82,219 research outputs found

    Are HIV smartphone apps and online interventions fit for purpose?

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    Sexual health is an under-explored area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), particularly sexually transmitted infections such as HIV. Due to the stigma associated with these infections, people are often motivated to seek information online. With the rise of smartphone and web apps, there is enormous potential for technology to provide easily accessible information and resources. However, using online information raises important concerns about the trustworthiness of these resources and whether they are fit for purpose. We conducted a review of smartphone and web apps to investigate the landscape of currently available online apps and whether they meet the diverse needs of people seeking information on HIV online. Our functionality review revealed that existing technology interventions have a one-size-fits-all approach and do not support the breadth and complexity of HIV-related support needs. We argue that technology-based interventions need to signpost their offering and provide tailored support for different stages of HIV, including prevention, testing, diagnosis and management

    Supporting people with active and advanced disease: a rapid review of the evidence

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    1.1 Background: the NCSI AAD group The National Cancer Survivorship Initiative (NCSI, 2010) was set up in response to the NHS Cancer Reform Strategy (Department of Health, 2007) as a collaboration between Macmillan Cancer Support, the Department of Health and NHS Improvement, with the goal to achieve a better understanding of the experiences of cancer survivors and to advocate for the provision of services to support them. Within this broad remit, it was recognised that there was a particular group of patients whose needs were commonly neglected; people who were experiencing the ongoing effects of cancer beyond first-line treatment but who were not at end of life. The Active and Advanced Disease (AAD) working group was created to consider issues of relevance to such people. 1.2 Aims of this review This project set out to meet the following aim: To review the literature on selected cancers in order to identify implications for the development of services to support patients experiencing difficulties associated with active and advanced disease

    Unsolicited written narratives as a methodological genre in terminal illness: challenges and limitations

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    Stories about illness have proven invaluable in helping health professionals understand illness experiences. Such narratives have traditionally been solicited by researchers through interviews and the collection of personal writings, including diaries. These approaches are, however, researcher driven; the impetus for the creation of the story comes from the researcher and not the narrator. In recent years there has been exponential growth in illness narratives created by individuals, of their own volition, and made available for others to read in print or as Internet accounts. We sought to determine whether it was possible to identify such material for use as research data to explore the subject of living with the terminal illness amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease—the contention being that these accounts are narrator driven and therefore focus on issues of greatest importance to the affected person. We encountered and sought to overcome a number of methodological and ethical challenges, which is our focus here

    Blogging as a viable research methodology for young people with arthritis: a qualitative study.

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    The development of services that are responsive to the needs of users is a health policy priority. Finding ways of engaging young people in research to gain insights into their particular experiences, perspectives, and needs is vital but challenging. These data are critical to improving services in ways that meet the needs of young people

    Credibility of Health Information and Digital Media: New Perspectives and Implications for Youth

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    Part of the Volume on Digital Media, Youth, and Credibility. This chapter considers the role of Web technologies on the availability and consumption of health information. It argues that young people are largely unfamiliar with trusted health sources online, making credibility particularly germane when considering this type of information. The author suggests that networked digital media allow for humans and technologies act as "apomediaries" that can be used to steer consumers to high quality health information, thereby empowering health information seekers of all ages

    Vocalizing the Vindications of Our Veterans: Evaluating the Needs of Our Returning Soldiers

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    The soldiers of the United States devote their lives, families, and careers in order to ensure our limitless opportunities of liberty and justice. It is therefore our duty, as grateful citizens of America to meet their needs upon return from war. This research evaluates the effects that Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder places on the returning soldiers. This study proposes that in order to support our veterans, there must be established policies that will accommodate for their mental health conditions as well as the required treatments that pertain to such diagnosis. In an effort to evaluate the necessary treatments and conditions needed to properly support our veterans a U.S. veteran was interviewed to discuss his opinion and expedience with PTSD. In addition to this, numerous articles and manuals were referenced. Using this information, a formal definition of PTSD was formulated according to its conditions and criteria. The current methods of treatment and evaluation for PTSD were also evaluated to gain a strong understanding of this disorder. This study also provides evidence as to why PTSD treatments need to be mandated out of concern for both the soldiers as well as the public. With this information the study presents a suggested method of treatment, recommending that the Pentagon should increase “dwell time” and mandate group treatment in between deployments as a part of a comprehensive strategy to reduce the incidence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among returning veterans. It is intended for this work to contribute to future support and aid for our veterans