4 research outputs found

    DAEDALUS at ImageCLEF Medical Retrieval 2011: Textual, Visual and Multimodal Experiments

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    This paper describes the participation of DAEDALUS at ImageCLEF 2011 Medical Retrieval task. We have focused on multimodal (or mixed) experiments that combine textual and visual retrieval. The main objective of our research has been to evaluate the effect on the medical retrieval process of the existence of an extended corpus that is annotated with the image type, associated to both the image itself and also to its textual description. For this purpose, an image classifier has been developed to tag each document with its class (1st level of the hierarchy: Radiology, Microscopy, Photograph, Graphic, Other) and subclass (2nd level: AN, CT, MR, etc.). For the textual-based experiments, several runs using different semantic expansion techniques have been performed. For the visual-based retrieval, different runs are defined by the corpus used in the retrieval process and the strategy for obtaining the class and/or subclass. The best results are achieved in runs that make use of the image subclass based on the classification of the sample images. Although different multimodal strategies have been submitted, none of them has shown to be able to provide results that are at least comparable to the ones achieved by the textual retrieval alone. We believe that we have been unable to find a metric for the assessment of the relevance of the results provided by the visual and textual processe

    Proof of Concept of Ontology-based Query Expansion on Financial Domain

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    Este trabajo presenta el uso de una ontología en el dominio financiero para la expansión de consultas con el fin de mejorar los resultados de un sistema de recuperación de información (RI) financiera. Este sistema está compuesto por una ontología y un índice de Lucene que permite recuperación de conceptos identificados mediante procesamiento de lenguaje natural. Se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación con un conjunto limitado de consultas y los resultados indican que la ambigüedad sigue siendo un problema al expandir la consulta. En ocasiones, la elección de las entidades adecuadas a la hora de expandir las consultas (filtrando por sector, empresa, etc.) permite resolver esa ambigüedad.This paper explains the application of ontologies in financial domains to a query expansion process. The final goal is to improve financial information retrieval effectiveness. The system is composed of an ontology and a Lucene index that stores and retrieves natural language concepts. An initial evaluation with a limited number of queries has been performed. Obtained results show that ambiguity remains a problem when expanding a query. The filtering of entities in the expansion process by selecting only companies or references to markets helps in the reduction of ambiguity.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el proyecto Trendminer (EU FP7-ICT287863) , el proyecto Monnet (EU FP7-ICT 247176) y MA2VICMR (S2009/TIC-1542).Publicad

    MIRACLE at NTCIR-7 MOAT: First experiments on multilingual opinion analysis

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    This paper describes the participation of MIRACLE research consortium at NTCIR-7 Multilingual Opinion Analysis Task, our first attempt on sentiment analysis and second on East Asian languages. We took part in the main mandatory opinionated sentence judgment subtask (to decide whether each sentence expresses an opinion or not) and the optional relevance and polarity judgment subtasks (to decide whether a given sentence is relevant to the given topic and also the polarity of the expressed opinion). Our approach combines a semantic languagedependent tagging of the terms of the sentence and the topic and three different ad-hoc classifiers that provide the specific annotation for each subtask, run in cascade. These models have been trained with the corpus provided in NTCIR-6 Opinion Analysis pilot task