1,599 research outputs found

    A biologically inspired meta-control navigation system for the Psikharpax rat robot

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    A biologically inspired navigation system for the mobile rat-like robot named Psikharpax is presented, allowing for self-localization and autonomous navigation in an initially unknown environment. The ability of parts of the model (e. g. the strategy selection mechanism) to reproduce rat behavioral data in various maze tasks has been validated before in simulations. But the capacity of the model to work on a real robot platform had not been tested. This paper presents our work on the implementation on the Psikharpax robot of two independent navigation strategies (a place-based planning strategy and a cue-guided taxon strategy) and a strategy selection meta-controller. We show how our robot can memorize which was the optimal strategy in each situation, by means of a reinforcement learning algorithm. Moreover, a context detector enables the controller to quickly adapt to changes in the environment-recognized as new contexts-and to restore previously acquired strategy preferences when a previously experienced context is recognized. This produces adaptivity closer to rat behavioral performance and constitutes a computational proposition of the role of the rat prefrontal cortex in strategy shifting. Moreover, such a brain-inspired meta-controller may provide an advancement for learning architectures in robotics

    Mobile robot transportation in laboratory automation

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    In this dissertation a new mobile robot transportation system is developed for the modern laboratory automation to connect the distributed automated systems and workbenches. In the system, a series of scientific and technical robot indoor issues are presented and solved, including the multiple robot control strategy, the indoor transportation path planning, the hybrid robot indoor localization, the recharging optimization, the robot-automated door interface, the robot blind arm grasping & placing, etc. The experiments show the proposed system and methods are effective and efficient

    Policy-Based Planning for Robust Robot Navigation

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    This thesis proposes techniques for constructing and implementing an extensible navigation framework suitable for operating alongside or in place of traditional navigation systems. Robot navigation is only possible when many subsystems work in tandem such as localization and mapping, motion planning, control, and object tracking. Errors in any one of these subsystems can result in the robot failing to accomplish its task, oftentimes requiring human interventions that diminish the benefits theoretically provided by autonomous robotic systems. Our first contribution is Direction Approximation through Random Trials (DART), a method for generating human-followable navigation instructions optimized for followability instead of traditional metrics such as path length. We show how this strategy can be extended to robot navigation planning, allowing the robot to compute the sequence of control policies and switching conditions maximizing the likelihood with which the robot will reach its goal. This technique allows robots to select plans based on reliability in addition to efficiency, avoiding error-prone actions or areas of the environment. We also show how DART can be used to build compact, topological maps of its environments, offering opportunities to scale to larger environments. DART depends on the existence of a set of behaviors and switching conditions describing ways the robot can move through an environment. In the remainder of this thesis, we present methods for learning these behaviors and conditions in indoor environments. To support landmark-based navigation, we show how to train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to distinguish between semantically labeled 2D occupancy grids generated from LIDAR data. By providing the robot the ability to recognize specific classes of places based on human labels, not only do we support transitioning between control laws, but also provide hooks for human-aided instruction and direction. Additionally, we suggest a subset of behaviors that provide DART with a sufficient set of actions to navigate in most indoor environments and introduce a method to learn these behaviors from teleloperated demonstrations. Our method learns a cost function suitable for integration into gradient-based control schemes. This enables the robot to execute behaviors in the absence of global knowledge. We present results demonstrating these behaviors working in several environments with varied structure, indicating that they generalize well to new environments. This work was motivated by the weaknesses and brittleness of many state-of-the-art navigation systems. Reliable navigation is the foundation of any mobile robotic system. It provides access to larger work spaces and enables a wide variety of tasks. Even though navigation systems have continued to improve, catastrophic failures can still occur (e.g. due to an incorrect loop closure) that limit their reliability. Furthermore, as work areas approach the scale of kilometers, constructing and operating on precise localization maps becomes expensive. These limitations prevent large scale deployments of robots outside of controlled settings and laboratory environments. The work presented in this thesis is intended to augment or replace traditional navigation systems to mitigate concerns about scalability and reliability by considering the effects of navigation failures for particular actions. By considering these effects when evaluating the actions to take, our framework can adapt navigation strategies to best take advantage of the capabilities of the robot in a given environment. A natural output of our framework is a topological network of actions and switching conditions, providing compact representations of work areas suitable for fast, scalable planning.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144073/1/rgoeddel_1.pd

    Topomap: Topological Mapping and Navigation Based on Visual SLAM Maps

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    Visual robot navigation within large-scale, semi-structured environments deals with various challenges such as computation intensive path planning algorithms or insufficient knowledge about traversable spaces. Moreover, many state-of-the-art navigation approaches only operate locally instead of gaining a more conceptual understanding of the planning objective. This limits the complexity of tasks a robot can accomplish and makes it harder to deal with uncertainties that are present in the context of real-time robotics applications. In this work, we present Topomap, a framework which simplifies the navigation task by providing a map to the robot which is tailored for path planning use. This novel approach transforms a sparse feature-based map from a visual Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) system into a three-dimensional topological map. This is done in two steps. First, we extract occupancy information directly from the noisy sparse point cloud. Then, we create a set of convex free-space clusters, which are the vertices of the topological map. We show that this representation improves the efficiency of global planning, and we provide a complete derivation of our algorithm. Planning experiments on real world datasets demonstrate that we achieve similar performance as RRT* with significantly lower computation times and storage requirements. Finally, we test our algorithm on a mobile robotic platform to prove its advantages.Comment: 8 page

    Learning Deployable Navigation Policies at Kilometer Scale from a Single Traversal

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    Model-free reinforcement learning has recently been shown to be effective at learning navigation policies from complex image input. However, these algorithms tend to require large amounts of interaction with the environment, which can be prohibitively costly to obtain on robots in the real world. We present an approach for efficiently learning goal-directed navigation policies on a mobile robot, from only a single coverage traversal of recorded data. The navigation agent learns an effective policy over a diverse action space in a large heterogeneous environment consisting of more than 2km of travel, through buildings and outdoor regions that collectively exhibit large variations in visual appearance, self-similarity, and connectivity. We compare pretrained visual encoders that enable precomputation of visual embeddings to achieve a throughput of tens of thousands of transitions per second at training time on a commodity desktop computer, allowing agents to learn from millions of trajectories of experience in a matter of hours. We propose multiple forms of computationally efficient stochastic augmentation to enable the learned policy to generalise beyond these precomputed embeddings, and demonstrate successful deployment of the learned policy on the real robot without fine tuning, despite environmental appearance differences at test time. The dataset and code required to reproduce these results and apply the technique to other datasets and robots is made publicly available at rl-navigation.github.io/deployable

    Navigation, Path Planning, and Task Allocation Framework For Mobile Co-Robotic Service Applications in Indoor Building Environments

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    Recent advances in computing and robotics offer significant potential for improved autonomy in the operation and utilization of today’s buildings. Examples of such building environment functions that could be improved through automation include: a) building performance monitoring for real-time system control and long-term asset management; and b) assisted indoor navigation for improved accessibility and wayfinding. To enable such autonomy, algorithms related to task allocation, path planning, and navigation are required as fundamental technical capabilities. Existing algorithms in these domains have primarily been developed for outdoor environments. However, key technical challenges that prevent the adoption of such algorithms to indoor environments include: a) the inability of the widely adopted outdoor positioning method (Global Positioning System - GPS) to work indoors; and b) the incompleteness of graph networks formed based on indoor environments due to physical access constraints not encountered outdoors. The objective of this dissertation is to develop general and scalable task allocation, path planning, and navigation algorithms for indoor mobile co-robots that are immune to the aforementioned challenges. The primary contributions of this research are: a) route planning and task allocation algorithms for centrally-located mobile co-robots charged with spatiotemporal tasks in arbitrary built environments; b) path planning algorithms that take preferential and pragmatic constraints (e.g., wheelchair ramps) into consideration to determine optimal accessible paths in building environments; and c) navigation and drift correction algorithms for autonomous mobile robotic data collection in buildings. The developed methods and the resulting computational framework have been validated through several simulated experiments and physical deployments in real building environments. Specifically, a scenario analysis is conducted to compare the performance of existing outdoor methods with the developed approach for indoor multi-robotic task allocation and route planning. A simulated case study is performed along with a pilot experiment in an indoor built environment to test the efficiency of the path planning algorithm and the performance of the assisted navigation interface developed considering people with physical disabilities (i.e., wheelchair users) as building occupants and visitors. Furthermore, a case study is performed to demonstrate the informed retrofit decision-making process with the help of data collected by an intelligent multi-sensor fused robot that is subsequently used in an EnergyPlus simulation. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methods in a range of applications involving constraints on both the environment (e.g., path obstructions) and robot capabilities (e.g., maximum travel distance on a single charge). By focusing on the technical capabilities required for safe and efficient indoor robot operation, this dissertation contributes to the fundamental science that will make mobile co-robots ubiquitous in building environments in the near future.PHDCivil EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143969/1/baddu_1.pd
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