14 research outputs found

    Cosine-based explainable matrix factorization for collaborative filtering recommendation.

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    Recent years saw an explosive growth in the amount of digital information and the number of users who interact with this information through various platforms, ranging from web services to mobile applications and smart devices. This increase in information and users has naturally led to information overload which inherently limits the capacity of users to discover and find their needs among the staggering array of options available at any given time, the majority of which they may never become aware of. Online services have handled this information overload by using algorithmic filtering tools that can suggest relevant and personalized information to users. These filtering methods, known as Recommender Systems (RS), have become essential to recommend a range of relevant options in diverse domains ranging from friends, courses, music, and restaurants, to movies, books, and travel recommendations. Most research on recommender systems has focused on developing and evaluating models that can make predictions efficiently and accurately, without taking into account other desiderata such as fairness and transparency which are becoming increasingly important to establish trust with human users. For this reason, researchers have been recently pressed to develop recommendation systems that are endowed with the increased ability to explain why a recommendation is given, and hence help users make more informed decisions. Nowadays, state of the art Machine Learning (ML) techniques are being used to achieve unprecedented levels of accuracy in recommender systems. Unfortunately, most models are notorious for being black box models that cannot explain their output predictions. One such example is Matrix Factorization, a technique that is widely used in Collaborative Filtering algorithms. Unfortunately, like all black box machine learning models, MF is unable to explain its outputs. This dissertation proposes a new Cosine-based explainable Matrix Factorization model (CEMF) that incorporates a user-neighborhood explanation matrix (NSE) and incorporates a cosine based penalty in the objective function to encourage predictions that are explainable. Our evaluation experiments demonstrate that CEMF can recommend items that are more explainable and diverse compared to its competitive baselines, and that it further achieves this superior performance without sacrificing the accuracy of its predictions

    New Explainable Active Learning Approach for Recommender Systems

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    Introduction and Motivations Recommender Systems are intelligent programs that analyze patterns between items and users to predict the user’s taste. Objective Design an efficient Active Learning Strategy to increase the explainability and the accuracy of an “Explainable Matrix Factorization” model

    Tell me Why? Tell me More! Explaining Predictions, Iterated Learning Bias, and Counter-Polarization in Big Data Discovery Models

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    Outline: What can go Wrong in Machine Learning? Unfair Machine Learning Iterated Bias & Polarization Black Box models Tell me more: Counter-Polarization Tell me why: Explanation Generatio

    A Review of Movie Recommendation System : Limitations, Survey and Challenges

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    Recommendation System is a major area which is very popular and useful for people to take proper decision. It is a method that helps user to find out the information which is beneficial for the user from variety of data available. When it comes to Movie Recommendation System, recommendation is done based on similarity between users (Collaborative Filtering) or by considering particular user's activity (Content Based Filtering) which he wants to engage with. So to overcome the limitations of collaborative and content based filtering generally, combination of collaborative and content based filtering is used so that a better recommendation system can be developed. Also various similarity measures are used to find out similarity between users for recommendation. In this paper, we have reviewed different similarity measures. Various companies like face book which recommends friends, LinkedIn which recommends job, Pandora recommends music, Netflix recommends movies, Amazon recommends products etc. use recommendation system to increase their profit and also benefit their customers. This paper mainly concentrates on the brief review of the different techniques and its methods for movie recommendation, so that research in recommendation system can be explored

    An Explainable Autoencoder For Collaborative Filtering Recommendation

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    Autoencoders are a common building block of Deep Learning architectures, where they are mainly used for representation learning. They have also been successfully used in Collaborative Filtering (CF) recommender systems to predict missing ratings. Unfortunately, like all black box machine learning models, they are unable to explain their outputs. Hence, while predictions from an Autoencoderbased recommender system might be accurate, it might not be clear to the user why a recommendation was generated. In this work, we design an explainable recommendation system using an Autoencoder model whose predictions can be explained using the neighborhood based explanation style. Our preliminary work can be considered to be the first step towards an explainable deep learning architecture based on Autoencoders

    Explainability in Music Recommender Systems

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    The most common way to listen to recorded music nowadays is via streaming platforms which provide access to tens of millions of tracks. To assist users in effectively browsing these large catalogs, the integration of Music Recommender Systems (MRSs) has become essential. Current real-world MRSs are often quite complex and optimized for recommendation accuracy. They combine several building blocks based on collaborative filtering and content-based recommendation. This complexity can hinder the ability to explain recommendations to end users, which is particularly important for recommendations perceived as unexpected or inappropriate. While pure recommendation performance often correlates with user satisfaction, explainability has a positive impact on other factors such as trust and forgiveness, which are ultimately essential to maintain user loyalty. In this article, we discuss how explainability can be addressed in the context of MRSs. We provide perspectives on how explainability could improve music recommendation algorithms and enhance user experience. First, we review common dimensions and goals of recommenders' explainability and in general of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), and elaborate on the extent to which these apply -- or need to be adapted -- to the specific characteristics of music consumption and recommendation. Then, we show how explainability components can be integrated within a MRS and in what form explanations can be provided. Since the evaluation of explanation quality is decoupled from pure accuracy-based evaluation criteria, we also discuss requirements and strategies for evaluating explanations of music recommendations. Finally, we describe the current challenges for introducing explainability within a large-scale industrial music recommender system and provide research perspectives.Comment: To appear in AI Magazine, Special Topic on Recommender Systems 202