612 research outputs found

    Explicit two-sided unique-neighbor expanders

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    We study the problem of constructing explicit sparse graphs that exhibit strong vertex expansion. Our main result is the first two-sided construction of imbalanced unique-neighbor expanders, meaning bipartite graphs where small sets contained in both the left and right bipartitions exhibit unique-neighbor expansion, along with algebraic properties relevant to constructing quantum codes. Our constructions are obtained from instantiations of the tripartite line product of a large tripartite spectral expander and a sufficiently good constant-sized unique-neighbor expander, a new graph product we defined that generalizes the line product in the work of Alon and Capalbo and the routed product in the work of Asherov and Dinur. To analyze the vertex expansion of graphs arising from the tripartite line product, we develop a sharp characterization of subgraphs that can arise in bipartite spectral expanders, generalizing results of Kahale, which may be of independent interest. By picking appropriate graphs to apply our product to, we give a strongly explicit construction of an infinite family of (d1,d2)(d_1,d_2)-biregular graphs (Gn)nβ‰₯1(G_n)_{n\ge 1} (for large enough d1d_1 and d2d_2) where all sets SS with fewer than a small constant fraction of vertices have Ξ©(d1β‹…βˆ£S∣)\Omega(d_1\cdot |S|) unique-neighbors (assuming d1≀d2d_1 \leq d_2). Additionally, we can also guarantee that subsets of vertices of size up to exp⁑(Ξ©(log⁑∣V(Gn)∣))\exp(\Omega(\sqrt{\log |V(G_n)|})) expand losslessly.Comment: New version contains stronger result, and many new technical ingredients. 45 pages, 2 figure

    New Explicit Constant-Degree Lossless Expanders

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    We present a new explicit construction of onesided bipartite lossless expanders of constant degree, with arbitrary constant ratio between the sizes of the two vertex sets. Our construction is simpler to state and analyze than the only prior construction of Capalbo, Reingold, Vadhan, and Wigderson (2002), and achieves improvements in some parameters. We construct our lossless expanders by imposing the structure of a constant-sized lossless expander "gadget" within the neighborhoods of a large bipartite spectral expander; similar constructions were previously used to obtain the weaker notion of unique-neighbor expansion. Our analysis simply consists of elementary counting arguments and an application of the expander mixing lemma.Comment: Edits to expositio

    Gossip vs. Markov Chains, and Randomness-Efficient Rumor Spreading

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    We study gossip algorithms for the rumor spreading problem which asks one node to deliver a rumor to all nodes in an unknown network. We present the first protocol for any expander graph GG with nn nodes such that, the protocol informs every node in O(log⁑n)O(\log n) rounds with high probability, and uses O~(log⁑n)\tilde{O}(\log n) random bits in total. The runtime of our protocol is tight, and the randomness requirement of O~(log⁑n)\tilde{O}(\log n) random bits almost matches the lower bound of Ω(log⁑n)\Omega(\log n) random bits for dense graphs. We further show that, for many graph families, polylogarithmic number of random bits in total suffice to spread the rumor in O(polylog⁑n)O(\mathrm{poly}\log n) rounds. These results together give us an almost complete understanding of the randomness requirement of this fundamental gossip process. Our analysis relies on unexpectedly tight connections among gossip processes, Markov chains, and branching programs. First, we establish a connection between rumor spreading processes and Markov chains, which is used to approximate the rumor spreading time by the mixing time of Markov chains. Second, we show a reduction from rumor spreading processes to branching programs, and this reduction provides a general framework to derandomize gossip processes. In addition to designing rumor spreading protocols, these novel techniques may have applications in studying parallel and multiple random walks, and randomness complexity of distributed algorithms.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figure. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1304.135

    Testing Small Set Expansion in General Graphs

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    We consider the problem of testing small set expansion for general graphs. A graph GG is a (k,Ο•)(k,\phi)-expander if every subset of volume at most kk has conductance at least Ο•\phi. Small set expansion has recently received significant attention due to its close connection to the unique games conjecture, the local graph partitioning algorithms and locally testable codes. We give testers with two-sided error and one-sided error in the adjacency list model that allows degree and neighbor queries to the oracle of the input graph. The testers take as input an nn-vertex graph GG, a volume bound kk, an expansion bound Ο•\phi and a distance parameter Ξ΅>0\varepsilon>0. For the two-sided error tester, with probability at least 2/32/3, it accepts the graph if it is a (k,Ο•)(k,\phi)-expander and rejects the graph if it is Ξ΅\varepsilon-far from any (kβˆ—,Ο•βˆ—)(k^*,\phi^*)-expander, where kβˆ—=Θ(kΞ΅)k^*=\Theta(k\varepsilon) and Ο•βˆ—=Θ(Ο•4min⁑{log⁑(4m/k),log⁑n}β‹…(ln⁑k))\phi^*=\Theta(\frac{\phi^4}{\min\{\log(4m/k),\log n\}\cdot(\ln k)}). The query complexity and running time of the tester are O~(mΟ•βˆ’4Ξ΅βˆ’2)\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{m}\phi^{-4}\varepsilon^{-2}), where mm is the number of edges of the graph. For the one-sided error tester, it accepts every (k,Ο•)(k,\phi)-expander, and with probability at least 2/32/3, rejects every graph that is Ξ΅\varepsilon-far from (kβˆ—,Ο•βˆ—)(k^*,\phi^*)-expander, where kβˆ—=O(k1βˆ’ΞΎ)k^*=O(k^{1-\xi}) and Ο•βˆ—=O(ΞΎΟ•2)\phi^*=O(\xi\phi^2) for any 0<ΞΎ<10<\xi<1. The query complexity and running time of this tester are O~(nΞ΅3+kΡϕ4)\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{\frac{n}{\varepsilon^3}}+\frac{k}{\varepsilon \phi^4}). We also give a two-sided error tester with smaller gap between Ο•βˆ—\phi^* and Ο•\phi in the rotation map model that allows (neighbor, index) queries and degree queries.Comment: 23 pages; STACS 201
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