27,826 research outputs found

    CPSP-tools – Exact and complete algorithms for high-throughput 3D lattice protein studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The principles of protein folding and evolution pose problems of very high inherent complexity. Often these problems are tackled using simplified protein models, e.g. lattice proteins. The CPSP-tools package provides programs to solve exactly and completely the problems typical of studies using 3D lattice protein models. Among the tasks addressed are the prediction of (all) globally optimal and/or suboptimal structures as well as sequence design and neutral network exploration.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In contrast to stochastic approaches, which are not capable of answering many fundamental questions, our methods are based on fast, non-heuristic techniques. The resulting tools are designed for high-throughput studies of 3D-lattice proteins utilising the Hydrophobic-Polar (HP) model. The source bundle is freely available <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The CPSP-tools package is the first set of exact and complete methods for extensive, high-throughput studies of non-restricted 3D-lattice protein models. In particular, our package deals with cubic and face centered cubic (FCC) lattices.</p

    Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Protein Folding

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    We describe a class of growth algorithms for finding low energy states of heteropolymers. These polymers form toy models for proteins, and the hope is that similar methods will ultimately be useful for finding native states of real proteins from heuristic or a priori determined force fields. These algorithms share with standard Markov chain Monte Carlo methods that they generate Gibbs-Boltzmann distributions, but they are not based on the strategy that this distribution is obtained as stationary state of a suitably constructed Markov chain. Rather, they are based on growing the polymer by successively adding individual particles, guiding the growth towards configurations with lower energies, and using "population control" to eliminate bad configurations and increase the number of "good ones". This is not done via a breadth-first implementation as in genetic algorithms, but depth-first via recursive backtracking. As seen from various benchmark tests, the resulting algorithms are extremely efficient for lattice models, and are still competitive with other methods for simple off-lattice models.Comment: 10 pages; published in NIC Symposium 2004, eds. D. Wolf et al. (NIC, Juelich, 2004

    Importance of chirality and reduced flexibility of protein side chains: A study with square and tetrahedral lattice models

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    In simple models side chains are often represented implicitly (e.g., by spin-states) or simplified as one atom. We study side chain effects using square lattice and tetrahedral lattice models, with explicitly side chains of two atoms. We distinguish effects due to chirality and effects due to side chain flexibilities, since residues in proteins are L-residues, and their side chains adopt different rotameric states. Short chains are enumerated exhaustively. For long chains, we sample effectively rare events (eg, compact conformations) and obtain complete pictures of ensemble properties of these models at all compactness region. We find that both chirality and reduced side chain flexibility lower the folding entropy significantly for globally compact conformations, suggesting that they are important properties of residues to ensure fast folding and stable native structure. This corresponds well with our finding that natural amino acid residues have reduced effective flexibility, as evidenced by analysis of rotamer libraries and side chain rotatable bonds. We further develop a method calculating the exact side-chain entropy for a given back bone structure. We show that simple rotamer counting often underestimates side chain entropy significantly, and side chain entropy does not always correlate well with main chain packing. Among compact backbones with maximum side chain entropy, helical structures emerges as the dominating configurations. Our results suggest that side chain entropy may be an important factor contributing to the formation of alpha helices for compact conformations.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables. Accepted by J. Chem. Phy

    Design of Sequences with Good Folding Properties in Coarse-Grained Protein Models

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    Background: Designing amino acid sequences that are stable in a given target structure amounts to maximizing a conditional probability. A straightforward approach to accomplish this is a nested Monte Carlo where the conformation space is explored over and over again for different fixed sequences, which requires excessive computational demand. Several approximate attempts to remedy this situation, based on energy minimization for fixed structure or high-TT expansions, have been proposed. These methods are fast but often not accurate since folding occurs at low TT. Results: We develop a multisequence Monte Carlo procedure, where both sequence and conformation space are simultaneously probed with efficient prescriptions for pruning sequence space. The method is explored on hydrophobic/polar models. We first discuss short lattice chains, in order to compare with exact data and with other methods. The method is then successfully applied to lattice chains with up to 50 monomers, and to off-lattice 20-mers. Conclusions: The multisequence Monte Carlo method offers a new approach to sequence design in coarse-grained models. It is much more efficient than previous Monte Carlo methods, and is, as it stands, applicable to a fairly wide range of two-letter models.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Simulating chemistry using quantum computers

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    The difficulty of simulating quantum systems, well-known to quantum chemists, prompted the idea of quantum computation. One can avoid the steep scaling associated with the exact simulation of increasingly large quantum systems on conventional computers, by mapping the quantum system to another, more controllable one. In this review, we discuss to what extent the ideas in quantum computation, now a well-established field, have been applied to chemical problems. We describe algorithms that achieve significant advantages for the electronic-structure problem, the simulation of chemical dynamics, protein folding, and other tasks. Although theory is still ahead of experiment, we outline recent advances that have led to the first chemical calculations on small quantum information processors.Comment: 27 pages. Submitted to Ann. Rev. Phys. Che
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