7,754 research outputs found

    Resource Allocation in Decentralised Computational Systems: An Evolutionary Market-Based Approach

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    We present a novel market-based method, inspired by retail markets, for resource allocation in fully decentralised systems where agents are self-interested. Our market mechanism requires no coordinating node or complex negotiation. The stability of outcome allocations, those at equilibrium, is analysed and compared for three buyer behaviour models. In order to capture the interaction between self-interested agents, we propose the use of competitive coevolution. Our approach is both highly scalable and may be tuned to achieve specified outcome resource allocations. We demonstrate the behaviour of our approach in simulation, where \textit{evolutionary market agents} act on behalf of service providing nodes to adaptively price their resources over time, in response to market conditions. We show that this leads the system to the predicted outcome resource allocation. Furthermore, the system remains stable in the presence of small changes in price, when buyers' decision functions degrade gracefully

    Self-organising agent communities for autonomic resource management

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    The autonomic computing paradigm addresses the operational challenges presented by increasingly complex software systems by proposing that they be composed of many autonomous components, each responsible for the run-time reconfiguration of its own dedicated hardware and software components. Consequently, regulation of the whole software system becomes an emergent property of local adaptation and learning carried out by these autonomous system elements. Designing appropriate local adaptation policies for the components of such systems remains a major challenge. This is particularly true where the system’s scale and dynamism compromise the efficiency of a central executive and/or prevent components from pooling information to achieve a shared, accurate evidence base for their negotiations and decisions.In this paper, we investigate how a self-regulatory system response may arise spontaneously from local interactions between autonomic system elements tasked with adaptively consuming/providing computational resources or services when the demand for such resources is continually changing. We demonstrate that system performance is not maximised when all system components are able to freely share information with one another. Rather, maximum efficiency is achieved when individual components have only limited knowledge of their peers. Under these conditions, the system self-organises into appropriate community structures. By maintaining information flow at the level of communities, the system is able to remain stable enough to efficiently satisfy service demand in resource-limited environments, and thus minimise any unnecessary reconfiguration whilst remaining sufficiently adaptive to be able to reconfigure when service demand changes

    Predicting business/ICT alignment with AntMiner+.

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    In this paper we report on the results of a European survey on business/ICT alignment practices. The goal of this study is to come up with some practical guidelines for managers on how to strive for better alignment of ICT investments with business requirements. Based on Luftman's alignment framework we examine 18 ICT management practices belonging to 6 different competency clusters. We use AntMiner+, a rule induction technique, to create an alignment rule set. The results indicate that B/ICT alignment is a multidimensional goal which can only be obtained through focused investments covering different alignment aspects. The obtained rule set is an interesting mix of both formal engineering and social interaction processes and structures. We discuss the implication of the alignment rules for practitioners.Alignment; Artificial ant systems; Business; Business/ICT alignment; Data; Data mining; Framework; Investment; Investments; Management; Management practices; Managers; Practical guidelines; Processes; Requirements; Rules; Structure; Studies; Systems;


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    In 1998 the South African government adopted water legislation that provides a new constitutional framework for water management. Economic efficiency, social equity, and environmental sustainability are the guiding criteria of the new South African water policy. Water management will be implemented through decentralized institutions (Catchment Management Agencies and Committees, Water Users Associations). These institutions will be in charge of local negotiations and the decision-making processes regarding resource allocation among stakeholders. The new water management institutions have the complex context characterized by inequalities, lack or asymmetry of information, and conflicting interests. Hence, a clear need for negotiation and decision support tools for these institutions is perceived. An action research project was initiated at the University of Pretoria in 2001. It has the main objective of supporting the sustainable establishment of decentralized water management institutions as negotiation and decision-making entities on water resource management at basin level. This paper describes and discusses the participatory approach, aimed at developing a negotiation support tool called Action-research and Watershed Analyses for Resource and Economic sustainability (AWARE). More precisely, the phases of development of the model in close collaboration with DWAF officers are analysed. The choice of involving different stakeholders at different stages of the process, and its possible consequences on the nature of the tool is discussed.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Self-organising agent communities for autonomic computing

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    Efficient resource management is one of key problems associated with large-scale distributed computational systems. Taking into account their increasing complexity, inherent distribution and dynamism, such systems are required to adjust and adapt resources market that is offered by them at run-time and with minimal cost. However, as observed by major IT vendors such as IBM, SUN or HP, the very nature of such systems prevents any reliable and efficient control over their functioning through human administration.For this reason, autonomic system architectures capable of regulating their own functioning are suggested as the alternative solution to looming software complexity crisis. Here, large-scale infrastructures are assumed to comprise myriads of autonomic elements, each acting, learning or evolving separately in response to interactions in their local environments. The self-regulation of the whole system, in turn, becomes a product of local adaptations and interactions between system elements.Although many researchers suggest the application of multi-agent systems that are suitable for realising this vision, not much is known about regulatory mechanisms that are capable to achieve efficient organisation within a system comprising a population of locally and autonomously interacting agents. To address this problem, the aim of the work presented in this thesis was to understand how global system control can emerge out of such local interactions of individual system elements and to develop decentralised decision control mechanisms that are capable to employ this bottom-up self-organisation in order to preserve efficient resource management in dynamic and unpredictable system functioning conditions. To do so, we have identified the study of complex natural systems and their self-organising properties as an area of research that may deliver novel control solutions within the context of autonomic computing.In such a setting, a central challenge for the construction of distributed computational systems was to develop an engineering methodology that can exploit self-organising principles observed in natural systems. This, in particular, required to identify conditions and local mechanisms that give rise to useful self-organisation of interacting elements into structures that support required system functionality. To achieve this, we proposed an autonomic system model exploiting self-organising algorithms and its thermodynamic interpretation, providing a general understanding of self-organising processes that need to be taken into account within artificial systems exploiting self-organisation.<br/

    The effect of load on agent-based algorithms for distributed task allocation

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    Multi-agent algorithms inspired by the division of labour in social insects and by markets, are applied to a constrained problem of distributed task allocation. The efficiency (average number of tasks performed), the flexibility (ability to react to changes in the environment), and the sensitivity to load (ability to cope with differing demands) are investigated in both static and dynamic environments. A hybrid algorithm combining both approaches, is shown to exhibit improved efficiency and robustness. We employ nature inspired particle swarm optimisation to obtain optimised parameters for all algorithms in a range of representative environments. Although results are obtained for large population sizes to avoid finite size effects, the influence of population size on the performance is also analysed. From a theoretical point of view, we analyse the causes of efficiency loss, derive theoretical upper bounds for the efficiency, and compare these with the experimental results

    Socio-economic vision graph generation and handover in distributed smart camera networks

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    In this article we present an approach to object tracking handover in a network of smart cameras, based on self-interested autonomous agents, which exchange responsibility for tracking objects in a market mechanism, in order to maximise their own utility. A novel ant-colony inspired mechanism is used to learn the vision graph, that is, the camera neighbourhood relations, during runtime, which may then be used to optimise communication between cameras. The key benefits of our completely decentralised approach are on the one hand generating the vision graph online, enabling efficient deployment in unknown scenarios and camera network topologies, and on the other hand relying only on local information, increasing the robustness of the system. Since our market-based approach does not rely on a priori topology information, the need for any multicamera calibration can be avoided. We have evaluated our approach both in a simulation study and in network of real distributed smart cameras

    EU Competition Policy, Vertical Restraints, and Innovation: An Analysis from an Evolutionary Perspective

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    The EU competition policy in regard to vertical restraints is mainly based upon neoclassical efficiency-oriented reasonings, leading to a neglect of the innovation dimension. This paper analyses to what extent evolutionary theories of competition and innovation economics can be used to derive additional, new criteria for the assessment of vertical restraints. It is shown that Neo- Schumpeterian and Hayekian approaches to competition and innovation economics as well as knowledge-based theories of the firm are capable to provide a basis for a different framework for analysing the impact of vertical agreements. Specific evolutionary arguments, such as subjective and local knowledge, the heterogeneity of knowledge bases of firms, communication and learning problems, and the complementarity of knowledge (systemic innovations) can be used for deriving additional, new assessment criteria for vertical restraints. The analysis is made against the background of the most recent reforms of EU competition rules in regard to vertical restraints. It also shows how evolutionary approaches to competition and innovation might be used for competition policy.European competition policy, vertical restraints, evolutionary economics, innovation economics.