7 research outputs found

    How to Stop Under-Utilization and Love Multicores

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    Designing scalable transaction processing systems on modern hardware has been a challenge for almost a decade. Hardware trends oblige software to overcome three major challenges against systems scalability: (1) Exploiting the abundant thread-level parallelism provided by multicores, (2) Achieving predictively efficient execution despite the variability in communication latencies among cores on multisocket multicores, and (3) Taking advantage of the aggressive micro-architectural features. In this tutorial, we shed light on the above three challenges and survey recent proposals to alleviate them. First, we present a systematic way of eliminating scalability bottlenecks based on minimizing unbounded communication and show several techniques that apply the presented methodology to minimize bottlenecks in major components of transaction processing systems. Then, we analyze the problems that arise from the non-uniform nature of communication latencies on modern multisockets and ways to address them for systems that already scale well on multicores. Finally, we examine the sources of under-utilization within a modern processor and present insights and techniques to better exploit the micro-architectural resources of a processor by improving cache locality at the right level

    ATraPos: Adaptive Transaction Processing on Hardware Islands

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    Nowadays, high-performance transaction processing applications increasingly run on multisocket multicore servers. Such architectures exhibit non-uniform memory access latency as well as non-uniform thread communication costs. Unfortunately, traditional shared-everything database management systems are designed for uniform inter-core communication speeds. This causes unpredictable access latencies in the critical path. While lack of data locality may be a minor nuisance on systems with fewer than 4 processors, it becomes a serious scalability limitation on larger systems due to accesses to centralized data structures. In this paper, we propose ATraPos. a storage manager design that is aware of the non-uniform access latencies of multisocket systems. ATraPos achieves good data locality by carefully partitioning the data as well as internal data structures (e.g., state information) to the available processors and by assigning threads to specific partitions. Furthermore, ATraPos dynamically adapts to the workload characteristics, i.e., when the workload changes, ATraPos detects the change and automatically revises the data partitioning and thread placement to fit the current access patterns and hardware topology. We prototype ATraPos on top of an open-source storage manager Shore-MT and we present a detailed experimental analysis with both synthetic and standard (TPC-C and TATP) benchmarks. We show that ATraPos exhibits performance improvements of a factor ranging from 1.4 to 6.7x for a wide collection of transactional workloads. In addition, we show that the adaptive monitoring and partitioning scheme of ATraPos poses a negligible cost, while it allows the system to dynamically and gracefully adapt when the workload changes

    Energy-Aware Data Management on NUMA Architectures

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    The ever-increasing need for more computing and data processing power demands for a continuous and rapid growth of power-hungry data center capacities all over the world. As a first study in 2008 revealed, energy consumption of such data centers is becoming a critical problem, since their power consumption is about to double every 5 years. However, a recently (2016) released follow-up study points out that this threatening trend was dramatically throttled within the past years, due to the increased energy efficiency actions taken by data center operators. Furthermore, the authors of the study emphasize that making and keeping data centers energy-efficient is a continuous task, because more and more computing power is demanded from the same or an even lower energy budget, and that this threatening energy consumption trend will resume as soon as energy efficiency research efforts and its market adoption are reduced. An important class of applications running in data centers are data management systems, which are a fundamental component of nearly every application stack. While those systems were traditionally designed as disk-based databases that are optimized for keeping disk accesses as low a possible, modern state-of-the-art database systems are main memory-centric and store the entire data pool in the main memory, which replaces the disk as main bottleneck. To scale up such in-memory database systems, non-uniform memory access (NUMA) hardware architectures are employed that face a decreased bandwidth and an increased latency when accessing remote memory compared to the local memory. In this thesis, we investigate energy awareness aspects of large scale-up NUMA systems in the context of in-memory data management systems. To do so, we pick up the idea of a fine-grained data-oriented architecture and improve the concept in a way that it keeps pace with increased absolute performance numbers of a pure in-memory DBMS and scales up on NUMA systems in the large scale. To achieve this goal, we design and build ERIS, the first scale-up in-memory data management system that is designed from scratch to implement a data-oriented architecture. With the help of the ERIS platform, we explore our novel core concept for energy awareness, which is Energy Awareness by Adaptivity. The concept describes that software and especially database systems have to quickly respond to environmental changes (i.e., workload changes) by adapting themselves to enter a state of low energy consumption. We present the hierarchically organized Energy-Control Loop (ECL), which is a reactive control loop and provides two concrete implementations of our Energy Awareness by Adaptivity concept, namely the hardware-centric Resource Adaptivity and the software-centric Storage Adaptivity. Finally, we will give an exhaustive evaluation regarding the scalability of ERIS as well as our adaptivity facilities

    Allocation Strategies for Data-Oriented Architectures

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    Data orientation is a common design principle in distributed data management systems. In contrast to process-oriented or transaction-oriented system designs, data-oriented architectures are based on data locality and function shipping. The tight coupling of data and processing thereon is implemented in different systems in a variety of application scenarios such as data analysis, database-as-a-service, and data management on multiprocessor systems. Data-oriented systems, i.e., systems that implement a data-oriented architecture, bundle data and operations together in tasks which are processed locally on the nodes of the distributed system. Allocation strategies, i.e., methods that decide the mapping from tasks to nodes, are core components in data-oriented systems. Good allocation strategies can lead to balanced systems while bad allocation strategies cause skew in the load and therefore suboptimal application performance and infrastructure utilization. Optimal allocation strategies are hard to find given the complexity of the systems, the complicated interactions of tasks, and the huge solution space. To ensure the scalability of data-oriented systems and to keep them manageable with hundreds of thousands of tasks, thousands of nodes, and dynamic workloads, fast and reliable allocation strategies are mandatory. In this thesis, we develop novel allocation strategies for data-oriented systems based on graph partitioning algorithms. Therefore, we show that systems from different application scenarios with different abstraction levels can be generalized to generic infrastructure and workload descriptions. We use weighted graph representations to model infrastructures with bounded and unbounded, i.e., overcommited, resources and possibly non-linear performance characteristics. Based on our generalized infrastructure and workload model, we formalize the allocation problem, which seeks valid and balanced allocations that minimize communication. Our allocation strategies partition the workload graph using solution heuristics that work with single and multiple vertex weights. Novel extensions to these solution heuristics can be used to balance penalized and secondary graph partition weights. These extensions enable the allocation strategies to handle infrastructures with non-linear performance behavior. On top of the basic algorithms, we propose methods to incorporate heterogeneous infrastructures and to react to changing workloads and infrastructures by incrementally updating the partitioning. We evaluate all components of our allocation strategy algorithms and show their applicability and scalability with synthetic workload graphs. In end-to-end--performance experiments in two actual data-oriented systems, a database-as-a-service system and a database management system for multiprocessor systems, we prove that our allocation strategies outperform alternative state-of-the-art methods

    Experimental Evaluation of NUMA Effects on Database Management Systems

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    Abstract: NUMA systems with multiple CPUs and large main memories are common today. Consequently, database management systems (DBMSs) in data centers are deployed onNUMA systems. They serve awide range of database use-cases, single large applications having high performance needs as well as many small applications that are consolidated on one machine to save resources and increase utilization. Database servers often show anatural partitioning in the data that is accessed, e.g., caused by multiple applications accessing only their data. Knowledge about these partitions can be used to allocate adatabase’s memory on the different nodes accordingly: astrategy that increases memory locality and reduces expensive communication between CPUs. In this work, we show that partitioning adatabase’s memory with respect to the data’s access patterns can improve the query performance by as much as 75%. The allocation strategy is enabled by knowledge that is available only inside the DBMS. Additionally, weshow that grouping database worker threads on CPUs, based on their data partitions, improves cache behavior, whichinturn improvesquery performance. We use aself-developed synthetic, low-level benchmark as well as areal database benchmark executed on the MySQL DBMS to verify our hypotheses. We also give anoutlook on how our findings can be used to improve future DBMS performance on NUMA systems.