881,632 research outputs found

    ART-Ada design project, phase 2

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    Interest in deploying expert systems in Ada has increased. An Ada based expert system tool is described called ART-Ada, which was built to support research into the language and methodological issues of expert systems in Ada. ART-Ada allows applications of an existing expert system tool called ART-IM (Automated Reasoning Tool for Information Management) to be deployed in various Ada environments. ART-IM, a C-based expert system tool, is used to generate Ada source code which is compiled and linked with an Ada based inference engine to produce an Ada executable image. ART-Ada is being used to implement several expert systems for NASA's Space Station Freedom Program and the U.S. Air Force

    The Management and Security Expert (MASE)

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    The Management and Security Expert (MASE) is a distributed expert system that monitors the operating systems and applications of a network. It is capable of gleaning the information provided by the different operating systems in order to optimize hardware and software performance; recognize potential hardware and/or software failure, and either repair the problem before it becomes an emergency, or notify the systems manager of the problem; and monitor applications and known security holes for indications of an intruder or virus. MASE can eradicate much of the guess work of system management

    The role of knowledge engineering in information management on the construction site

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    During 1984-1986, a study on information management on building sites was made in the Technical Research Centre of Finland. As one result guidelines for the development of computerized information systems were presented (Salo & Tyrvainen 1985, 1986a, 1986b, Tyrvainen et al. 1987). In the ongoing study "Expert systems on the building sites", further analysis has been carried out as regards the role of knowledge engineering in the enhancement of site information systems. This paper considers both the needs for and possibilities of knowledge engineering in the context of site information management

    The Feasibility of Using Expert Systems in the Management of Human Resources

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    The purpose of this paper is to introduce a decision aid that is being used increasingly in the business world, the expert system, and to begin to examine its potential for human resource management. First, the expert system technology is reviewed, with a special emphasis on the players, those involved in developing and using the system, and the parts, the three main components of a system. This is followed by an analysis of the costs and benefits and the advantages and disadvantages that have been ascribed to expert systems. We conclude this initial research endeavor by presenting some preliminary findings which suggest that employees are willing to cooperate with expert systems, even those that require personal information, and that they see some benefits to using expert systems as decision aids

    Deploying expert systems in Ada

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    As the Department of Defense Ada mandate begins to be enforced actively, interest in deploying expert systems in Ada has increased. A prototype Ada based expert system tool is introduced called ART/Ada. This prototype was built to support research into the language and operational issues of expert systems in Ada. ART/Ada allows applications of a conventional expert system tool called ART-IM (Automated Reasoning Tool for Information Management) to be deployed in various Ada environments with efficient use of time and space. ART-IM, a C-based expert system tool, is used to generate Ada source code which is compiled and linked with an Ada base inference engine to produce an Ada executable image. ART/Ada will be used to implement several prototype expert systems for the Space Station Freedom Program testbeds

    Datacab: a geographical‐information‐system‐based expert system for the design of cable networks

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    Telecommunication networks have evolved over time as a result of technological advances, and network topologies and equipment have become increasingly complex. Expert systems are being successfully applied to the management of telecommunication networks. However, applying expert systems to network design is another especially beneficial yet still not very common approach. In this paper we propose a rule‐based expert system called Datacab. Datacab was developed at Enditel Endesa in collaboration with the Electronic Technology Department of the University of Seville, for the automatic design of hybrid fibre coax (HFC) cable networks. Using data from a geographical information system as input, it automatically generates viable HFC network designs

    Expert system for managing logistic processes

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    The management of resources is one of the three most important areas of management in defense, besides the information management and the human resources management. By defining the concepts of Information Systems, decision support systems, expert systems, as well as their component parts, the possibilities they offer and the way of their functioning, we have made an attempt to present the Logistics Information System as an Expert System. The growing importance and the need for fast, timely and continuous logistic support of military units imposes the need for introducing a computer automated system which will increase the work efficiency and will save time for managers and decision makers at all levels of the Command and Control in the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Macedonia. Having accurate information in appropriate time, especially regarding the availability of material resources, is a prerequisite for effectively managing logistic processes and for successfully performing tasks by military units. Key words: information systems, systems, resources, military, manager, management of resources, logistics, information use, expert systems

    ARGES: an Expert System for Fault Diagnosis Within Space-Based ECLS Systems

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    ARGES (Atmospheric Revitalization Group Expert System) is a demonstration prototype expert system for fault management for the Solid Amine, Water Desorbed (SAWD) CO2 removal assembly, associated with the Environmental Control and Life Support (ECLS) System. ARGES monitors and reduces data in real time from either the SAWD controller or a simulation of the SAWD assembly. It can detect gradual degradations or predict failures. This allows graceful shutdown and scheduled maintenance, which reduces crew maintenance overhead. Status and fault information is presented in a user interface that simulates what would be seen by a crewperson. The user interface employs animated color graphics and an object oriented approach to provide detailed status information, fault identification, and explanation of reasoning in a rapidly assimulated manner. In addition, ARGES recommends possible courses of action for predicted and actual faults. ARGES is seen as a forerunner of AI-based fault management systems for manned space systems

    The place of expert systems in business now and over the next decade

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    Information technology has entered a new generation. In recent years, considerable interest has been focussed on the commercialisation of expert systems, which represent an important application of Artificial Intelligence in the field of Information Technology. Expert systems are now in a crucial stage of development because, although in business computerised systems are not new, expert systems still need time for their applicability and usefulness to be proved. The market for expert systems will not develop if such systems are unable to cope with the demanding applications of business; for example with top management problem-solving and decision-making. This thesis is principally concerned with determining the position of expert systems in business by looking at these major business related issues. [Continues.

    Ground terminal expert (GTEX). Part 2: Expert system diagnostics for a 30/20 Gigahertz satellite transponder

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    A research effort was undertaken to investigate how expert system technology could be applied to a satellite communications system. The focus of the expert system is the satellite earth station. A proof of concept expert system called the Ground Terminal Expert (GTEX) was developed at the University of Akron in collaboration with the NASA Lewis Research Center. With the increasing demand for satellite earth stations, maintenance is becoming a vital issue. Vendors of such systems will be looking for cost effective means of maintaining such systems. The objective of GTEX is to aid in diagnosis of faults occurring with the digital earth station. GTEX was developed on a personal computer using the Automated Reasoning Tool for Information Management (ART-IM) developed by the Inference Corporation. Developed for the Phase 2 digital earth station, GTEX is a part of the Systems Integration Test and Evaluation (SITE) facility located at the NASA Lewis Research Center