9 research outputs found

    A solution to detect and avoid conflicts for civil remotely piloted aircraft systems into non-segregated airspaces

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    The capability to ‘‘detect and avoid’’ potential collisions is one of the main technical challenges restricting widespread operations of unmanned aircraft into non-segregated airspaces. In fact, to operate into prescribed environments, an unmanned aircraft needs an onboard technology to replace the capability of the human pilot to ‘‘see and avoid’’ collision hazards. Such a technology is a ‘‘sense and avoid’’ system. This article focuses on the ‘‘avoid function’’ of such a system and proposes a suitable solution. The approach to the problem is to schematize a generic obstacle through a moving ellipsoid that represents the region of space the unmanned aircraft must not violate. The obtained solution enables situations of potential conflict to be detected and avoided through a set of such as speed changes in magnitude and/or direction. Thousands of test cases have been considered to validate this solution. Simulations show that the proposed algorithm is able to detect and avoid situations of potential conflict in the three-dimensional space and in real-time, even without the assistance of a human operator. As such, it can be considered as a fundamental step for the development of a prototype of ‘‘sense and avoid’’ system for promoting the integration of unmanned aircraft into non-segregated airspaces

    Real-time path planning considering static and dynamic obstacles

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    This paper introduces a real-time path planning strategy that effectively navigates around both static and dynamic obstacles. The approach combines the principles of Generalised Explicit Vector (GENEX) and Inverse Proportional Navigation (IPN), established algorithms in missile guidance known for their advantageous features such as low computation and closedform expressions. Leveraging these attributes, the proposed strategy addresses path planning challenges involving static and dynamic obstacles. The performance of the combined algorithm is assessed through a comprehensive simulation study in both 2D and 3D scenarios, considering multiple static and dynamic obstacles

    Collision avoidance control for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UAV): Recent advancements and future prospects

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    873-883The recent advances in collision avoidance technologies for unmanned vehicles such as UAVs, AUVs, AGVs, and USVs have greatly advanced the industry. Their lower cost and acceptability of high-risk missions have enabled the development of collision avoidance controllers for autonomous vehicles. These low-maintenance gadgets are also portable, need low maintenance, and enable continuous monitoring to occur near real-time. This may be said; however it would be incorrect, because collision avoidance controllers have been related with compromises that affect data dependability. Research on collision avoidance controls is quickly developing; therefore it is distributed throughout multiple papers, projects, and grey literature. This report critically reviews the recent relevant research on creating collision avoidance systems for autonomous vehicles. Typically, the assessment measures are dependent on the algorithm's use case and the platform's capabilities. The full evaluation of the benefits and drawbacks of the most prevalent approaches in the present state of the art is provided based on 7 metrics which are complexity, communication dependence, pre-mission planning, robustness, 3D compatibility, real-time performance and escape trajectories

    Collision avoidance control for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UAV): Recent advancements and future prospects

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    The recent advances in collision avoidance technologies for unmanned vehicles such as UAVs, AUVs, AGVs, and USVs have greatly advanced the industry. Their lower cost and acceptability of high-risk missions have enabled the development of collision avoidance controllers for autonomous vehicles. These low-maintenance gadgets are also portable, need low maintenance, and enable continuous monitoring to occur near real-time. This may be said; however it would be incorrect, because collision avoidance controllers have been related with compromises that affect data dependability. Research on collision avoidance controls is quickly developing; therefore it is distributed throughout multiple papers, projects, and grey literature. This report critically reviews the recent relevant research on creating collision avoidance systems for autonomous vehicles. Typically, the assessment measures are dependent on the algorithm's use case and the platform's capabilities. The full evaluation of the benefits and drawbacks of the most prevalent approaches in the present state of the art is provided based on 7 metrics which are complexity, communication dependence, pre-mission planning, robustness, 3D compatibility, real-time performance and escape trajectories

    Stability Analysis and Variational Integrator for Real-Time Formation Based on Potential Field

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    This paper investigates a framework of real-time formation of autonomous vehicles by using potential field and variational integrator. Real-time formation requires vehicles to have coordinated motion and efficient computation. Interactions described by potential field can meet the former requirement which results in a nonlinear system. Stability analysis of such nonlinear system is difficult. Our methodology of stability analysis is discussed in error dynamic system. Transformation of coordinates from inertial frame to body frame can help the stability analysis focus on the structure instead of particular coordinates. Then, the Jacobian of reduced system can be calculated. It can be proved that the formation is stable at the equilibrium point of error dynamic system with the effect of damping force. For consideration of calculation, variational integrator is introduced. It is equivalent to solving algebraic equations. Forced Euler-Lagrange equation in discrete expression is used to construct a forced variational integrator for vehicles in potential field and obstacle environment. By applying forced variational integrator on computation of vehicles' motion, real-time formation of vehicles in obstacle environment can be implemented. Algorithm based on forced variational integrator is designed for a leader-follower formation

    Hybrid Planning and Control for Multiple Fixed-Wing Aircraft under Input Constraints

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    This paper presents a novel hybrid control protocol for de-conflicting multiple vehicles with constraints on control inputs. We consider turning rate and linear speed constraints to represent fixed-wing or car-like vehicles. A set of state-feedback controllers along with a state-dependent switching logic are synthesized in a hybrid system to generate collision-free trajectories that converge to the desired destinations of the vehicles. The switching law is designed so that the safety can be guaranteed while no Zeno behavior can occur. A novel temporary goal assignment technique is also designed to guarantee convergence. We analyze the individual modes for safety and the closed-loop hybrid system for convergence. The theoretical developments are demonstrated via simulation results.Comment: Best Student Paper Finalist, AIAA-SciTech GNC Conference, 201

    Evolving Philosophies on Autonomous Obstacle/Collision Avoidance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    Much of the benefits of deploying unmanned aerial vehicles can be derived from autonomous missions. For such missions, however, sense-and-avoid capability (i.e., the ability to detect potential collisions and avoid them) is a critical requirement. Collision avoidance can be broadly classified into global and local path-planning algorithms, both of which need to be addressed in a successful mission. Whereas global path planning (which is mainly done offline) broadly lays out a path that reaches the goal point, local collision-avoidance algorithms, which are usually fast, reactive, and carried out online, ensure safety of the vehicle from unexpected and unforeseen obstacles/collisions. Even though many techniques for both global and local collision avoidance have been proposed in the recent literature, there is a great interest around the globe to solve this important problem comprehensively and efficiently and such techniques are still evolving. This paper presents a brief overview of a few promising and evolving ideas on collision avoidance for unmanned aerial vehicles, with a preferential bias toward local collision avoidance

    Performance evaluation in obstacle avoidance

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    Next generation flight management systems for manned and unmanned aircraft operations - automated separation assurance and collision avoidance functionalities

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    The demand for improved safety, efficiency and dynamic demand-capacity balancing due to the rapid growth of the aviation sector and the increasing proliferation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in different classes of airspace pose significant challenges to avionics system developers. The design of Next Generation Flight Management Systems (NG-FMS) for manned and unmanned aircraft operations is performed by addressing the challenges identified by various Air Traffic Management (ATM) modernisation programmes and UAS Traffic Management (UTM) system initiatives. In particular, this research focusses on introducing automated Separation Assurance and Collision Avoidance (SA&CA) functionalities (mathematical models) in the NG-FMS. The innovative NG-FMS is also capable of supporting automated negotiation and validation of 4-Dimensional Trajectory (4DT) intents in coordination with novel ground-based Next Generation Air Traffic Management (NG-ATM) systems. One of the key research contributions is the development of a unified method for cooperative and non-cooperative SA&CA, addressing the technical and regulatory challenges of manned and unmanned aircraft coexistence in all classes of airspace. Analytical models are presented and validated to compute the overall avoidance volume in the airspace surrounding a tracked object, supporting automated SA&CA functionalities. The scientific basis of this approach is to assess real-time measurements and associated uncertainties affecting navigation states (of the host aircraft platform), tracking observables (of the static or moving object) and platform dynamics, and translate them to unified range and bearing uncertainty descriptors. The SA&CA unified approach provides an innovative analytical framework to generate high-fidelity dynamic geo-fences suitable for integration in the NG-FMS and in the ATM/UTM/defence decision support tools