22 research outputs found

    Exact asymptotics in an infinite-server system with overdispersed input

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    This short communication considers an infinite-server system with overdispersed input. The objective is to identify the exact tail asymptotics of the number of customers present at a given point in time under a specific scaling of the model (which involves both the arrival rate and time). The proofs rely on a change-of-measure approach. The results obtained are illustrated by a series of examples.Comment: Short communicatio

    Scaling limits for infinite-server systems in a random environment

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    This paper studies the effect of an overdispersed arrival process on the performance of an infinite-server system. In our setup, a random environment is modeled by drawing an arrival rate Ξ›\Lambda from a given distribution every Ξ”\Delta time units, yielding an i.i.d. sequence of arrival rates Ξ›1,Ξ›2,…\Lambda_1,\Lambda_2, \ldots. Applying a martingale central limit theorem, we obtain a functional central limit theorem for the scaled queue length process. We proceed to large deviations and derive the logarithmic asymptotics of the queue length's tail probabilities. As it turns out, in a rapidly changing environment (i.e., Ξ”\Delta is small relative to Ξ›\Lambda) the overdispersion of the arrival process hardly affects system behavior, whereas in a slowly changing random environment it is fundamentally different; this general finding applies to both the central limit and the large deviations regime. We extend our results to the setting where each arrival creates a job in multiple infinite-server queues

    Networks of β‹…/G/∞\cdot/G/\infty Server Queues with Shot-Noise-Driven Arrival Intensities

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    We study infinite-server queues in which the arrival process is a Cox process (or doubly stochastic Poisson process), of which the arrival rate is given by shot noise. A shot-noise rate emerges as a natural model, if the arrival rate tends to display sudden increases (or: shots) at random epochs, after which the rate is inclined to revert to lower values. Exponential decay of the shot noise is assumed, so that the queueing systems are amenable for analysis. In particular, we perform transient analysis on the number of customers in the queue jointly with the value of the driving shot-noise process. Additionally, we derive heavy-traffic asymptotics for the number of customers in the system by using a linear scaling of the shot intensity. First we focus on a one dimensional setting in which there is a single infinite-server queue, which we then extend to a network setting