21 research outputs found

    University of Glasgow at WebCLEF 2005: experiments in per-field normalisation and language specific stemming

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    We participated in the WebCLEF 2005 monolingual task. In this task, a search system aims to retrieve relevant documents from a multilingual corpus of Web documents from Web sites of European governments. Both the documents and the queries are written in a wide range of European languages. A challenge in this setting is to detect the language of documents and topics, and to process them appropriately. We develop a language specific technique for applying the correct stemming approach, as well as for removing the correct stopwords from the queries. We represent documents using three fields, namely content, title, and anchor text of incoming hyperlinks. We use a technique called per-field normalisation, which extends the Divergence From Randomness (DFR) framework, to normalise the term frequencies, and to combine them across the three fields. We also employ the length of the URL path of Web documents. The ranking is based on combinations of both the language specific stemming, if applied, and the per-field normalisation. We use our Terrier platform for all our experiments. The overall performance of our techniques is outstanding, achieving the overall top four performing runs, as well as the top performing run without metadata in the monolingual task. The best run only uses per-field normalisation, without applying stemming

    Combining Terrier with Apache Spark to Create Agile Experimental Information Retrieval Pipelines

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    Experimentation using IR systems has traditionally been a procedural and laborious process. Queries must be run on an index, with any parameters of the retrieval models suitably tuned. With the advent of learning-to-rank, such experimental processes (including the appropriate folding of queries to achieve cross-fold validation) have resulted in complicated experimental designs and hence scripting. At the same time, machine learning platforms such as Scikit Learn and Apache Spark have pioneered the notion of an experimental pipeline , which naturally allows a supervised classification experiment to be expressed a series of stages, which can be learned or transformed. In this demonstration, we detail Terrier-Spark, a recent adaptation to the Terrier Information Retrieval platform which permits it to be used within the experimental pipelines of Spark. We argue that this (1) provides an agile experimental platform for information retrieval, comparable to that enjoyed by other branches of data science; (2) aids research reproducibility in information retrieval by facilitating easily-distributable notebooks containing conducted experiments; and (3) facilitates the teaching of information retrieval experiments in educational environments

    Report of MIRACLE team for the Ad-Hoc track in CLEF 2006

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    This paper presents the 2006 MIRACLE’s team approach to the AdHoc Information Retrieval track. The experiments for this campaign keep on testing our IR approach. First, a baseline set of runs is obtained, including standard components: stemming, transforming, filtering, entities detection and extracting, and others. Then, a extended set of runs is obtained using several types of combinations of these baseline runs. The improvements introduced for this campaign have been a few ones: we have used an entity recognition and indexing prototype tool into our tokenizing scheme, and we have run more combining experiments for the robust multilingual case than in previous campaigns. However, no significative improvements have been achieved. For the this campaign, runs were submitted for the following languages and tracks: - Monolingual: Bulgarian, French, Hungarian, and Portuguese. - Bilingual: English to Bulgarian, French, Hungarian, and Portuguese; Spanish to French and Portuguese; and French to Portuguese. - Robust monolingual: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Dutch. - Robust bilingual: English to German, Italian to Spanish, and French to Dutch. - Robust multilingual: English to robust monolingual languages. We still need to work harder to improve some aspects of our processing scheme, being the most important, to our knowledge, the entities recognition and normalization

    MIRACLE at ImageCLEFphoto 2007: Evaluation of Merging Strategies for Multilingual and Multimedia Information Retrieval.

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    This paper describes the participation of MIRACLE research consortium at the ImageCLEF Photographic Retrieval task of ImageCLEF 2007. For this campaign, the main purpose of our experiments was to thoroughly study different merging strategies, i.e. methods of combination of textual and visual retrieval techniques. Whereas we have applied all the well known techniques which had already been used in previous campaigns, for both textual and visual components of the system, our research has primarily focused on the idea of performing all possible combinations of those techniques in order to evaluate which ones may offer the best results and analyze if the combined results may improve (in terms of MAP) the individual ones

    MIRACLE at Ad-Hoc CLEF 2005: Merging and Combining Without Using a Single Approach

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    This paper presents the 2005 Miracle’s team approach to the Ad-Hoc Information Retrieval tasks. The goal for the experiments this year was twofold: to continue testing the effect of combination approaches on information retrieval tasks, and improving our basic processing and indexing tools, adapting them to new languages with strange encoding schemes. The starting point was a set of basic components: stemming, transforming, filtering, proper nouns extraction, paragraph extraction, and pseudo-relevance feedback. Some of these basic components were used in different combinations and order of application for document indexing and for query processing. Second-order combinations were also tested, by averaging or selective combination of the documents retrieved by different approaches for a particular query. In the multilingual track, we concentrated our work on the merging process of the results of monolingual runs to get the overall multilingual result, relying on available translations. In both cross-lingual tracks, we have used available translation resources, and in some cases we have used a combination approach

    Research in Linguistic Engineering: Resources and Tools

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    In this paper we are revisiting some of the resources and tools developed by the members of the Intelligent Systems Research Group (GSI) at UPM as well as from the Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing Research Group (IR&NLP) at UNED. Details about developed resources (corpus, software) and current interests and projects are given for the two groups. It is also included a brief summary and links into open source resources and tools developed by other groups of the MAVIR consortium

    Agile Information Retrieval Experimentation with Terrier Notebooks

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    Utilisation of metadata fields and query expansion in cross-lingual search of user-generated Internet video

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    Recent years have seen signicant eorts in the area of Cross Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) for text retrieval. This work initially focused on formally published content, but more recently research has begun to concentrate on CLIR for informal social media content. However, despite the current expansion in online multimedia archives, there has been little work on CLIR for this content. While there has been some limited work on Cross-Language Video Retrieval (CLVR) for professional videos, such as documentaries or TV news broadcasts, there has to date, been no signicant investigation of CLVR for the rapidly growing archives of informal user generated (UGC) content. Key differences between such UGC and professionally produced content are the nature and structure of the textual UGC metadata associated with it, as well as the form and quality of the content itself. In this setting, retrieval eectiveness may not only suer from translation errors common to all CLIR tasks, but also recognition errors associated with the automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems used to transcribe the spoken content of the video and with the informality and inconsistency of the associated user-created metadata for each video. This work proposes and evaluates techniques to improve CLIR effectiveness of such noisy UGC content. Our experimental investigation shows that dierent sources of evidence, e.g. the content from dierent elds of the structured metadata, significantly affect CLIR effectiveness. Results from our experiments also show that each metadata eld has a varying robustness to query expansion (QE) and hence can have a negative impact on the CLIR eectiveness. Our work proposes a novel adaptive QE technique that predicts the most reliable source for expansion and shows how this technique can be effective for improving CLIR effectiveness for UGC content

    Learning to select for information retrieval

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    The effective ranking of documents in search engines is based on various document features, such as the frequency of the query terms in each document, the length, or the authoritativeness of each document. In order to obtain a better retrieval performance, instead of using a single or a few features, there is a growing trend to create a ranking function by applying a learning to rank technique on a large set of features. Learning to rank techniques aim to generate an effective document ranking function by combining a large number of document features. Different ranking functions can be generated by using different learning to rank techniques or on different document feature sets. While the generated ranking function may be uniformly applied to all queries, several studies have shown that different ranking functions favour different queries, and that the retrieval performance can be significantly enhanced if an appropriate ranking function is selected for each individual query. This thesis proposes Learning to Select (LTS), a novel framework that selectively applies an appropriate ranking function on a per-query basis, regardless of the given query's type and the number of candidate ranking functions. In the learning to select framework, the effectiveness of a ranking function for an unseen query is estimated from the available neighbouring training queries. The proposed framework employs a classification technique (e.g. k-nearest neighbour) to identify neighbouring training queries for an unseen query by using a query feature. In particular, a divergence measure (e.g. Jensen-Shannon), which determines the extent to which a document ranking function alters the scores of an initial ranking of documents for a given query, is proposed for use as a query feature. The ranking function which performs the best on the identified training query set is then chosen for the unseen query. The proposed framework is thoroughly evaluated on two different TREC retrieval tasks (namely, Web search and adhoc search tasks) and on two large standard LETOR feature sets, which contain as many as 64 document features, deriving conclusions concerning the key components of LTS, namely the query feature and the identification of neighbouring queries components. Two different types of experiments are conducted. The first one is to select an appropriate ranking function from a number of candidate ranking functions. The second one is to select multiple appropriate document features from a number of candidate document features, for building a ranking function. Experimental results show that our proposed LTS framework is effective in both selecting an appropriate ranking function and selecting multiple appropriate document features, on a per-query basis. In addition, the retrieval performance is further enhanced when increasing the number of candidates, suggesting the robustness of the learning to select framework. This thesis also demonstrates how the LTS framework can be deployed to other search applications. These applications include the selective integration of a query independent feature into a document weighting scheme (e.g. BM25), the selective estimation of the relative importance of different query aspects in a search diversification task (the goal of the task is to retrieve a ranked list of documents that provides a maximum coverage for a given query, while avoiding excessive redundancy), and the selective application of an appropriate resource for expanding and enriching a given query for document search within an enterprise. The effectiveness of the LTS framework is observed across these search applications, and on different collections, including a large scale Web collection that contains over 50 million documents. This suggests the generality of the proposed learning to select framework. The main contributions of this thesis are the introduction of the LTS framework and the proposed use of divergence measures as query features for identifying similar queries. In addition, this thesis draws insights from a large set of experiments, involving four different standard collections, four different search tasks and large document feature sets. This illustrates the effectiveness, robustness and generality of the LTS framework in tackling various retrieval applications