3,407 research outputs found

    Exon array data analysis using Affymetrix power tools and R statistical software

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    The use of microarray technology to measure gene expression on a genome-wide scale has been well established for more than a decade. Methods to process and analyse the vast quantity of expression data generated by a typical microarray experiment are similarly well-established. The Affymetrix Exon 1.0 ST array is a relatively new type of array, which has the capability to assess expression at the individual exon level. This allows a more comprehensive analysis of the transcriptome, and in particular enables the study of alternative splicing, a gene regulation mechanism important in both normal conditions and in diseases. Some aspects of exon array data analysis are shared with those for standard gene expression data but others present new challenges that have required development of novel tools. Here, I will introduce the exon array and present a detailed example tutorial for analysis of data generated using this platform

    Reproducible probe-level analysis of the Affymetrix Exon 1.0 ST array with R/Bioconductor

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    The presence of different transcripts of a gene across samples can be analysed by whole-transcriptome microarrays. Reproducing results from published microarray data represents a challenge due to the vast amounts of data and the large variety of pre-processing and filtering steps employed before the actual analysis is carried out. To guarantee a firm basis for methodological development where results with new methods are compared with previous results it is crucial to ensure that all analyses are completely reproducible for other researchers. We here give a detailed workflow on how to perform reproducible analysis of the GeneChip Human Exon 1.0 ST Array at probe and probeset level solely in R/Bioconductor, choosing packages based on their simplicity of use. To exemplify the use of the proposed workflow we analyse differential splicing and differential gene expression in a publicly available dataset using various statistical methods. We believe this study will provide other researchers with an easy way of accessing gene expression data at different annotation levels and with the sufficient details needed for developing their own tools for reproducible analysis of the GeneChip Human Exon 1.0 ST Array

    MMpred: functional miRNA – mRNA interaction analyses by miRNA expression prediction

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    Background: MicroRNA (miRNA) directed gene repression is an important mechanism of posttranscriptional regulation. Comprehensive analyses of how microRNA influence biological processes requires paired miRNA-mRNA expression datasets. However, a review of both GEO and ArrayExpress repositories revealed few such datasets, which was in stark contrast to the large number of messenger RNA (mRNA) only datasets. It is of interest that numerous primary miRNAs (precursors of microRNA) are known to be co-expressed with coding genes (host genes). Results: We developed a miRNA-mRNA interaction analyses pipeline. The proposed solution is based on two miRNA expression prediction methods – a scaling function and a linear model. Additionally, miRNA-mRNA anticorrelation analyses are used to determine the most probable miRNA gene targets (i.e. the differentially expressed genes under the influence of up- or down-regulated microRNA). Both the consistency and accuracy of the prediction method is ensured by the application of stringent statistical methods. Finally, the predicted targets are subjected to functional enrichment analyses including GO, KEGG and DO, to better understand the predicted interactions. Conclusions: The MMpred pipeline requires only mRNA expression data as input and is independent of third party miRNA target prediction methods. The method passed extensive numerical validation based on the binding energy between the mature miRNA and 3’ UTR region of the target gene. We report that MMpred is capable of generating results similar to that obtained using paired datasets. For the reported test cases we generated consistent output and predicted biological relationships that will help formulate further testable hypotheses

    easyExon – A Java-based GUI tool for processing and visualization of Affymetrix exon array data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Alternative RNA splicing greatly increases proteome diversity and thereby contribute to species- or tissue-specific functions. The possibility to study alternative splicing (AS) events on a genomic scale using splicing-sensitive microarrays, including the Affymetrix GeneChip Exon 1.0 ST microarray (exon array), has appeared very recently. However, the application of this new technology is hindered by the lack of free and user-friendly software devoted to these novel platforms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study we present a Java-based freeware, easyExon <url>http://microarray.ym.edu.tw/easyexon</url>, to process, filtrate and visualize exon array data with an analysis pipeline. This tool implements the most commonly used probeset summarization methods as well as AS-orientated filtration algorithms, e.g. MIDAS and PAC, for the detection of alternative splicing events. We include a biological filtration function according to GO terms, and provide a module to visualize and interpret the selected exons and transcripts. Furthermore, easyExon can integrate with other related programs, such as Integrate Genome Browser (IGB) and Affymetrix Power Tools (APT), to make the whole analysis more comprehensive. We applied easyExon on a public accessible colon cancer dataset as an example to illustrate the analysis pipeline of this tool.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>EasyExon can efficiently process and analyze the Affymetrix exon array data. The simplicity, flexibility and brevity of easyExon make it a valuable tool for AS event identification in genomic research.</p

    Genome dynamics of the human embryonic kidney 293 lineage in response to cell biology manipulations

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    The HEK293 human cell lineage is widely used in cell biology and biotechnology. Here we use whole-genome resequencing of six 293 cell lines to study the dynamics of this aneuploid genome in response to the manipulations used to generate common 293 cell derivatives, such as transformation and stable clone generation (293T); suspension growth adaptation (293S); and cytotoxic lectin selection (293SG). Remarkably, we observe that copy number alteration detection could identify the genomic region that enabled cell survival under selective conditions (i.c. ricin selection). Furthermore, we present methods to detect human/vector genome breakpoints and a user-friendly visualization tool for the 293 genome data. We also establish that the genome structure composition is in steady state for most of these cell lines when standard cell culturing conditions are used. This resource enables novel and more informed studies with 293 cells, and we will distribute the sequenced cell lines to this effect

    EMAAS: An extensible grid-based Rich Internet Application for microarray data analysis and management

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Microarray experimentation requires the application of complex analysis methods as well as the use of non-trivial computer technologies to manage the resultant large data sets. This, together with the proliferation of tools and techniques for microarray data analysis, makes it very challenging for a laboratory scientist to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in this field. Our aim was to develop a distributed e-support system for microarray data analysis and management.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>EMAAS (Extensible MicroArray Analysis System) is a multi-user rich internet application (RIA) providing simple, robust access to up-to-date resources for microarray data storage and analysis, combined with integrated tools to optimise real time user support and training. The system leverages the power of distributed computing to perform microarray analyses, and provides seamless access to resources located at various remote facilities. The EMAAS framework allows users to import microarray data from several sources to an underlying database, to pre-process, quality assess and analyse the data, to perform functional analyses, and to track data analysis steps, all through a single easy to use web portal. This interface offers distance support to users both in the form of video tutorials and via live screen feeds using the web conferencing tool EVO. A number of analysis packages, including R-Bioconductor and Affymetrix Power Tools have been integrated on the server side and are available programmatically through the Postgres-PLR library or on grid compute clusters. Integrated distributed resources include the functional annotation tool DAVID, GeneCards and the microarray data repositories GEO, CELSIUS and MiMiR. EMAAS currently supports analysis of Affymetrix 3' and Exon expression arrays, and the system is extensible to cater for other microarray and transcriptomic platforms.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>EMAAS enables users to track and perform microarray data management and analysis tasks through a single easy-to-use web application. The system architecture is flexible and scalable to allow new array types, analysis algorithms and tools to be added with relative ease and to cope with large increases in data volume.</p

    BEAT: Bioinformatics Exon Array Tool to store, analyze and visualize Affymetrix GeneChip Human Exon Array data from disease experiments

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is known from recent studies that more than 90% of human multi-exon genes are subject to Alternative Splicing (AS), a key molecular mechanism in which multiple transcripts may be generated from a single gene. It is widely recognized that a breakdown in AS mechanisms plays an important role in cellular differentiation and pathologies. Polymerase Chain Reactions, microarrays and sequencing technologies have been applied to the study of transcript diversity arising from alternative expression. Last generation Affymetrix GeneChip Human Exon 1.0 ST Arrays offer a more detailed view of the gene expression profile providing information on the AS patterns. The exon array technology, with more than five million data points, can detect approximately one million exons, and it allows performing analyses at both gene and exon level. In this paper we describe BEAT, an integrated user-friendly bioinformatics framework to store, analyze and visualize exon arrays datasets. It combines a data warehouse approach with some rigorous statistical methods for assessing the AS of genes involved in diseases. Meta statistics are proposed as a novel approach to explore the analysis results. BEAT is available at <url>http://beat.ba.itb.cnr.it</url>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>BEAT is a web tool which allows uploading and analyzing exon array datasets using standard statistical methods and an easy-to-use graphical web front-end. BEAT has been tested on a dataset with 173 samples and tuned using new datasets of exon array experiments from 28 colorectal cancer and 26 renal cell cancer samples produced at the Medical Genetics Unit of IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza.</p> <p>To highlight all possible AS events, alternative names, accession Ids, Gene Ontology terms and biochemical pathways annotations are integrated with exon and gene level expression plots. The user can customize the results choosing custom thresholds for the statistical parameters and exploiting the available clinical data of the samples for a multivariate AS analysis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Despite exon array chips being widely used for transcriptomics studies, there is a lack of analysis tools offering advanced statistical features and requiring no programming knowledge. BEAT provides a user-friendly platform for a comprehensive study of AS events in human diseases, displaying the analysis results with easily interpretable and interactive tables and graphics.</p

    μ-CS: An extension of the TM4 platform to manage Affymetrix binary data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A main goal in understanding cell mechanisms is to explain the relationship among genes and related molecular processes through the combined use of technological platforms and bioinformatics analysis. High throughput platforms, such as microarrays, enable the investigation of the whole genome in a single experiment. There exist different kind of microarray platforms, that produce different types of binary data (images and raw data). Moreover, also considering a single vendor, different chips are available. The analysis of microarray data requires an initial preprocessing phase (i.e. normalization and summarization) of raw data that makes them suitable for use on existing platforms, such as the TIGR M4 Suite. Nevertheless, the annotations of data with additional information such as gene function, is needed to perform more powerful analysis. Raw data preprocessing and annotation is often performed in a manual and error prone way. Moreover, many available preprocessing tools do not support annotation. Thus novel, platform independent, and possibly open source tools enabling the semi-automatic preprocessing and annotation of microarray data are needed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The paper presents <it>μ</it>-CS (Microarray Cel file Summarizer), a cross-platform tool for the automatic normalization, summarization and annotation of Affymetrix binary data. <it>μ</it>-CS is based on a client-server architecture. The <it>μ</it>-CS client is provided both as a plug-in of the TIGR M4 platform and as a Java standalone tool and enables users to read, preprocess and analyse binary microarray data, avoiding the manual invocation of external tools (e.g. the Affymetrix Power Tools), the manual loading of preprocessing libraries, and the management of intermediate files. The <it>μ</it>-CS server automatically updates the references to the summarization and annotation libraries that are provided to the <it>μ</it>-CS client before the preprocessing. The <it>μ</it>-CS server is based on the web services technology and can be easily extended to support more microarray vendors (e.g. Illumina).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Thus <it>μ</it>-CS users can directly manage binary data without worrying about locating and invoking the proper preprocessing tools and chip-specific libraries. Moreover, users of the <it>μ</it>-CS plugin for TM4 can manage Affymetrix binary files without using external tools, such as APT (Affymetrix Power Tools) and related libraries. Consequently, <it>μ</it>-CS offers four main advantages: (i) it avoids to waste time for searching the correct libraries, (ii) it reduces possible errors in the preprocessing and further analysis phases, e.g. due to the incorrect choice of parameters or the use of old libraries, (iii) it implements the annotation of preprocessed data, and finally, (iv) it may enhance the quality of further analysis since it provides the most updated annotation libraries. The <it>μ</it>-CS client is freely available as a plugin of the TM4 platform as well as a standalone application at the project web site (<url>http://bioingegneria.unicz.it/M-CS</url>).</p

    Identifying differential exon splicing using linear models and correlation coefficients

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    Background: With the availability of the Affymetrix exon arrays a number of tools have been developed to enable the analysis. These however can be expensive or have several pre-installation requirements. This led us to develop an analysis workflow for analysing differential splicing using freely available software packages that are already being widely used for gene expression analysis. The workflow uses the packages in the standard installation of R and Bioconductor (BiocLite) to identify differential splicing. We use the splice index method with the LIMMA framework. The main drawback with this approach is that it relies on accurate estimates of gene expression from the probe-level data. Methods such as RMA and PLIER may misestimate when a large proportion of exons are spliced. We therefore present the novel concept of a gene correlation coefficient calculated using only the probeset expression pattern within a gene. We show that genes with lower correlation coefficients are likely to be differentially spliced.Results: The LIMMA approach was used to identify several tissue-specific transcripts and splicing events that are supported by previous experimental studies. Filtering the data is necessary, particularly removing exons and genes that are not expressed in all samples and cross-hybridising probesets, in order to reduce the false positive rate. The LIMMA approach ranked genes containing single or few differentially spliced exons much higher than genes containing several differentially spliced exons. On the other hand we found the gene correlation coefficient approach better for identifying genes with a large number of differentially spliced exons.Conclusion: We show that LIMMA can be used to identify differential exon splicing from Affymetrix exon array data. Though further work would be necessary to develop the use of correlation coefficients into a complete analysis approach, the preliminary results demonstrate their usefulness for identifying differentially spliced genes. The two approaches work complementary as they can potentially identify different subsets of genes (single/few spliced exons vs. large transcript structure differences)

    Identifying Alternative Hyper-Splicing Signatures in MG-Thymoma by Exon Arrays

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    BACKGROUND: The vast majority of human genes (>70%) are alternatively spliced. Although alternative pre-mRNA processing is modified in multiple tumors, alternative hyper-splicing signatures specific to particular tumor types are still lacking. Here, we report the use of Affymetrix Human Exon Arrays to spot hyper-splicing events characteristic of myasthenia gravis (MG)-thymoma, thymic tumors which develop in patients with MG and discriminate them from colon cancer changes. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We combined GO term to parent threshold-based and threshold-independent ad-hoc functional statistics with in-depth analysis of key modified transcripts to highlight various exon-specific changes. These denote alternative splicing in MG-thymoma tumors compared to healthy human thymus and to in-house and Affymetrix datasets from colon cancer and healthy tissues. By using both global and specific, term-to-parent Gene Ontology (GO) statistical comparisons, our functional integrative ad-hoc method allowed the detection of disease-relevant splicing events. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Hyper-spliced transcripts spanned several categories, including the tumorogenic ERBB4 tyrosine kinase receptor and the connective tissue growth factor CTGF, as well as the immune function-related histocompatibility gene HLA-DRB1 and interleukin (IL)19, two muscle-specific collagens and one myosin heavy chain gene; intriguingly, a putative new exon was discovered in the MG-involved acetylcholinesterase ACHE gene. Corresponding changes in spliceosome composition were indicated by co-decreases in the splicing factors ASF/SF(2) and SC35. Parallel tumor-associated changes occurred in colon cancer as well, but the majority of the apparent hyper-splicing events were particular to MG-thymoma and could be validated by Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization (FISH), Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and mass spectrometry (MS) followed by peptide sequencing. Our findings demonstrate a particular alternative hyper-splicing signature for transcripts over-expressed in MG-thymoma, supporting the hypothesis that alternative hyper-splicing contributes to shaping the biological functions of these and other specialized tumors and opening new venues for the development of diagnosis and treatment approaches