14 research outputs found

    Control of bipedal locomotion with a neural oscillator-based brain-computer interface

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    This study proposes a neural oscillator-based brain–computer interface (BCI) that controls a bipedal neuromusculoskeletal (NMS) model by inputting electroencephalogram (EEG) signals.In this BCI system, while the bipedal NMS system realizes bipedal locomotion through internal entrainment among neural oscillators and a musculoskeletal system, the locomotion of the system is controlled via external entrainment of the neural oscillators to the external input of EEG signals.As the first step in developing the neural oscillator-based BCI controlling a bipedal NMS model, exploratory numerical simulations were conducted to investigate the behavior of the proposed BCI when sinusoidal waves and alpha waves were inputted.The following tendencies were observed: (a) inputting sinusoidal waves with small amplitudes and high frequencies did not affect the natural walking behavior of the bipedal NMS model that was generated by including only offset values in the external input, (b) inputting sinusoidal waves with small amplitudes and low frequencies disturbed and decelerated the walking behavior, (c) inputting sinusoidal waves with large amplitudes accelerated the walking behavior, (d) inputting sinusoidal waves with large amplitudes and a particular frequency changed walking behavior to running behavior, (e) changing the external input of alpha waves between an eyes-open condition and an eyes-closed condition successfully changed the walking behavior.The eyes-open condition led to faster walking compared with the eyes-closed condition

    Modeling, Simulation and Control of the Walking of Biped Robotic Devices, Part II: Rectilinear Walking

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    This is the second part of a three-part paper. It extends to the free walking results of a previous work on postural equilibrium of a lower limb exoskeleton for rehabilitation exercises. A classical approach has been adopted to design gait (zero moment point (ZMP), linearized inverted pendulum theory, inverse kinematics obtained through the pseudo-inverse of Jacobian matrices). While several ideas exploited here can be found in other papers of the literature, e.g., whole-body coordination, our contribution is the simplicity of the whole control approach that originates logically from a common root. (1) The approximation of the unilateral foot/feet-ground contacts with non-holonomic constraints leads naturally to a modeling and control design that implements a two-phase switching system. The approach is facilitated by Kane’s method and tools as described in Part I. (2) The Jacobian matrix is used to transfer from the Cartesian to the joint space a greater number of variables for redundancy than the degrees of freedom (DOF). We call it the extended Jacobian matrix. Redundancy and the prioritization of postural tasks is approached with weighted least squares. The singularity of the kinematics when knees are fully extended is solved very simply by fake knee joint velocities. (3) Compliance with the contact and accommodation of the swing foot on an uneven ground, when switching from single to double stance, and the transfer of weight from one foot to the other in double stance are approached by exploiting force/torque expressions returned from the constraints. (4) In the center of gravity (COG)/ZMP loop for equilibrium, an extended estimator, based on the linearized inverted pendulum, is adopted to cope with external force disturbances and unmodeled dynamics. Part II treats rectilinear walking, while Part III discusses turning while walking

    Adaptive, fast walking in a biped robot under neuronal control and learning

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    Human walking is a dynamic, partly self-stabilizing process relying on the interaction of the biomechanical design with its neuronal control. The coordination of this process is a very difficult problem, and it has been suggested that it involves a hierarchy of levels, where the lower ones, e.g., interactions between muscles and the spinal cord, are largely autonomous, and where higher level control (e.g., cortical) arises only pointwise, as needed. This requires an architecture of several nested, sensori–motor loops where the walking process provides feedback signals to the walker's sensory systems, which can be used to coordinate its movements. To complicate the situation, at a maximal walking speed of more than four leg-lengths per second, the cycle period available to coordinate all these loops is rather short. In this study we present a planar biped robot, which uses the design principle of nested loops to combine the self-stabilizing properties of its biomechanical design with several levels of neuronal control. Specifically, we show how to adapt control by including online learning mechanisms based on simulated synaptic plasticity. This robot can walk with a high speed (> 3.0 leg length/s), self-adapting to minor disturbances, and reacting in a robust way to abruptly induced gait changes. At the same time, it can learn walking on different terrains, requiring only few learning experiences. This study shows that the tight coupling of physical with neuronal control, guided by sensory feedback from the walking pattern itself, combined with synaptic learning may be a way forward to better understand and solve coordination problems in other complex motor tasks

    Quadruped locomotion reference synthesis wıth central pattern generators tuned by evolutionary algorithms

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    With the recent advances in sensing, actuating and communication tecnologies and in theory for control and navigation; mobile robotic platforms are seen more promising than ever. This is so for many fields ranging from search and rescue in earthquake sites to military applications. Autonomous or teleoperated land vehicles make a major class of these mobile platforms. Legged robots, with their potential virtues in obstacle avoidance and cross-country capabilities stand out for applications on rugged terrain. In the nature, there are a lot of examples where four-legged anatomy embraces both speed and climbing characteristics. This thesis is on the locomotion reference generation of quadruped robots. Reference generation plays a vital role for the success of the locomotion controller. It involves the timing of the steps and the selection of various spatial parameters. The generated references should be suitable to be followed. They should not be over-demanding to cause the robot fall by loosing its balance. Nature tells that the pattern of the steps, that is, the gait, also changes with the speed of locomotion. A well-planned reference generation algorithm should take gait transitions into account. Central Pattern Generators (CPG) are biologically-inspired tools for legged-robot locomotion reference generation. They represent one of the main stream quadruped robot locomotion synthesis approaches, along with Zero Moment Point (ZMP) based techniques and trial–and–error methods. CPGs stand out with their natural convenience for gait transitions. This is so because of the stable limit cycle behavior inhertent in their structure. However, the parameter selection and tuning of this type of reference generators is difficult. Often, trial–and–error iterations are employed to obtain suitable parameters. The background of complicated dynamics and difficulties in reference generation makes automatic tuning of CPGs an interesting area of research. A natural command for a legged robot is the speed of its locomotion. When considered from kinematics point of view, there is no unique set of walking parameters which yield a given desired speed. However, some of the solutions can be more suitable for a stable walk, whereas others may lead to instability and cause robot to fall. This thesis proposes a quadruped gait tuning method based on evolutionary methods. A velocity command is given as the input to the system. A CPG based reference generation method is employed. 3D full-dynamics locomotion simulations with a 16-degrees-of-freedom (DOF) quadruped robot model are performed to assess the fitness of artificial populations. The fitness is measured by three different cost functions. The first cost function measures the amount of support the simulated quadruped receives from torsional virtual springs and dampers opposing the changes in body orientation, whereas the second one is a measure of energy efficiency in the locomotion. The third cost function is a combination of the firs two. Tuning results with the three cost functions are obtained and compared. Cross-over and mutation mechanisms generate new populations. Simulation results verify the merits of the proposed reference generation and tuning method

    Biped robot reference generation with natural ZMP trajectories

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    Humanoid robotics attracted the attention of many researchers in the past 35 years. The motivation for research is the suitability of the biped structure for tasks in human environments. The control of humanoid robots is challenging due to its complex dynamics. Walking reference trajectory generation is a key problem. A criterion used for the reference generation is that the reference trajectory should be suitable to be followed by the robot with its natural dynamics and minimal control intervention. Reference generation techniques with the so-called Linear Inverted Pendulum Model (LIPM) are based on this idea. The Zero Moment Point (ZMP) Criterion is widely employed in the stability analysis of biped robot walk. Improved LIPM based reference generation methods obtained by applying the ZMP Criterion are also reported. In these methods, the ZMP during a stepping motion is kept fixed in the middle of the supporting foot sole, which lacks naturalness. In fact, the ZMP in the human walk does not stay fixed, but it moves under the supporting foot. This thesis proposes a LIPM based reference generation algorithm that uses ZMP references which have double support phase and are also natural since moving ZMP references for single support phase are used. The application of Fourier series approximation simplifies the solution and it generates a smooth ZMP reference. Trajectory and force control methods for locomotion are devised and applied too. The developed techniques are tested through simulation with a 12-DOF biped robot model. The results obtained are promising for implementations

    Push Recovery Through Walking Phase Modification for Bipedal Locomotion

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