19 research outputs found

    BBMS + +  – basic bioinformatics meta-searcher

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    In this paper we present a Basic Bioinformatics Meta-searcher (BBMS), a web-based service aiming to simplify and integrate biological data searching through selected biological databases. BBMS facilitates biological data searching enabling multiple sources transparently, increasing research productivity as it avoids time consuming learning and parameterization of different search engines. As a complementary service, BBMS provides insight and links to common online bioinformatics tools. Users’ feedback when evaluating BBMS in terms of usability, usefulness and efficiency was very positive

    Perceived Islamic work ethics and organisational commitment among Muslim engineers in Perak Tengah and Manjung district

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    Many have argued that the productivity and quality of work of Muslim engineers are lower than their non-Muslim counterparts. Islamic Work Ethics is argued as the main barrier for higher productivity. The study aims to obtain the views of Muslim engineers in Perak Tengah and Manjung Districts whether Islamic Work Ethics (IWE) contributes to lower productivity and quality of work by Muslim professionals. The study distributed questionnaires to the 50 Muslim engineers. The preliminary findings show IWE enhances Muslim engineers’ commitment towards their organisations and also work productivity and quality. Thus, the findings rejected the claim that IWE is the barrier for productivity and work quality. Nevertheless, the study found that the “theomorphic potential” of most Muslim engineers in Perak Tengah and Manjung are not fully realized. Such weakness reduces the conscious to be more careful and thoughtful in producing quality work. The study suggests that Muslim engineers should enhance the cognitive (aql’), affective (nafs’) and normative (syariat) aspects of work with Qur’anic-based Islamic values as demonstrated by Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. Future studies should cross examine professionals from other sectors with larger sample size

    Search engine optimization for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

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    This paper shows how Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can implement the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) elements on their websites and make them visible on the search engines. Four SMEs have been considered in this study. Two SMEs had absolutely no web presence whereas the other two had operational e-commerce websites. For the first two SMEs new websites were created, SEO techniques were implemented and these websites became visible on Google. On the other hand, advanced SEO techniques were implemented for the existing e-commerce websites which enabled them to gain higher ranking on search engines for their targeted keywords. On gaining these rankings on search engines the SMEs established their identity on the web, which would ultimately help them attract visitors and prospective clients searching for their products or services on the search engines. By undertaking this process it was shown that the websites' visibility on search engines have a positive contribution for the growth of SMEs’ businesses

    Availability Of Literature On Engineering Ethics In The Internet

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    Internet is becoming a popular tool among career-oriented people. Among professionals, some of the engineers use the Internet in their work to search for information. The study is carried out to ascertain comparative availability of the materials on ethics and engineers in four top Internet search engines (ISE’s). Four ISE’s were accessed on 2 February 2011, from 2.21 p.m. to 4.21 p.m. [Gombak Time] using a combination of selected search terms: education, engineer, engineering, ethics, Islam, professional, research, and training. The search results or hits produced by the selected ISE’s were analyzed using a specially created instrument/format. The study computes relative ratios of the coverage of selected terms in relation to the number of hits for selected terms within each ISE. The ratios are obtained by dividing the hits for a search term or combination into the total hits within each ISE. The results of the analysis reveal that the ISE’s contain the highest frequency of materials on engineers and ethics. The findings suggest to engineering students and practitioners of varying capabilities among the ISE’s used in the study to learn about engineering ethics. Limitations of the study and suggestions for further research are included in the study.   ABSTRAK: Internet menjadi alat yang popular di kalangan staf yang berorientasikan kerjaya. Di kalangan profesional, para jurutera menggunakan Internet untuk mencari maklumat dalam kerja-kerja mereka. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan ketersediaan perbandingan bahan-bahan mengenai etika dan jurutera dalam empat enjin carian Internet (ISE) teratas. Beberapa ISE dicapai pada 2 Februari 2011, di antara 2.21 petang sehingga 4.21 petang [waktu Gombak] menggunakan gabungan terma carian yang dipilih: pendidikan, jurutera, kejuruteraan, etika, Islam, profesional, penyelidikan, dan latihan. Keputusan carian atau ‘hits’ yang dihasilkan oleh ISE terpilih telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan instrumen/format yang direka khas. Kajian itu mengira nisbah relatif liputan terma-terma terpilih tersebut dengan jumlah ‘hits’ bagi kesemua terma bagi setiap ISE. Nisbah diperolehi dengan membahagikan ‘hits’ bagi istilah carian atau gabungan istilah dengan jumlah ‘hits’ dalam setiap ISE. Keputusan analisis menunjukkan ISE yang mengandungi kekerapan tertinggi bahan-bahan berkaitan dengan jurutera dan etika. Hasil kajian menyarankan kepada pelajar-pelajar dan pengamal kejuruteraan bahawa wujud keupayaan yang berbeza-beza di kalangan ISE berhubung dengan potensi bahan-bahan berkaitan etika kejuruteraan. Batasan kajian dan cadangan untuk penyelidikan selanjutnya dimasukkan dalam kajian ini.   Keywords-engineering ethics; internet search engines; literature; training and developmen

    Expert agreement and content based reranking in a meta search environment using Mearf

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    Construção automática de micro-ontologias para a personalização na Web

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    O facto da Web estar a crescer a um ritmo imparável e com uma grande falta de estruturação faz com que os sistemas de recolha de informação atravessem graves dificuldades ao tentarem atingir os objectivos para os quais foram criados. Por outro lado, estes problemas podem ter aspectos positivos visto que nos últimos anos existiu um acréscimo de investigadores a tentar arranjar soluções para os mesmos. Existem várias abordagens para tentar resolver os problemas dos sistemas de recolha de informação sendo que um deles é a personalização e é nesta abordagem que nos vamos focar ao longo desta tese. Os motores de pesquisa existentes nos nossos dias devolvem aoutilizador resultados gerais, ou seja, orientados para a globalidade dos utilizadores. O objectivo desta tese é melhorar a experiência do utilizador no motor de pesquisa, criando um perfil de utilizador e devolvendo-lhe os resultados mais aproximados aos seus gostos. Para isso será recolhida informação do utilizador, como por exemplo, as páginas visitadas bem como as categorias onde estas se integram, a quantidade de tempo que o utilizador passa numa página, a complexidade do texto lido, entre outras. Assim sendo, vamos criar dois perfis de utilizador diferentes, o perfil do utilizador e o perfil de nível de conhecimento do utilizador. Tanto um como o outro serão criados “offline” pois necessitam de alguma quantidade de informação por isso têm que ser criados ao longo do tempo. O primeiro representa os gostos do utilizador tendo em conta o histórico de utilização e o segundo será uma representação do nível de conhecimento do mesmo, tendo como base, como é óbvio, as páginas que este visitou

    WAQS : a web-based approximate query system

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    The Web is often viewed as a gigantic database holding vast stores of information and provides ubiquitous accessibility to end-users. Since its inception, the Internet has experienced explosive growth both in the number of users and the amount of content available on it. However, searching for information on the Web has become increasingly difficult. Although query languages have long been part of database management systems, the standard query language being the Structural Query Language is not suitable for the Web content retrieval. In this dissertation, a new technique for document retrieval on the Web is presented. This technique is designed to allow a detailed retrieval and hence reduce the amount of matches returned by typical search engines. The main objective of this technique is to allow the query to be based on not just keywords but also the location of the keywords within the logical structure of a document. In addition, the technique also provides approximate search capabilities based on the notion of Distance and Variable Length Don\u27t Cares. The proposed techniques have been implemented in a system, called Web-Based Approximate Query System, which contains an SQL-like query language called Web-Based Approximate Query Language. Web-Based Approximate Query Language has also been integrated with EnviroDaemon, an environmental domain specific search engine. It provides EnviroDaemon with more detailed searching capabilities than just keyword-based search. Implementation details, technical results and future work are presented in this dissertation

    Procura estruturada de textos para perfis de utilizadores

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    A dimensão cada vez mais colossal e a falta de estruturação da informação existente na Web, está a fazer com que os sistemas de Information Retrieval enfrentem graves dificuldades no cumprimento dos objectivos para os quais foram criados. Tornase cada vez mais difícil para estes sistemas encontrarem um conjunto limitado e valioso com a informação procurada pelo utilizador. A consciência deste facto ao longo dos anos tem proporcionado um aumento da comunidade de investigadores que se debatem na exploração de diversos temas e conceitos capazes de solucionarem os problemas. Das diversas propostas, as mais promissoras são o clustering dos resultados e a personalização. O clustering permite que a informação devolvida seja organizada em categorias, dando ao utilizador a possibilidade de restringir a sua área de procura com base na escolha das categorias mais apelativas. Por sua vez, a personalização procura escolher automaticamente os resultados que são mais próximos do perfil do utilizador, efectuando uma reordenação da informação de acordo com os interesses de cada um. A comunidade científica ainda não construiu um sistema que fizesse a união das duas metodologias no que toca à personalização e necessária construção de perfis de utilizadores, com base na categorização dos resultados de pesquisas e das respectivas queries introduzidas pelos utilizadores. A criação de perfis passa geralmente pela obtenção das categorias de interesse com base na análise dos documentos lidos e classificados como relevantes para o utilizador. Estas categorias poderiam ser extraídas sem a necessidade de efectuar este tipo de análise de documentos, bastando para isso fazer uma relação entre queries e clusters dos resultados associados a essas queries. Este é o tema da proposta de trabalho apresentada nesta tese. A criação de perfis de utilizadores tendo por base a análise do histórico das pesquisas efectuadas pelos mesmos, bem como a categorização dos resultados para extrair conhecimento oculto e auxiliar a criação destes perfis. Ao serem criados perfis de utilizadores, torna-se possível para um sistema identificar o conteúdo que está mais associado aos interesses de cada pessoa, potencializando-se assim a interactividade entre o sistema e o utilizador