535,565 research outputs found

    Computer experiment - a case study for modelling and simulation of manufacturing systems

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    Deterministic computer simulation of physical experiments is now a common technique in science and engineering. Often, physical experiments are too time consuming, expensive or impossible to conduct. Complex computer models or codes, rather than physical experiments lead to the study of computer experiments, which are used to investigate many scientific phenomena. A computer experiment consists of a number of runs of the computer code with different input choices. The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments is a rapidly growing technique in statistical experimental design. This paper aims to discuss some practical issues when designing a computer simulation and/or experiments for manufacturing systems. A case study approach is reviewed and presented

    Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation Assist in Designing Non-traditional Types of Precipitators and Separators

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    The article deals with the application of the method for mathematical modeling and simulation at solving some issues in the area of electrostatic technology. It focuses on the processes in electrostatic separation and precipitation. Computer simulation is highly required for equipment design and for their diagnostics in critical operating states using theoretical calculations and experimental data evaluation. The presented computer models may be applied both by project and design engineers using the most advanced computer-aided design of electrostatic technologies

    Constrained optimization in simulation: a novel approach.

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    This paper presents a novel heuristic for constrained optimization of random computer simulation models, in which one of the simulation outputs is selected as the objective to be minimized while the other outputs need to satisfy prespeci¯ed target values. Besides the simulation outputs, the simulation inputs must meet prespeci¯ed constraints including the constraint that the inputs be integer. The proposed heuristic combines (i) experimental design to specify the simulation input combinations, (ii) Kriging (also called spatial correlation modeling) to analyze the global simulation input/output data that result from this experimental design, and (iii) integer nonlinear programming to estimate the optimal solution from the Kriging metamodels. The heuristic is applied to an (s, S) inventory system and a realistic call-center simulation model, and compared with the popular commercial heuristic OptQuest embedded in the ARENA versions 11 and 12. These two applications show that the novel heuristic outperforms OptQuest in terms of search speed (it moves faster towards high-quality solutions) and consistency of the solution quality.

    Constrained Optimization in Simulation: A Novel Approach

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    This paper presents a novel heuristic for constrained optimization of random computer simulation models, in which one of the simulation outputs is selected as the objective to be minimized while the other outputs need to satisfy prespeci¯ed target values. Besides the simulation outputs, the simulation inputs must meet prespeci¯ed constraints including the constraint that the inputs be integer. The proposed heuristic combines (i) experimental design to specify the simulation input combinations, (ii) Kriging (also called spatial correlation mod- eling) to analyze the global simulation input/output data that result from this experimental design, and (iii) integer nonlinear programming to estimate the optimal solution from the Krig- ing metamodels. The heuristic is applied to an (s, S) inventory system and a realistic call-center simulation model, and compared with the popular commercial heuristic OptQuest embedded in the ARENA versions 11 and 12. These two applications show that the novel heuristic outper- forms OptQuest in terms of search speed (it moves faster towards high-quality solutions) and consistency of the solution quality.

    Application-driven Sequential Designs for Simulation Experiments: Kriging Metamodeling

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    This paper proposes a novel method to select an experimental design for interpolation in simulation.Though the paper focuses on Kriging in deterministic simulation, the method also applies to other types of metamodels (besides Kriging), and to stochastic simulation.The paper focuses on simulations that require much computer time, so it is important to select a design with a small number of observations.The proposed method is therefore sequential.The novelty of the method is that it accounts for the specific input/output function of the particular simulation model at hand; i.e., the method is application-driven or customized.This customization is achieved through cross-validation and jackknifing.The new method is tested through two academic applications, which demonstrate that the method indeed gives better results than a design with a prefixed sample size.experimental design;simulation;interpolation;sampling;sensitivity analysis;metamodels

    A Dual-Beam Irradiation Facility for a Novel Hybrid Cancer Therapy

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    In this paper we present the main ideas and discuss both the feasibility and the conceptual design of a novel hybrid technique and equipment for an experimental cancer therapy based on the simultaneous and/or sequential application of two beams, namely a beam of neutrons and a CW (continuous wave) or intermittent sub-terahertz wave beam produced by a gyrotron for treatment of cancerous tumors. The main simulation tools for the development of the computer aided design (CAD) of the prospective experimental facility for clinical trials and study of such new medical technology are briefly reviewed. Some tasks for a further continuation of this feasibility analysis are formulated as well.Comment: 18 pages, 3 tables, 8 figures, 50 reference

    Customized Sequential Designs for Random Simulation Experiments: Kriging Metamodelling and Bootstrapping

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    This paper proposes a novel method to select an experimental design for interpolation in random simulation.(Though the paper focuses on Kriging, this method may also apply to other types of metamodels such as linear regression models.)Assuming that simulation requires much computer time, it is important to select a design with a small number of observations (or simulation runs).The proposed method is therefore sequential.Its novelty is that it accounts for the specific input/output behavior (or response function) of the particular simulation at hand; i.e., the method is customized or application-driven.A tool for this customization is bootstrapping, which enables the estimation of the variances of predictions for inputs not yet simulated.The new method is tested through the classic M/M/1 queueing simulation.For this simulation the novel design indeed gives better results than a Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) with a prefixed sample of the same size.simulation;statistical methods;bootstrap