1,039 research outputs found

    A theory of cross-validation error

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    This paper presents a theory of error in cross-validation testing of algorithms for predicting real-valued attributes. The theory justifies the claim that predicting real-valued attributes requires balancing the conflicting demands of simplicity and accuracy. Furthermore, the theory indicates precisely how these conflicting demands must be balanced, in order to minimize cross-validation error. A general theory is presented, then it is developed in detail for linear regression and instance-based learning

    Interactivist approach to representation in epigenetic agents

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    Interactivism is a vast and rather ambitious philosophical and theoretical system originally developed by Mark Bickhard, which covers plethora of aspects related to mind and person. Within interactivism, an agent is regarded as an action system: an autonomous, self-organizing, self-maintaining entity, which can exercise actions and sense their effects in the environment it inhabits. In this paper, we will argue that it is especially suited for treatment of the problem of representation in epigenetic agents. More precisely, we will elaborate on process-based ontology for representations, and will sketch a way of discussing about architectures for epigenetic agents in a general manner

    Theoretical analyses of cross-validation error and voting in instance-based learning

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    This paper begins with a general theory of error in cross-validation testing of algorithms for supervised learning from examples. It is assumed that the examples are described by attribute-value pairs, where the values are symbolic. Cross-validation requires a set of training examples and a set of testing examples. The value of the attribute that is to be predicted is known to the learner in the training set, but unknown in the testing set. The theory demonstrates that cross-validation error has two components: error on the training set (inaccuracy) and sensitivity to noise (instability). This general theory is then applied to voting in instance-based learning. Given an example in the testing set, a typical instance-based learning algorithm predicts the designated attribute by voting among the k nearest neighbors (the k most similar examples) to the testing example in the training set. Voting is intended to increase the stability (resistance to noise) of instance-based learning, but a theoretical analysis shows that there are circumstances in which voting can be destabilizing. The theory suggests ways to minimize cross-validation error, by insuring that voting is stable and does not adversely affect accuracy

    Answering Subcognitive Turing Test Questions: A Reply to French

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    Robert French has argued that a disembodied computer is incapable of passing a Turing Test that includes subcognitive questions. Subcognitive questions are designed to probe the network of cultural and perceptual associations that humans naturally develop as we live, embodied and embedded in the world. In this paper, I show how it is possible for a disembodied computer to answer subcognitive questions appropriately, contrary to French’s claim. My approach to answering subcognitive questions is to use statistical information extracted from a very large collection of text. In particular, I show how it is possible to answer a sample of subcognitive questions taken from French, by issuing queries to a search engine that indexes about 350 million Web pages. This simple algorithm may shed light on the nature of human (sub-) cognition, but the scope of this paper is limited to demonstrating that French is mistaken: a disembodied computer can answer subcognitive questions

    Quantum theory-inspired search

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    With the huge number and diversity of the users, the advertising products and services, the rapid growth of online multimedia resources, the context of information needs are even more broad and complex. Although research in search engine technology has led to various models over the past three decades, the investigation for effectively integrating the dimensions of context to deploy advanced search technology has been limited due to the lack of a unified modeling and evaluation framework. Quantum Theory (QT) has created new and unprecedented means for communicating and computing. Besides computer science, optics, electronics, physics, QT and search engine technology can be combined: interference in user interaction; entanglement in cognition; superposition in word meaning; non-classical probability in information ranking; complex vector spaces in multimedia search. This paper highlights our recent results on QT-inspired search engine technology

    Data conversion and interoperability for FCA

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    This paper proposes a tool that converts non-FCA format data files into an FCA format, thereby making a wide range of public data sets and data produced by non-FCA tools interoperable with FCA tools. This will also offer the power of FCA to a wider community of data analysts. A repository of converted data is also proposed, as a consistent resource of public data for analysis and for the testing, evaluation and comparison of FCA tools and algorithms.</p