814 research outputs found

    Expected exponential loss for gaze-based video and volume ground truth annotation

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    Many recent machine learning approaches used in medical imaging are highly reliant on large amounts of image and ground truth data. In the context of object segmentation, pixel-wise annotations are extremely expensive to collect, especially in video and 3D volumes. To reduce this annotation burden, we propose a novel framework to allow annotators to simply observe the object to segment and record where they have looked at with a \$200 eye gaze tracker. Our method then estimates pixel-wise probabilities for the presence of the object throughout the sequence from which we train a classifier in semi-supervised setting using a novel Expected Exponential loss function. We show that our framework provides superior performances on a wide range of medical image settings compared to existing strategies and that our method can be combined with current crowd-sourcing paradigms as well.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figues, MICCAI 2017 - LABELS Worksho

    Iterative multi-path tracking for video and volume segmentation with sparse point supervision

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    Recent machine learning strategies for segmentation tasks have shown great ability when trained on large pixel-wise annotated image datasets. It remains a major challenge however to aggregate such datasets, as the time and monetary cost associated with collecting extensive annotations is extremely high. This is particularly the case for generating precise pixel-wise annotations in video and volumetric image data. To this end, this work presents a novel framework to produce pixel-wise segmentations using minimal supervision. Our method relies on 2D point supervision, whereby a single 2D location within an object of interest is provided on each image of the data. Our method then estimates the object appearance in a semi-supervised fashion by learning object-image-specific features and by using these in a semi-supervised learning framework. Our object model is then used in a graph-based optimization problem that takes into account all provided locations and the image data in order to infer the complete pixel-wise segmentation. In practice, we solve this optimally as a tracking problem using a K-shortest path approach. Both the object model and segmentation are then refined iteratively to further improve the final segmentation. We show that by collecting 2D locations using a gaze tracker, our approach can provide state-of-the-art segmentations on a range of objects and image modalities (video and 3D volumes), and that these can then be used to train supervised machine learning classifiers

    Stochastic Methods for Fine-Grained Image Segmentation and Uncertainty Estimation in Computer Vision

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    In this dissertation, we exploit concepts of probability theory, stochastic methods and machine learning to address three existing limitations of deep learning-based models for image understanding. First, although convolutional neural networks (CNN) have substantially improved the state of the art in image understanding, conventional CNNs provide segmentation masks that poorly adhere to object boundaries, a critical limitation for many potential applications. Second, training deep learning models requires large amounts of carefully selected and annotated data, but large-scale annotation of image segmentation datasets is often prohibitively expensive. And third, conventional deep learning models also lack the capability of uncertainty estimation, which compromises both decision making and model interpretability. To address these limitations, we introduce the Region Growing Refinement (RGR) algorithm, an unsupervised post-processing algorithm that exploits Monte Carlo sampling and pixel similarities to propagate high-confidence labels into regions of low-confidence classification. The probabilistic Region Growing Refinement (pRGR) provides RGR with a rigorous mathematical foundation that exploits concepts of Bayesian estimation and variance reduction techniques. Experiments demonstrate both the effectiveness of (p)RGR for the refinement of segmentation predictions, as well as its suitability for uncertainty estimation, since its variance estimates obtained in the Monte Carlo iterations are highly correlated with segmentation accuracy. We also introduce FreeLabel, an intuitive open-source web interface that exploits RGR to allow users to obtain high-quality segmentation masks with just a few freehand scribbles, in a matter of seconds. Designed to benefit the computer vision community, FreeLabel can be used for both crowdsourced or private annotation and has a modular structure that can be easily adapted for any image dataset. The practical relevance of methods developed in this dissertation are illustrated through applications on agricultural and healthcare-related domains. We have combined RGR and modern CNNs for fine segmentation of fruit flowers, motivated by the importance of automated bloom intensity estimation for optimization of fruit orchard management and, possibly, automatizing procedures such as flower thinning and pollination. We also exploited an early version of FreeLabel to annotate novel datasets for segmentation of fruit flowers, which are currently publicly available. Finally, this dissertation also describes works on fine segmentation and gaze estimation for images collected from assisted living environments, with the ultimate goal of assisting geriatricians in evaluating health status of patients in such facilities

    A Positive/Unlabeled Approach for the Segmentation of Medical Sequences using Point-Wise Supervision

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    The ability to quickly annotate medical imaging data plays a critical role in training deep learning frameworks for segmentation. Doing so for image volumes or video sequences is even more pressing as annotating these is particularly burdensome. To alleviate this problem, this work proposes a new method to efficiently segment medical imaging volumes or videos using point-wise annotations only. This allows annotations to be collected extremely quickly and remains applicable to numerous segmentation tasks. Our approach trains a deep learning model using an appropriate Positive/Unlabeled objective function using sparse point-wise annotations. While most methods of this kind assume that the proportion of positive samples in the data is known a-priori, we introduce a novel self-supervised method to estimate this prior efficiently by combining a Bayesian estimation framework and new stopping criteria. Our method iteratively estimates appropriate class priors and yields high segmentation quality for a variety of object types and imaging modalities. In addition, by leveraging a spatio-temporal tracking framework, we regularize our predictions by leveraging the complete data volume. We show experimentally that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods tailored to the same problem

    Attention Mechanism for Recognition in Computer Vision

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    It has been proven that humans do not focus their attention on an entire scene at once when they perform a recognition task. Instead, they pay attention to the most important parts of the scene to extract the most discriminative information. Inspired by this observation, in this dissertation, the importance of attention mechanism in recognition tasks in computer vision is studied by designing novel attention-based models. In specific, four scenarios are investigated that represent the most important aspects of attention mechanism.First, an attention-based model is designed to reduce the visual features\u27 dimensionality by selectively processing only a small subset of the data. We study this aspect of the attention mechanism in a framework based on object recognition in distributed camera networks. Second, an attention-based image retrieval system (i.e., person re-identification) is proposed which learns to focus on the most discriminative regions of the person\u27s image and process those regions with higher computation power using a deep convolutional neural network. Furthermore, we show how visualizing the attention maps can make deep neural networks more interpretable. In other words, by visualizing the attention maps we can observe the regions of the input image where the neural network relies on, in order to make a decision. Third, a model for estimating the importance of the objects in a scene based on a given task is proposed. More specifically, the proposed model estimates the importance of the road users that a driver (or an autonomous vehicle) should pay attention to in a driving scenario in order to have safe navigation. In this scenario, the attention estimation is the final output of the model. Fourth, an attention-based module and a new loss function in a meta-learning based few-shot learning system is proposed in order to incorporate the context of the task into the feature representations of the samples and increasing the few-shot recognition accuracy.In this dissertation, we showed that attention can be multi-facet and studied the attention mechanism from the perspectives of feature selection, reducing the computational cost, interpretable deep learning models, task-driven importance estimation, and context incorporation. Through the study of four scenarios, we further advanced the field of where \u27\u27attention is all you need\u27\u27

    Developing an Affect-Aware Rear-Projected Robotic Agent

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    Social (or Sociable) robots are designed to interact with people in a natural and interpersonal manner. They are becoming an integrated part of our daily lives and have achieved positive outcomes in several applications such as education, health care, quality of life, entertainment, etc. Despite significant progress towards the development of realistic social robotic agents, a number of problems remain to be solved. First, current social robots either lack enough ability to have deep social interaction with human, or they are very expensive to build and maintain. Second, current social robots have yet to reach the full emotional and social capabilities necessary for rich and robust interaction with human beings. To address these problems, this dissertation presents the development of a low-cost, flexible, affect-aware rear-projected robotic agent (called ExpressionBot), that is designed to support verbal and non-verbal communication between the robot and humans, with the goal of closely modeling the dynamics of natural face-to-face communication. The developed robotic platform uses state-of-the-art character animation technologies to create an animated human face (aka avatar) that is capable of showing facial expressions, realistic eye movement, and accurate visual speech, and then project this avatar onto a face-shaped translucent mask. The mask and the projector are then rigged onto a neck mechanism that can move like a human head. Since an animation is projected onto a mask, the robotic face is highly flexible research tool, mechanically simple, and low-cost to design, build and maintain compared with mechatronic and android faces. The results of our comprehensive Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) studies illustrate the benefits and values of the proposed rear-projected robotic platform over a virtual-agent with the same animation displayed on a 2D computer screen. The results indicate that ExpressionBot is well accepted by users, with some advantages in expressing facial expressions more accurately and perceiving mutual eye gaze contact. To improve social capabilities of the robot and create an expressive and empathic social agent (affect-aware) which is capable of interpreting users\u27 emotional facial expressions, we developed a new Deep Neural Networks (DNN) architecture for Facial Expression Recognition (FER). The proposed DNN was initially trained on seven well-known publicly available databases, and obtained significantly better than, or comparable to, traditional convolutional neural networks or other state-of-the-art methods in both accuracy and learning time. Since the performance of the automated FER system highly depends on its training data, and the eventual goal of the proposed robotic platform is to interact with users in an uncontrolled environment, a database of facial expressions in the wild (called AffectNet) was created by querying emotion-related keywords from different search engines. AffectNet contains more than 1M images with faces and 440,000 manually annotated images with facial expressions, valence, and arousal. Two DNNs were trained on AffectNet to classify the facial expression images and predict the value of valence and arousal. Various evaluation metrics show that our deep neural network approaches trained on AffectNet can perform better than conventional machine learning methods and available off-the-shelf FER systems. We then integrated this automated FER system into spoken dialog of our robotic platform to extend and enrich the capabilities of ExpressionBot beyond spoken dialog and create an affect-aware robotic agent that can measure and infer users\u27 affect and cognition. Three social/interaction aspects (task engagement, being empathic, and likability of the robot) are measured in an experiment with the affect-aware robotic agent. The results indicate that users rated our affect-aware agent as empathic and likable as a robot in which user\u27s affect is recognized by a human (WoZ). In summary, this dissertation presents the development and HRI studies of a perceptive, and expressive, conversational, rear-projected, life-like robotic agent (aka ExpressionBot or Ryan) that models natural face-to-face communication between human and emapthic agent. The results of our in-depth human-robot-interaction studies show that this robotic agent can serve as a model for creating the next generation of empathic social robots
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