8 research outputs found

    OSNR-aware control of optical white boxes on elastic optical networks

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    Asia Communications and Photonics Conferene (ACP) © OSA 2016 Results of optical white boxes on Elastic Optical Networks with adaptive modulation format and symbol rate simulations demonstrate that synthesized nodes improve capacity under low loads while preserving performance of existing ROADMs for higher loads

    Programmable filterless network architecture based on optical white boxes

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    We propose and evaluate a novel architecture enabling high-capacity, resource efficient and agile elastic optical networks. It is based on sliceable bandwidth-variable transponders and optical white box switches which route optical signals without filtering them. Instead of using active filtering components, each node is equipped with an optical white box based on a programmable optical switch that serves as an optical backplane. It provides interconnections between input/output ports and passive splitters and couplers. Due to signal broadcast and the absence of filtering (so-called drop-and-waste transmission), some of the signals appear on unintended links which can lead to an overhead in spectrum usage. To address this issue, we formulate the problem of signal routing, modulation format and spectrum assignment in programmable filterless networks based on optical white boxes as an integer linear program (ILP) with the objective to minimize the total spectrum usage. Simulation results indicate that our proposed solution obtains a beneficial tradeoff between component usage and spectrum consumption, using a drastically lower number of active switching elements than the conventional networks based on hard-wired reconfigurable add/drop multiplexers, and lowering the maximum used frequency slot by up to 48% compared to existing passive filterless networks

    OSNR Aware Composition of an Open and Disaggregated Optical Node and Network

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    A function programmable optical network has been recently proposed to enhance the flexibility of an optical transport based on architecture-on-demand (AoD). The flexible synthesis of optical node architectures provided by AoD enables an open and disaggregated optical layer thanks to the available deep programmability. However, previous studies have focused on how to synthesize a single node out of switching function blocks, thus neglecting the optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) impact, power imbalance effects due to the diverse set of devices traversed per input–output configuration, and network-wide implications. In this work, we present an optical network-wide function synthesis (ONetFuS), which is an algorithm to compose AoD nodes that consider placement and configuration of both switches and amplifiers. ONeFuS minimizes OSNR degradation and deviation across channels and offers enhanced power balance performance. Moreover, ONetFuS addresses multiple-node scenarios to investigate cascading, transmission distance, and networking effects. We compare the number of optical cross-connections computed by our proposal against solutions in the literature. Results in network scenarios, including the number of components, power balance, OSNR variations, and OSNR penalty reductions, prove the suitability of our proposed ONetFuS for open and functional programmable optical networks

    Optical network cost reduction techniques bases on multiple modulation formats

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    Orientadores: Darli Augusto de Arruda Mello, Miquel Garrich AlabarceDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: A utilização de redes ópticas elásticas viabiliza o melhor aproveitamento da infraestrutura óptica já instalada, possibilitando a acomodação da demanda crescente de tráfego. Esta tecnologia combina transceptores de banda variável e arquiteturas de nós de rede flexíveis, baseados em chaves seletoras de comprimento de onda, em um sistema capaz de rotear sinais heterogêneos. Os transceptores de banda variável permitem o ajuste de seus parâmetros de forma a variar formato de modulação, taxa de símbolo e taxa de bit da transmissão de acordo com as restrições impostas pelo canal de comunicação e dispositivos da rede. Contudo, as altas potências necessárias para transmissões de longas distâncias (e o consequente aumento de não-linearidades) e a baixa imunidade ao ruído dos formatos de modulação de altas ordens, são dois importantes desafios a serem superados. De fato, é tema de pesquisa emergente a busca por algoritmos de compensação de não-linearidades de baixa complexidade computacional. Neste trabalho, analisamos duas técnicas de redução de custo da rede baseadas nos múltiplos formatos de modulação proporcionados pelas redes elásticas. As duas técnicas são complementares à complexa compensação não-linear. A primeira técnica é a formatação probabilística que, alterando a probabilidade de envio dos símbolos da constelação, permite o aumento da capacidade de um formato de modulação de alta ordem mantendo-se a energia média do sinal transmitido. A segunda técnica é conhecida por arquitetura sob demanda, na qual os nós da rede óptica são sintetizados de acordo com a demanda por tráfego. No caso da formatação probabilística, observou-se um ganho superior ao da compensação não-linear intracanal perfeita, com uma economia no número médio de transceptores utilizados de até 6,7% analisando-se dados experimentais. Os resultados indicam que a formatação probabilística pode muitas vezes substituir a compensação não-linear, reduzindo significativamente a complexidade computacional do receptor. Já no caso da arquitetura sob demanda, observou-se um aumento da taxa de bit média transmitida por canal para baixas cargasAbstract: The deployment of elastic optical networking is able to extend the lifetime of already deployed optical fibers to accommodate the ever-increasing network traffic demand. This technology combines bandwidth-variable transponders and wavelength selective switch-based nodes with flexible architectures in a system capable of routing heterogeneous signals. Bandwidth-variable transponders can adjust their modulation format, symbol and code rates according to constraints imposed by the communication channel and network devices. However, the nonlinearities generated at the high power levels required by long-distance transmission, and the low tolerance to noise of high-order modulation formats, are two important factors that limit the optical transmission reach. Accordingly, low-complexity signal processing for the compensation of nonlinearities is an active research field. In this work, we analyze two network cost reduction techniques based on multiple modulation formats enabled by elastic optical networks. Both techniques are complementary to non-linear compensation. The first technique is probabilistic shaping, which increases the capacity of communications systems by changing the transmission probability of constellation symbols, while maintaining the average transmitted power. The second technique is known as architecture on demand (AoD), by which optical network nodes are synthetized according to the traffic demand. The results indicate that probabilistic shaping outperforms ideal intrachannel non-linear compensation for a full-spectrum occupation. Our framework, based on theoretical derivations and experimental data analysis, showed to be possible do reduce the average number of transceivers per link in up to 6.7%. In addition, probabilistic shaping replaced non-linear compensation in various scenarios, considerably decreasing the computational complexity at the receiver. The results on AoD, in turn, showed to be possible to increase the average bit rate per channel for low traffic loadMestradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaMestra em Engenharia Elétric

    Enabling Technologies for Cognitive Optical Networks

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    Experimental Demonstration and Benefits of Self-Healing Hard-Wired and Synthetic ROADMs

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    Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics

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    The purpose of the workshop was to present results and original concepts for electronics research and development relevant to particle physics experiments as well as accelerator and beam instrumentation at future facilities; to review the status of electronics for the LHC experiments; to identify and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics; and to promote information exchange and collaboration in the relevant engineering and physics communities