1,102 research outputs found

    Experimental Exploration of Compact Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Non-temporal Real-time Fire Detection

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    In this work we explore different Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures and their variants for non-temporal binary fire detection and localization in video or still imagery. We consider the performance of experimentally defined, reduced complexity deep CNN architectures for this task and evaluate the effects of different optimization and normalization techniques applied to different CNN architectures (spanning the Inception, ResNet and EfficientNet architectural concepts). Contrary to contemporary trends in the field, our work illustrates a maximum overall accuracy of 0.96 for full frame binary fire detection and 0.94 for superpixel localization using an experimentally defined reduced CNN architecture based on the concept of InceptionV4. We notably achieve a lower false positive rate of 0.06 compared to prior work in the field presenting an efficient, robust and real-time solution for fire region detection

    Experimental exploration of compact convolutional neural network architectures for non-temporal real-time fire detection.

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    In this work we explore different Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures and their variants for non-temporal binary fire detection and localization in video or still imagery. We consider the performance of experimentally defined, reduced complexity deep CNN architectures for this task and evaluate the effects of different optimization and normalization techniques applied to different CNN architectures (spanning the Inception, ResNet and EfficientNet architectural concepts). Contrary to contemporary trends in the field, our work illustrates a maximum overall accuracy of 0.96 for full frame binary fire detection and 0.94 for superpixel localization using an experimentally defined reduced CNN architecture based on the concept of InceptionV4. We notably achieve a lower false positive rate of 0.06 compared to prior work in the field presenting an efficient, robust and real-time solution for fire region detection

    Advances in Deep Learning Towards Fire Emergency Application : Novel Architectures, Techniques and Applications of Neural Networks

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    Paper IV is not published yet.With respect to copyright paper IV and paper VI was excluded from the dissertation.Deep Learning has been successfully used in various applications, and recently, there has been an increasing interest in applying deep learning in emergency management. However, there are still many significant challenges that limit the use of deep learning in the latter application domain. In this thesis, we address some of these challenges and propose novel deep learning methods and architectures. The challenges we address fall in these three areas of emergency management: Detection of the emergency (fire), Analysis of the situation without human intervention and finally Evacuation Planning. In this thesis, we have used computer vision tasks of image classification and semantic segmentation, as well as sound recognition, for detection and analysis. For evacuation planning, we have used deep reinforcement learning.publishedVersio

    Direct Learning-Based Deep Spiking Neural Networks: A Review

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    The spiking neural network (SNN), as a promising brain-inspired computational model with binary spike information transmission mechanism, rich spatially-temporal dynamics, and event-driven characteristics, has received extensive attention. However, its intricately discontinuous spike mechanism brings difficulty to the optimization of the deep SNN. Since the surrogate gradient method can greatly mitigate the optimization difficulty and shows great potential in directly training deep SNNs, a variety of direct learning-based deep SNN works have been proposed and achieved satisfying progress in recent years. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of these direct learning-based deep SNN works, mainly categorized into accuracy improvement methods, efficiency improvement methods, and temporal dynamics utilization methods. In addition, we also divide these categorizations into finer granularities further to better organize and introduce them. Finally, the challenges and trends that may be faced in future research are prospected.Comment: Accepted by Frontiers in Neuroscienc

    Verificação facial em duas etapas para dispositivos móveis

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    Orientadores: Jacques Wainer, Fernanda Alcântara AndalóDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Dispositivos móveis, como smartphones e tablets, se tornaram mais populares e acessíveis nos últimos anos. Como consequência de sua ubiquidade, esses aparelhos guardam diversos tipos de informações pessoais (fotos, conversas de texto, coordenadas GPS, dados bancários, entre outros) que só devem ser acessadas pelo dono do dispositivo. Apesar de métodos baseados em conhecimento, como senhas numéricas ou padrões, ainda estejam entre as principais formas de assegurar a identidade do usuário, traços biométricos tem sido utilizados para garantir uma autenticação mais segura e prática. Entre eles, reconhecimento facial ganhou atenção nos últimos anos devido aos recentes avanços nos dispositivos de captura de imagens e na crescente disponibilidade de fotos em redes sociais. Aliado a isso, o aumento de recursos computacionais, com múltiplas CPUs e GPUs, permitiu o desenvolvimento de modelos mais complexos e robustos, como redes neurais profundas. Porém, apesar da evolução das capacidades de dispositivos móveis, os métodos de reconhecimento facial atuais ainda não são desenvolvidos considerando as características do ambiente móvel, como processamento limitado, conectividade instável e consumo de bateria. Neste trabalho, nós propomos um método de verificação facial otimizado para o ambiente móvel. Ele consiste em um procedimento em dois níveis que combina engenharia de características (histograma de gradientes orientados e análise de componentes principais por regiões) e uma rede neural convolucional para verificar se o indivíduo presente em uma imagem corresponde ao dono do dispositivo. Nós também propomos a \emph{Hybrid-Fire Convolutional Neural Network}, uma arquitetura ajustada para dispositivos móveis que processa informação de pares de imagens. Finalmente, nós apresentamos uma técnica para adaptar o limiar de aceitação do método proposto para imagens com características diferentes daquelas presentes no treinamento, utilizando a galeria de imagens do dono do dispositivo. A solução proposta se compara em acurácia aos métodos de reconhecimento facial do estado da arte, além de possuir um modelo 16 vezes menor e 4 vezes mais rápido ao processar uma imagem em smartphones modernos. Por último, nós também organizamos uma base de dados composta por 2873 selfies de 56 identidades capturadas em condições diversas, a qual esperamos que ajude pesquisas futuras realizadas neste cenárioAbstract: Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, had their popularity and affordability greatly increased in recent years. As a consequence of their ubiquity, these devices now carry all sorts of personal data (\emph{e.g.} photos, text conversations, GPS coordinates, banking information) that should be accessed only by the device's owner. Even though knowledge-based procedures, such as entering a PIN or drawing a pattern, are still the main methods to secure the owner's identity, recently biometric traits have been employed for a more secure and effortless authentication. Among them, face recognition has gained more attention in past years due to recent improvements in image-capturing devices and the availability of images in social networks. In addition to that, the increase in computational resources, with multiple CPUs and GPUs, enabled the design of more complex and robust models, such as deep neural networks. Although the capabilities of mobile devices have been growing in past years, most recent face recognition techniques are still not designed considering the mobile environment's characteristics, such as limited processing power, unstable connectivity and battery consumption. In this work, we propose a facial verification method optimized to the mobile environment. It consists of a two-tiered procedure that combines hand-crafted features (histogram of oriented gradients and local region principal component analysis) and a convolutional neural network to verify if the person depicted in a picture corresponds to the device owner. We also propose \emph{Hybrid-Fire Convolutional Neural Network}, an architecture tweaked for mobile devices that process encoded information of a pair of face images. Finally, we expose a technique to adapt our method's acceptance thresholds to images with different characteristics than those present during training, by using the device owner's enrolled gallery. The proposed solution performs a par to the state-of-the-art face recognition methods, while having a model 16 times smaller and 4 times faster when processing an image in recent smartphone models. Finally, we have collected a new dataset of selfie pictures comprising 2873 images from 56 identities with varied capture conditions, that hopefully will support future researches in this scenarioMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Machine Learning for Hand Gesture Classification from Surface Electromyography Signals

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    Classifying hand gestures from Surface Electromyography (sEMG) is a process which has applications in human-machine interaction, rehabilitation and prosthetic control. Reduction in the cost and increase in the availability of necessary hardware over recent years has made sEMG a more viable solution for hand gesture classification. The research challenge is the development of processes to robustly and accurately predict the current gesture based on incoming sEMG data. This thesis presents a set of methods, techniques and designs that improve upon evaluation of, and performance on, the classification problem as a whole. These are brought together to set a new baseline for the potential classification. Evaluation is improved by careful choice of metrics and design of cross-validation techniques that account for data bias caused by common experimental techniques. A landmark study is re-evaluated with these improved techniques, and it is shown that data augmentation can be used to significantly improve upon the performance using conventional classification methods. A novel neural network architecture and supporting improvements are presented that further improve performance and is refined such that the network can achieve similar performance with many fewer parameters than competing designs. Supporting techniques such as subject adaptation and smoothing algorithms are then explored to improve overall performance and also provide more nuanced trade-offs with various aspects of performance, such as incurred latency and prediction smoothness. A new study is presented which compares the performance potential of medical grade electrodes and a low-cost commercial alternative showing that for a modest-sized gesture set, they can compete. The data is also used to explore data labelling in experimental design and to evaluate the numerous aspects of performance that must be traded off
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