664 research outputs found

    A Demonstration of LISA Laser Communication

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    Over the past few years questions have been raised concerning the use of laser communications links between sciencecraft to transmit phase information crucial to the reduction of laser frequency noise in the LISA science measurement. The concern is that applying medium frequency phase modulations to the laser carrier could compromise the phase stability of the LISA fringe signal. We have modified the table-top interferometer presented in a previous article by applying phase modulations to the laser beams in order to evaluate the effects of such modulations on the LISA science fringe signal. We have demonstrated that the phase resolution of the science signal is not degraded by the presence of medium frequency phase modulations.Comment: minor corrections found in the CQG versio

    A phase-locked frequency divide-by-3 optical parametric oscillator

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    Accurate phase-locked 3:1 division of an optical frequency was achieved, by using a continuous-wave (cw) doubly resonant optical parametric oscillator. A fractional frequency stability of 2*10^(-17) of the division process has been achieved for 100s integration time. The technique developed in this work can be generalized to the accurate phase and frequency control of any cw optical parametric oscillator.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures in a postscript file. To appear in a special issue of IEEE Trans. Instr. & Meas., paper FRIA-2 presented at CPEM'2000 conference, Sydney, May 200

    Field test of a practical secure communication network with decoy-state quantum cryptography

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    We present a secure network communication system that operated with decoy-state quantum cryptography in a real-world application scenario. The full key exchange and application protocols were performed in real time among three nodes, in which two adjacent nodes were connected by approximate 20 km of commercial telecom optical fiber. The generated quantum keys were immediately employed and demonstrated for communication applications, including unbreakable real-time voice telephone between any two of the three communication nodes, or a broadcast from one node to the other two nodes by using one-time pad encryption.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, typos correcte

    Data security in photonic information systems using quantum based approaches

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    The last two decades has seen a revolution in how information is stored and transmitted across the world. In this digital age, it is vital for banking systems, governments and businesses that this information can be transmitted to authorised receivers quickly and efficiently. Current classical cryptosystems rely on the computational difficulty of calculating certain mathematical functions but with the advent of quantum computers, implementing efficient quantum algorithms, these systems could be rendered insecure overnight. Quantum mechanics thankfully also provides the solution, in which information is transmitted on single-photons called qubits and any attempt by an adversary to gain information on these qubits is limited by the laws of quantum mechanics. This thesis looks at three distinct different quantum information experiments. Two of the systems describe the implementation of distributing quantum keys, in which the presence of an eavesdropper introduces unavoidable errors by the laws of quantum mechanics. The first scheme used a quantum dot in a micropillar cavity as a singlephoton source. A polarisation encoding scheme was used for implementing the BB84, quantum cryptographic protocol, which operated at a wavelength of 905 nm and a clock frequency of 40 MHz. A second system implemented phase encoding using asymmetric unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometers, with a weak coherent source, operating at a wavelength of 850 nm and pulsed at a clock rate of 1 GHz. The system used depolarised light propagating in the fibre quantum channel. This helps to eliminate the random evolution of the state of polarisation of photons, as a result of stress induced changes in the intrinsic birefringence of the fibre. The system operated completely autonomously, using custom software to compensate for path length fluctuations in the arms of the interferometer and used a variety of different single-photon detector technologies. The final quantum information scheme looked at quantum digital signatures, which allows a sender, Alice, to distribute quantum signatures to two parties, Bob and Charlie, such that they are able to authenticate that the message originated from Alice and that the message was not altered in transmission

    External Cavity Mode-locked Semiconductor Lasers For The Generation Of Ultra-low Noise Multi-gigahertz Frequency Combs And Applications In Multi-heterodyne Detection Of Arbitrary Optical Waveforms

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    The construction and characterization of ultra-low noise semiconductor-based mode-locked lasers as frequency comb sources with multi-gigahertz combline-to-combline spacing is studied in this dissertation. Several different systems were built and characterized. The first of these systems includes a novel mode-locking mechanism based on phase modulation and periodic spectral filtering. This mode-locked laser design uses the same intra-cavity elements for both mode-locking and frequency stabilization to an intra-cavity, 1,000 Finesse, Fabry-Pérot Etalon (FPE). On a separate effort, a mode-locked laser based on a Slab-Coupled Optical Waveguide Amplifier (SCOWA) was built. This system generates a pulse-train with residual timing jitter o
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