dibenzofurans, related endocrine disruptors, and a multitude of other physiologically active chemicals arising from the decomposition of the massive quantities of halogenated hydrocarbons and other plastics within the affected buildings. The impacts of these chemical species have been compounded by exposure to asbestos, fiberglass, crushed glass, concrete, plastic, and other irritating dusts. To address the manifold complexities of this incident we combine recent theoretical perspectives on immune, CNS, and sociocultural cognition with empirical studies on survivors of past large toxic fires, other community-scale chemical exposure incidents, and the aftereffects of war. Our analysis suggests the appearance of complex, but distinct and characteristic, spectra of synergistically linked social, psychosocial, psychological and physical symptoms among the 100,000 or so persons most directly affected by the WTC attack. The different 'eigenpatterns' should become increasingly comorbid as a function of exposure. The expected outcome greatly transcends a simple 'Post Traumatic Stress Disorder' model, and may resemble a particularly acute form of Gulf War Syndrome. We explore the role of external social factors in subsequent exacerbation of the syndrome -- secondary victimization -- and study the path-dependent influence of individual and community-level historical patterns of stress. We suggest that workplace and other organizations can act as ameliorating intermediaries. Those without acess to such buffering structures appear to face a particularly bleak future

    Noise-assisted Thouless pump in elastically deformable molecular junctions

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    We study a Thouless pump realized with an elastically \textit{deformable quantum dot} whose center of mass follows a non-linear stochastic dynamics. The interplay of noise, non-linear effects, dissipation and interaction with an external time-dependent driving on the pumped charge is fully analyzed. The results show that the quantum pumping mechanism not only is not destroyed by the force fluctuations, but it becomes stronger when the forcing signal frequency is tuned close to the resonance of the vibrational mode. The robustness of the quantum pump with temperature is also investigated and an exponential decay of the pumped charge is found when the coupling to the vibrational mode is present. Implications of our results for nano-electromechanical systems are also discussed.Comment: 2 Appendices and figures adde

    Immune cognition, social justice and asthma: structured stress and the developing immune system

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    We explore the implications of IR Cohen's work on immune cognition for understanding rising rates of asthma morbidity and mortality in the US. Immune cognition is conjoined with central nervous system cognition, and with the cognitive function of the embedding sociocultural networks by which individuals are acculturated and through which they work with others to meet challenges of threat and opportunity. Using a mathematical model, we find that externally- imposed patterns of 'structured stress' can, through their effect on a child's socioculture, become synergistic with the development of immune cognition, triggering the persistence of an atopic Th2 phenotype, a necessary precursor to asthma and other immune disease. Reversal of the rising tide of asthma and related chronic diseases in the US thus seems unlikely without a 21st Century version of the earlier Great Urban Reforms which ended the scourge of infectious diseases

    Molecular cavity optomechanics: a theory of plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering

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    The conventional explanation of plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering attributes the enhancement to the antenna effect focusing the electromagnetic field into sub-wavelength volumes. Here we introduce a new model that additionally accounts for the dynamical and coherent nature of the plasmon-molecule interaction and thereby reveals an enhancement mechanism not contemplated before: dynamical backaction amplification of molecular vibrations. We first map the problem onto the canonical model of cavity optomechanics, in which the molecular vibration and the plasmon are \textit{parametrically coupled}. The optomechanical coupling rate, from which we derive the Raman cross section, is computed from the molecules Raman activities and the plasmonic field distribution. When the plasmon decay rate is comparable or smaller than the vibrational frequency and the excitation laser is blue-detuned from the plasmon onto the vibrational sideband, the resulting delayed feedback force can lead to efficient parametric amplification of molecular vibrations. The optomechanical theory provides a quantitative framework for the calculation of enhanced cross-sections, recovers known results, and enables the design of novel systems that leverage dynamical backaction to achieve additional, mode-selective enhancement. It yields a new understanding of plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering and opens a route to molecular quantum optomechanics.Comment: Extensively revised and improved version thanks to the hard work and constructive comments of a careful Referee. Includes Supplemental Materia