3,449 research outputs found

    Biases in prime factorizations and Liouville functions for arithmetic progressions

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    We introduce a refinement of the classical Liouville function to primes in arithmetic progressions. Using this, we discover new biases in the appearances of primes in a given arithmetic progression in the prime factorizations of integers. For example, we observe that the primes of the form 4k+14k+1 tend to appear an even number of times in the prime factorization of a given integer, more so than for primes of the form 4k+34k+3. We are led to consider variants of P\'olya's conjecture, supported by extensive numerical evidence, and its relation to other conjectures.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Best possible densities of Dickson m-tuples, as a consequence of Zhang-Maynard-Tao

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    We determine for what proportion of integers hh one now knows that there are infinitely many prime pairs p, p+hp,\ p+h as a consequence of the Zhang-Maynard-Tao theorem. We consider the natural generalization of this to kk-tuples of integers, and we determine the limit of what can be deduced assuming only the Zhang-Maynard-Tao theorem.Comment: 9 pages. Final version. Some minor changes, Analytic Number Theory - In Honor of Helmut Maier's 60th Birthday, Springer, 201

    Almost all primes have a multiple of small Hamming weight

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    Recent results of Bourgain and Shparlinski imply that for almost all primes pp there is a multiple mpmp that can be written in binary as mp=1+2m1++2mk,1m1<<mk,mp= 1+2^{m_1}+ \cdots +2^{m_k}, \quad 1\leq m_1 < \cdots < m_k, with k=66k=66 or k=16k=16, respectively. We show that k=6k=6 (corresponding to Hamming weight 77) suffices. We also prove there are infinitely many primes pp with a multiplicative subgroup A=FpA=\subset \mathbb{F}_p^*, for some g{2,3,5}g \in \{2,3,5\}, of size Ap/(logp)3|A|\gg p/(\log p)^3, where the sum-product set AA+AAA\cdot A+ A\cdot A does not cover Fp\mathbb{F}_p completely

    Dedekind Zeta Functions and the Complexity of Hilbert's Nullstellensatz

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    Let HN denote the problem of determining whether a system of multivariate polynomials with integer coefficients has a complex root. It has long been known that HN in P implies P=NP and, thanks to recent work of Koiran, it is now known that the truth of the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH) yields the implication that HN not in NP implies P is not equal to NP. We show that the assumption of GRH in the latter implication can be replaced by either of two more plausible hypotheses from analytic number theory. The first is an effective short interval Prime Ideal Theorem with explicit dependence on the underlying field, while the second can be interpreted as a quantitative statement on the higher moments of the zeroes of Dedekind zeta functions. In particular, both assumptions can still hold even if GRH is false. We thus obtain a new application of Dedekind zero estimates to computational algebraic geometry. Along the way, we also apply recent explicit algebraic and analytic estimates, some due to Silberman and Sombra, which may be of independent interest.Comment: 16 pages, no figures. Paper corresponds to a semi-plenary talk at FoCM 2002. This version corrects some minor typos and adds an acknowledgements sectio

    Distinguishing eigenforms modulo a prime ideal

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    Consider the Fourier expansions of two elements of a given space of modular forms. How many leading coefficients must agree in order to guarantee that the two expansions are the same? Sturm gave an upper bound for modular forms of a given weight and level. This was adapted by Ram Murty, Kohnen and Ghitza to the case of two eigenforms of the same level but having potentially different weights. We consider their expansions modulo a prime ideal, presenting a new bound. In the process of analysing this bound, we generalise a result of Bach and Sorenson, who provide a practical upper bound for the least prime in an arithmetic progression.Comment: 13 page

    Surpassing the Ratios Conjecture in the 1-level density of Dirichlet LL-functions

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    We study the 11-level density of low-lying zeros of Dirichlet LL-functions in the family of all characters modulo qq, with Q/2<qQQ/2 < q\leq Q. For test functions whose Fourier transform is supported in (3/2,3/2)(-3/2, 3/2), we calculate this quantity beyond the square-root cancellation expansion arising from the LL-function Ratios Conjecture of Conrey, Farmer and Zirnbauer. We discover the existence of a new lower-order term which is not predicted by this powerful conjecture. This is the first family where the 1-level density is determined well enough to see a term which is not predicted by the Ratios Conjecture, and proves that the exponent of the error term Q12+ϵQ^{-\frac 12 +\epsilon} in the Ratios Conjecture is best possible. We also give more precise results when the support of the Fourier Transform of the test function is restricted to the interval [1,1][-1,1]. Finally we show how natural conjectures on the distribution of primes in arithmetic progressions allow one to extend the support. The most powerful conjecture is Montgomery's, which implies that the Ratios Conjecture's prediction holds for any finite support up to an error Q12+ϵQ^{-\frac 12 +\epsilon}.Comment: Version 1.2, 30 page

    Conditional bounds for the least quadratic non-residue and related problems

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    This paper studies explicit and theoretical bounds for several interesting quantities in number theory, conditionally on the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis. Specifically, we improve the existing explicit bounds for the least quadratic non-residue and the least prime in an arithmetic progression. We also refine the classical conditional bounds of Littlewood for LL-functions at s=1s=1. In particular, we derive explicit upper and lower bounds for L(1,χ)L(1,\chi) and ζ(1+it)\zeta(1+it), and deduce explicit bounds for the class number of imaginary quadratic fields. Finally, we improve the best known theoretical bounds for the least quadratic non-residue, and more generally, the least kk-th power non-residue.Comment: We thank Emanuel Carneiro and Micah Milinovich for drawing our attention to an error in Lemma 6.1 of the previous version, which affects the asymptotic bounds in Theorems 1.2 and 1.3 there. These results are corrected in this updated versio