9 research outputs found

    Damage Tolerant Active Contro l: Concept and State of the Art

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    Damage tolerant active control is a new research area relating to fault tolerant control design applied to mechanical structures. It encompasses several techniques already used to design controllers and to detect and to diagnose faults, as well to monitor structural integrity. Brief reviews of the common intersections of these areas are presented, with the purpose to clarify its relations and also to justify the new controller design paradigm. Some examples help to better understand the role of the new area

    Damage Tolerant Active Contro l: Concept and State of the Art

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    Damage tolerant active control is a new research area relating to fault tolerant control design applied to mechanical structures. It encompasses several techniques already used to design controllers and to detect and to diagnose faults, as well to monitor structural integrity. Brief reviews of the common intersections of these areas are presented, with the purpose to clarify its relations and also to justify the new controller design paradigm. Some examples help to better understand the role of the new area

    A new scanning method for fast atomic force microscopy

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    In recent years, the atomic force microscope (AFM) has become an important tool in nanotechnology research. It was first conceived to generate 3-D images of conducting as well as nonconducting surfaces with a high degree of accuracy. Presently, it is also being used in applications that involve manipulation of material surfaces at a nanoscale. In this paper, we describe a new scanning method for fast atomic force microscopy. In this technique, the sample is scanned in a spiral pattern instead of the well-established raster pattern. A constant angular velocity spiral scan can be produced by applying single frequency cosine and sine signals with slowly varying amplitudes to the x-axis and y -axis of AFM nanopositioner, respectively. The use of single-frequency input signals allows the scanner to move at high speeds without exciting the mechanical resonance of the device. Alternatively, the frequency of the sinusoidal set points can be varied to maintain a constant linear velocity (CLV) while a spiral trajectory is being traced. Thus, producing a CLV spiral. These scan methods can be incorporated into most modern AFMs with minimal effort since they can be implemented in software using the existing hardware. Experimental results obtained by implementing the method on a commercial AFM indicate that high-quality images can be generated at scan frequencies well beyond the raster scans

    Minimizing Scanning Errors in Piezoelectric Stack-Actuated Nanopositioning Platforms

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    Application of Multi-Input Multi-Output Feedback Control for F-16 Ventral Fin Buffet Alleviation Using Piezoelectric Actuators

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    Control of structural vibrations has been a popular topic. Use of MFC piezoelectric actuators and co-located sensors allows for an active rather than passive control method. The F-16 ventral fin is susceptible to buffet induced vibrations and is a perfect test structure for active vibration control for flight-testing. The research follows the previous ACTIVE FIN project and improves on the design by increasing the number of actuator layers, available actuator power, and using multi-input multi-output (MIMO) control algorithms. The research involved experimental identification of the ventral fin and its principle strain directions, selection of system components, determination of mathematical plant model, and design and test of control algorithms. The research resulted in a control system suitable for flight, a practical controller design process, and comparisons of different control algorithms to include single-input single-output (SISO) positive position feedback (PPF), multivariable PPF, two-input two-output linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG), and two-input fouroutput LQG. Controller effectiveness on target modes, actuator power consumption, and controller robustness were tested in the laboratory. The laboratory results showed that reductions of 7.4 dB, 17.7 dB, 15.7 dB and 3.2 dB in modes one, two, three, and four respectively were achieved using the MIMO LQG controller while maintaining sufficient gain and phase margins

    Damage Tolerant Active Control: Concept And State Of Art

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    Damage tolerant active control is a new research area related to fault tolerant control design methods applied to mechanical structures. It encompasses several techniques commonly used to design active vibration controllers and to detect and diagnose faults, as well to monitor structural integrity. Brief reviews of the common intersections of these areas are presented, with the purpose to clarify their interrelations and also to justify the new controller design paradigm. Some examples help to better understand the role of the new area. © 2012 IFAC.8PART 16371Int. Fed. Autom. Control Tech. Comm. Fault Detect.,,Superv. Saf. Tech. Process.,IFAC Tech. Comm. Model., Identif. Signal Process. (TC 1.1),IFAC Technical Committee on Mechatronic Systems (TC 4.2),IFAC Technical Committee on Chemical Process,Control (TC 6.1)Balageas, D., Fritzen, C.P., Güemes, A., (2006) Structural Health Monitoring, , ed. 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