2,580 research outputs found

    Knowledge Management Systems Diffusion in Chinese Enterprises: A Multi-Stage Approach with the Technology-Organization-Environment Framework

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    Many enterprises encounter difficulties during the process of KMS diffusion and thus fail to gain benefits from KMS adoption. This study aims to explain why some enterprises succeed while others fail in KMS diffusion. Based on technology diffusion theory and technologyorganization- environment (TOE) framework, we propose an integrated model to examine the influence of factors from the technological, organizational, and environmental aspects on the three-stage KMS diffusion process, i.e., initiation- adoption/adaptation-acceptance /routinization /infusion. In particular, we incorporate social-cultural factors into our model to examine its effect on KMS diffusion, which has not been paid enough attention by prior KMS studies. For the specific research context, we choose China and examine how socialcultural factors influence KMS diffusion process in Chinese enterprises. This study benefits academics by providing a process perspective of KMS diffusion and also provides practical guidance for Chinese enterprises which are engaging in KMS implementation

    Enterprise Systems Adoption and Firm Performance in Europe: The Role of Innovation

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    Despite the ubiquitous proliferation and importance of Enterprise Systems (ES), little research exists on their post-implementation impact on firm performance, especially in Europe. This paper provides representative, large-sample evidence on the differential effects of different ES types on performance of European enterprises. It also highlights the mediating role of innovation in the process of value creation from ES investments. Empirical data on the adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Knowledge Management System (KMS), and Document Management System (DMS) is used to investigate the effects on product and process innovation, revenue, productivity and market share growth, and profitability. The data covers 29 sectors in 29 countries over a 5-year period. The results show that all ES categories significantly increase the likelihood of product and process innovation. Most of ES categories affect revenue, productivity and market share growth positively. Particularly, more domainspecific and simpler system types lead to stronger positive effects. ERP systems decrease the profitability likelihood of the firm, whereas other ES categories do not show any significant effect. The findings also imply that innovation acts as a full or partial mediator in the process of value creation of ES implementations. The direct effect of enterprise software on firm performance disappears or significantly diminishes when the indirect effects through product and process innovation are explicitly accounted for. The paper highlights future areas of research.Enterprise Systems; ERP; SCM; CRM; KMS; DMS; IT Adoption; Post-implementation Phase; IT Business Value; Innovation; Firm Performance; Europe

    On the Legitimacy of IS as an Independent Discipline: Research that Sets the Field Apart

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    Motivated by the continuing anxiety discourse within the IS field and the continuing disrespect IS researchers earn from scholars of other management disciplines, this essay discusses six areas in which IS researchers make unique knowledge contributions to management scholarship. More specifically, this essay suggests that information systems development, information systems adoption, organizational information systems innovation, group level resistance to IT implementations, the business value of IT, and Knowledge Management, among others, are all areas in which IS scholars can claim to contribute uniquely to the management body of knowledge. In so doing, this essay provides six robust arguments for IS scholars to concisely justify their field and research – and to be positive about the work they are doing. Perhaps even more importantly, this essay may motivate IS scholars to allocate their resources to topics that help increase the field’s legitimacy

    An Empirical Investigation of Factors Influencing Knowledge Management System Success

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    Knowledge has been viewed as a critical component for organizations. Consequently, organizations implement Knowledge Management Systems (KMSs) to seek competitive advantages, but they may encounter mixed results. This research draws on previous information system and knowledge management system success-related literature and selects eight factors that are believed to be critical for the successful implementation of a KMS. These factors were derived through a literature search of current KMS success-related literature. The purpose of this study is to identify factors that could have a clear influence on the development and implementation of KMSs. The study presents the empirical examination of a theoretical model of KMS success for predicting system use by law enforcement officers. The research findings were accomplished through a validated questionnaire that surveyed 10 law enforcement officers from various agencies. These results contribute to the literature by empirically supporting the hypothesized relationships between identified success factors and KMS success. Though limited in sample size, this research can serve as a foundation for future studies, which can help identify other factors critical for KMS success. The comprehensive model can be used to undertake further research and thus add value to knowledge management system-based literature. In addition to its theoretical contributions, the study also presents important practical implications through the identification of specific infrastructure capabilities leading to KMS success

    Factors Inducing the Adoption of Knowledge Management System (KMS) In SMEs, Large and Government Organizations. What Are the Intercepting Factors? A Systematic Review

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    This paper aims to develop a systematic exploration of the literature investigating the factors that influence the adoption of the knowledge management system (KMS) in organizations as well as identifying the intercepting factors between different types of organizations such as small-medium enterprises (SMEs), large corporation and government organizations. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) is used to structure the research field. The proposed research used filtering scientific papers published in Emerald Insight and Scopus from 2018 to 2022. This paper presents empirical evidence from six articles that identify intercepting factors between small-medium enterprises, large corporations, and government organizations. Among the factors analyzed, only IT capabilities were found to be common across all three types of organizations. The findings and analysis section includes a Venn diagram that illustrates other relevant factors that intercept between the organizations. The accumulation of reviewed research papers is necessary for academia and organizations to analyze the factors influencing the adoption of KMS. This study also will assist in providing information that will offer insights to organizations, particularly those in the small and medium enterprises (SME), large enterprises and government, in the process of implementing knowledge management

    Assessing job performance in brazilian digital government : the role of knowledge management systemsuse and social capital

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementDiante dos desafios do governo digital, esta pesquisa busca compreender os propulsores do desempenho laboral e organizacional na administração pública brasileira. Foi criado modelo de pósadoção para avaliar o desempenho da administração pública mediante a utilização de sistemas de gestão do conhecimento (KMS), com base nos conceitos de satisfação do usuário, uso enxuto de sistemas (duração, frequência e intensidade), capital social, e liderança transformacional. Após revisão de literatura sobre as teorias de liderança transformacional e capital social, foi analisado o impacto destes fatores contextuais no ambiente governamental de uma agência pública brasileira (Ministério do Meio Ambiente). Utilizando-se de abordagem empírica, a pesquisa recolheu dados de 295 funcionários públicos, após questionário on-line, e obteve como resultados que o desempenho individual no trabalho, usando KMS, afeta positivamente o desempenho da organização, sendo também impactado por fatores como intensidade do uso de KMS, satisfação do usuário e capital social. A satisfação do individuo impacta o desempenho individual, sendo afetada pela frequência e intensidade do uso do KMS, assim como pelo capital social, que desempenha relevante papel no desempenho individual e organizacional, ampliando o relacionamento entre a satisfação do usuário e o desempenho individual, vez que apresenta efeito moderador. O desempenho organizacional é influenciado pela liderança transformacional, responsável por moderar as conexões entre a performance individual e institucional. A pesquisa fornece informações relevantes para a literatura em sistemas de gestão do conhecimento, de forma a conectar o uso de KMS com a satisfação e o desempenho, elucidando a importância do capital social para o alcance de melhores resultados em ambientes governamentais.Faced with the challenges of digital government, this research seeks to clarify the drivers of individual and organizational performance in the Brazilian public administration. A post-adoption model was developed to evaluate the performance of public administration with knowledge management systems (KMS), given the concepts of user satisfaction, lean system use (duration, frequency and intensity), social capital, and transformational leadership. After literature review on theories of transformational leadership and social capital, the impact of these contextual factors on the government environment of a Brazilian public agency (Ministry of the Environment) was verified. Using an empirical approach, the survey collected data from 295 public officials, using online questionnaire, obtained as results that the individual performance at work, using KMS, positively affects the organizational performance, being also impacted by factors such as intensity of the KMS use, user satisfaction and social capital. User satisfaction impacts individual performance, being affected by the frequency and intensity of KMS use, as well as by social capital, which plays a relevant role in individual and organizational performances, amplifying the relationship between user satisfaction and individual performance, given its moderating effect. Organizational performance is influenced by transformational leadership, responsible for moderating the connections among individual and institutional performance. The research provided relevant information to the literature on KMS, to connect system use, satisfaction and performance, elucidating the importance of social capital to achieve better results in government contexts

    Total Quality Management (TQM) Model for Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) in Thai Communities

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    Knowledge management systems (KMS) are commonly tacit patterns practiced in Thai communities. Effective KMS is essential to successfully implement knowledge management (KM) and sustainable development organization. Appropriate model of total quality management (TQM) for Thai community’s knowledge management systems will be designed. This study incorporated the concepts and theories of TQM models, KM and KMS in Thai communities. Index and standard of knowledge quality are analyzed and integrated concept of analytical TQM and Delphi technique are applied