694 research outputs found

    Preparing Students for the Advanced Manufacturing Environment Through Robotics, Mechatronics, and Automation Training

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    Automation is one of the key areas for modern manufacturing systems. It requires coordination of different machines to support manufacturing operations in a company. Recent studies show that there is a gap in the STEM workforce preparation in regards to highly automated production environments. Industrial robots have become an essential part of these semi-automated and automated manufacturing systems. Their control and programming requires adequate education and training in robotics theory and applications. Various engineering technology departments offer different courses related to the application of robotics. These courses are a great way to inspire students to learn about science, math, engineering, and technology while providing them with workforce skills. However, some challenges are present in the delivery of such courses. One of these challenges includes the enrollment of students who come from different engineering departments and backgrounds. Such a multidisciplinary group of students can pose a challenge for the instructor to successfully develop the courses and match the content to different learning styles and math levels. To overcome that challenge, and to spark students\u27 interest, the certified education robot training can greatly support the teaching of basic and advanced topics in robotics, kinematics, dynamics, control, modeling, design, CAD/CAM, vision, manufacturing systems, simulation, automation, and mechatronics. This paper will explain how effective this course can be in unifying different engineering disciplines when using problem solving related to various important manufacturing automaton problems. These courses are focused on educational innovations related to the development of student competency in the use of equipment and tools common to the discipline, and associated curriculum development at three public institutions, in three different departments of mechanical engineering technology. Through these courses students make connections between the theory and real industrial applications. This aspect is especially important for tactile or kinesthetic learners who learn through experiencing and doing things. They apply real mathematical models and understand physical implications through labs on industrial grade robotic equipment and mobile robots

    Mechatronic education at the Faculty of Technical Sciences Novi Sad

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    Nastajanje inženjerskog polja mehatronike privlači pozornost mnogih tehničkih stručnjaka, akademika i vladinih dužnosnika u posljednjih nekoliko godina, na nacionalnoj i globalnoj razini. Glavni razlog za to je da mnogi suvremeni proizvodi više nisu čisto električni i elektronski ili mehanički. Štoviše, oni su integrirani multidisciplinarni proizvodi koji su izrađeni od podsustava koji zahtijevaju inženjersko znanje iz različitih disciplina. Tako sve veći broj sveučilišta nude tečajeve, certifikate i programe na preddiplomskoj i diplomskoj razini u području mehatronike. Ovaj članak predstavlja obrazovni program mehatronike na Fakultetu tehničkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Novom Sadu u Srbiji. Osim toga, u članku je prikazana procjena studenata programa mehatronike. Provedeno istraživanje omogućilo je bolji uvid u mišljenje studenata o ovom programu, a samim tim i vrijedne povratne informacije koje će omogućiti daljnja poboljšanja programa.The emerging engineering field of mechatronics has caught the attention of many engineering professionals, academics and government officials in recent years, nationally and globally. The main reason for this is that many modern products are no longer purely electrical and electronic or mechanical. Moreover, they are integrated multidisciplinary products which are made from subsystems which require engineering knowledge of different disciplines. Hence, increasing number of universities is offering courses, certificates and programs at undergraduate and graduate levels in the area of mechatronics. This paper presents an educational program in mechatronics at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. In addition, student evaluation of the mechatronics program is presented. The conducted survey enabled faculty to gain more insight into student opinions about this program which provided valuable feedback for further program improvements

    America's Next Manufacturing Workforce: Promising Practices in Education and Skills Building

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    The promising practices presented in this report demonstrate some of the most encouraging approaches for education and skill building of America’s new manufacturing workforce. These practices have been selected by a panel of experts from business, government, and education who serve on the MForesight Education and Workforce Development Working Group (EWD). This report summarizes a sampling of replicable and scalable promising practices being pursued to ensure that America builds an educated, skilled, and ready workforce. MForesight has not endorsed any particular product or method in presenting these promising practices, and is pleased to invite learning institutions, professional organizations, and manufacturers to submit descriptions of additional programs and initiatives serving similar purposes. In this way, MForesight hopes to build a community of practitioners and learners to help build an educated, skilled, and ready advanced manufacturing workforce. Concurrently, the EWD will continue its work to translate the key characteristics of these promising practices into policy and investment guidelines for government, industry, and educational enterprises that will support efforts to bring such practices to scale.National Science Foundation, Grant No. 1552534https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145154/1/WorkforceReport_Final.pd

    2022 November 18 -- Board of Trustees Agenda and Minutes

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    I+D+ Educación: nuevas tendencias para la formación del Ingeniero basados en escenarios Inter/Multi y Trans-Disciplinarios"

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    Objetivos de la Presentación ✓ Un vistazo de la Universidad del Sur de la Florida (USF) ✓ Nuevas Tendencias para la Formación del Ingeniero impulsadas por: > Grandes Desafíos para el Siglo XXI - Academia de la Ciencias de la Ingeniería > Iniciativa de las Ciudades Inteligentes > Industria / Fundación Nacional de La Ciencia (NSF) ✓ Compartir la experiencia de la Transformación del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica en USF ✓ Mostrar la importancia de abordar los desafíos complejos de impacto a la sociedad a través del trabajo Multi/Inter/Trans-disciplinario del ingeniero ✓ Exponer la importancia de trabajar en REDES y fomentar la interacción entre la academia, industria, gobiernos, agencias de financiamiento basados en I+D+E (ISTEC) “Student Success is Everyone’s Responsibility....”Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortiu

    I+D+ Educación: nuevas tendencias para la formación del Ingeniero basados en escenarios Inter/Multi y Trans-Disciplinarios"

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    Objetivos de la Presentación ✓ Un vistazo de la Universidad del Sur de la Florida (USF) ✓ Nuevas Tendencias para la Formación del Ingeniero impulsadas por: > Grandes Desafíos para el Siglo XXI - Academia de la Ciencias de la Ingeniería > Iniciativa de las Ciudades Inteligentes > Industria / Fundación Nacional de La Ciencia (NSF) ✓ Compartir la experiencia de la Transformación del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica en USF ✓ Mostrar la importancia de abordar los desafíos complejos de impacto a la sociedad a través del trabajo Multi/Inter/Trans-disciplinario del ingeniero ✓ Exponer la importancia de trabajar en REDES y fomentar la interacción entre la academia, industria, gobiernos, agencias de financiamiento basados en I+D+E (ISTEC) “Student Success is Everyone’s Responsibility....”Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortiu

    ME-EM 2007 Annual Report

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    Table of Contents Research Expansion Research Groups Faculty & Staff Students Alumni Resources Graduates Publicationshttps://digitalcommons.mtu.edu/mechanical-annualreports/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Proceedings of the International Symposium for Engineering Education, ISEE-08

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    An innovative training of production planners through virtual production performing

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    Danas je proces proizvodnje s najmanje zastoja najvažniji cilj upravljanja u svakom poduzeću. Optimizirani proces proizvodnje može se postići s dobro obučenim osobljem i osobito s dobro obučenim planerima proizvodnje. U ovom članku predstavljena je nova strategija treniranja planera proizvodnje za više tipova proizvodnje uz korištenje virtualne tvornice. Također su prikazana dva posebno razvijena parametarska simulacijska modela za tipične vrste pojedinačne i velikoserijske proizvodnje. Svaki model opisuje stvarni proizvodni proces u detalje i tako omogućuje promatranje odgovora na različite ulazne podatke. U prvom koraku ova strategija obuhvaća obuku osoblja, da nauče kako se različiti ulazni podaci odražavaju u izlaznim rezultatima. Drugi korak ove strategije je podupiranje planiranja proizvodnje uz pomoć virtualne tvornice, u kojoj se varijante proizvodnog plana testiraju mnogo ranije nego što se realni proizvodni proces odvije.Nowadays the production process with as few as possible deadlocks is the most important goal of management in every company. An optimized production process can be reached with well-trained personnel and especially with well-trained schedule planners. In this contribution, a new strategy on how to train production planners for different types of production by using virtual factory is presented. Also, two specially developed parametric simulation models for typical make-to-order and large-scale types of production are presented. Every model describes the real production process in detail so that it enables the observation of responses to the different input data. In the first step, the strategy covers the training of personnel so that they learn how varied input data reflect in the output results. The second strategy step is supporting schedule planning by using virtual factory where variants of schedule plans are tested much earlier than the real production process is performed