5 research outputs found

    Implementasi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Digital Pada UMKM Studi Kasus di Kemari Coffee

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    The Covid-19 pandemic cannot be told as it’s over, life is still going on. People need to adapt with new life habit especially Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) where it needs to be experiential seriously by all of the people in supporting national economy in Indonesia. One of the most important adaptation processes done by UMKM is the human resource management by digitalization program to make more efficient and relevant in the future. Digitalization study implementation in UMKM will be the most important thing to do soon. In that case, this research analyzed digital human resource management implementation in UMKM with case study in Kemari Coffee. Descriptive qualitative method is used in this research to clarify the concept of digital human resource management that has applied in UMKM Kemari Coffee. The journal concluded that Kemari Coffee has not applied digital human resource management overall. Part of digital human resource management that already has applied namely E-Recruiment Selection, E-Selection Induction, and E-Reward Compensation Management, meanwhile those haven’t applied namely E-Performance Appraisal, E-Training Development, and E-Learning Talent Management.

    Strategies and Challenges in Global Talent Management: Developing an Integrated Approach for Multinational Corporations

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    Global Talent Management (GTM) is an emerging and highly regarded field, which focuses on the efficient management of the human capital of the organization to promote competitive advantage. This thesis offers a comprehensive examination of global talent management, aiming to bridge the conceptual gaps within the field and propose an integrated GTM framework approach suitable for multinational corporations (MNCs) in GTM implementation. The thesis highlights the strategic importance and nature of GTM. Through a systematic literature review the thesis collects some of the various challenges MNCs face with GTM and elements and processes the comprise GTM systems. As a result of the extensive discussion of the GTM system and factors of human resource management the thesis presents an integrated framework approach to GTM. The thesis presents theoretical contributions by bridging gaps in literature of offering comprehensive discussions from definitions to the GTM system and providing an integrated approach to promote future research avenues. This work contributes to the theoretical and practical discourse on GTM, proposing a multifaceted perspective that considers organizational, cultural, and ethical dimensions for advancing talent management globally. Practical relevance is drawn from the use and benefits of clarifying GTM definition and boundaries in addition to the integrated framework approach that involves various stakeholders in multiple ways. Ultimately the thesis provides discourse in GTM concepts without neglecting its limitations to offer excitement and opportunities for further research.Kansainvälisten kyvykkyyksien johtaminen on nouseva ja arvostettu ala, joka keskittyy henkisen pääoman tulokselliseen johtamiseen kilpailuedun kehittämiseksi. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma tarkastelee kattavasti kansainvälisten kyvykkyyksien johtamista ja pyrkii selventämään alan käsitteellisiä puutteita sekä esittämään monikansallisille yrityksille soveltuvan yhtenäisen viitekehyksen kansainvälisten kyvykkyyksien johtamiselle. Kattavassa kirjallisuuskatsauksessa esitetään yleisimpiä haasteita, joita kansainväliset yritykset kohtaavat kansainvälisten kyvykkyyksien johtamisessa, sekä elementtejä ja prosesseja, joista näiden järjestelmät koostuvat. Tarkastelemalla kattavasti kansainvälisten kyvykkyyksien ja henkilöstöhallinnon tekijöitä tutkielma tarjoaa integroidun viitekehyksen kansainvälisten kykyjen johtamiselle. Teoreettisella tasolla tutkielma pyrkii täydentämään kirjallisuudessa esiintyviä aukkoja kansainvälisten kyvykkyyksien johtamisen määritelmille ja tarjoaa integroidun lähestymistavan jatkotutkimuksille. Tämä tutkielma tarjoaa kansainvälisten kyvykkyyksien johtamisen ajatuksenvaihdolle monipuolisen perspektiivin, joka huomioi eri osa-alueita, kuten esimerkiksi organisatorisia haasteita, kulttuurillisia seikkoja ja eettisiä näkökulmia. Käytännön merkitystä voidaan ammentaa eri sidosryhmien rooleista ja hyödyistä, jotka on sisällytetty järjestelmän eri osa-alueisiin ja huomioitu kunkin osa-alueen toteutuksessa. Lopuksi tutkielma tarjoaa, rajoitteensa huomioiden, herätteitä kansainvälisten kyvykkyyksien johtamiseen tavoitteenaan innostaa ja mahdollistaa aiheen jatkotutkimuksia

    Az e-learning tananyagfejlesztés ökoszisztémájának design science módszertan szerinti vizsgálata = The ecosystem of e-learning content development from a design science approach

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    Disszertációmban az e-learning tananyagfejlesztés ökoszisztémáját ismertetem meg a Design Science (DS) módszertan tükrében. Utóbbi Hevner és kollégái által bemutatott „konstruálás tudománya”, amely az ICT kutatások között jelentős irányzat, és reflektál Nemeslaki András által a gazdaságinformatikai képzésekhez kapcsolódóan a komplex rendszerfejlesztések kettősségére. E szerint az egyik oldalon kifejezetten pragmatikus kérdések, és az azokra adható innovatív, gyakorlati ICT megoldásokat állnak, míg a másik oldalon ennek tudományos igényű reprezentációja. A dolgozat, követve a DS kereteket, a problémafeltáráson (I.), a „termék” konstruálásán (II.) és a megoldások értékelésén (III.) keresztül mutatja be az e-learning tananyagfejlesztés ökoszisztémáját, amely a fenti ábrán látható. Míg az alapokat a szorosan kapcsolódó társterületek jelentik, addig az ökoszisztémát a „fejlesztési folyamat”, a „termékek”, a „szereplők” és az „eszközök” változásai mozgatják. Dolgozatomban e területeket járom körbe a fent jelzett hármas tagolás mellett

    Examining the Effectiveness of Corporate E-Learning in Global Talent Management

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of corporate e-learning in the context of talent management on a global scale. It begins with a discussion of the importance of talent management, the challenges in global talent management, and the role of corporate e-learning in global talent management. Data collected via an online survey from 74 students (global leaders from a multinational IT provider with more than 90,000 employees across 50 countries) enrolled in a customized corporate e-learning program is presented and discussed. The findings suggest that corporate e-learning can be used to develop talent attributes and skills such as problem solving, analytical, communication, research, and time management skills. Specifically, analytical, communication, and time management skills are important predictors of overall corporate e-learning experience, while analytical and research skills are important predictors of job performance. As part of global talent management, companies can enroll their A-players, high performers or high potentials into relevant corporate e-learning programs that can be used to effectively address the training challenges of a scattered workforce and improve coordination among internal and outside collaborators and partners in complex business processes and projects. The sample for this study was limited to a multinational IT services provider. Future research should extend the scope of data collection to include talents from a variety of organizations, as well as a variety of geographies and industries to further investigate the generalizability of these findings

    Examining the Effectiveness of Corporate E-Learning in Global Talent Management

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of corporate e-learning in the context of talent management on a global scale. It begins with a discussion of the importance of talent management, the challenges in global talent management, and the role of corporate e-learning in global talent management. Data collected via an online survey from 74 students (global leaders from a multinational IT provider with more than 90,000 employees across 50 countries) enrolled in a customized corporate e-learning program is presented and discussed. The findings suggest that corporate e-learning can be used to develop talent attributes and skills such as problem solving, analytical, communication, research, and time management skills. Specifically, analytical, communication, and time management skills are important predictors of overall corporate e-learning experience, while analytical and research skills are important predictors of job performance. As part of global talent management, companies can enroll their A-players, high performers or high potentials into relevant corporate e-learning programs that can be used to effectively address the training challenges of a scattered workforce and improve coordination among internal and outside collaborators and partners in complex business processes and projects. The sample for this study was limited to a multinational IT services provider. Future research should extend the scope of data collection to include talents from a variety of organizations, as well as a variety of geographies and industries to further investigate the generalizability of these findings