7,529 research outputs found

    On the use of colour-based segmentation in evolutionary image composition

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    Part of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelliegence (IEEE WCCI 2018). Which includes conferences IJCNN 2018, IEEE CEC 2018 and FUZZ-IEEE 2018.Evolutionary algorithms have been widely used in the area of creativity in order to help create art and music. We consider the recently introduced evolutionary image composition approach based on feature covariance matrices [1] which allows composing two images into a new one based on their feature characteristics. When using evolutionary image composition it is important to obtain a good weighting of interesting regions of the two images. We use colour-based segmentation based on K-Means clustering to come up with such a weighting of the images. Our results show that this preserves the chosen colour regions of the images and leads to composed images that preserve colours better than the previous approach based on saliency masks [1]. Furthermore, we evaluate our composed images in terms of aesthetic feature and show that our approach based on colour-based segmentation leads to higher feature values for most of the investigated features.Aneta Neumann, Frank Neuman

    Non-linear Kalman filters for calibration in radio interferometry

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    We present a new calibration scheme based on a non-linear version of Kalman filter that aims at estimating the physical terms appearing in the Radio Interferometry Measurement Equation (RIME). We enrich the filter's structure with a tunable data representation model, together with an augmented measurement model for regularization. We show using simulations that it can properly estimate the physical effects appearing in the RIME. We found that this approach is particularly useful in the most extreme cases such as when ionospheric and clock effects are simultaneously present. Combined with the ability to provide prior knowledge on the expected structure of the physical instrumental effects (expected physical state and dynamics), we obtain a fairly cheap algorithm that we believe to be robust, especially in low signal-to-noise regime. Potentially the use of filters and other similar methods can represent an improvement for calibration in radio interferometry, under the condition that the effects corrupting visibilities are understood and analytically stable. Recursive algorithms are particularly well adapted for pre-calibration and sky model estimate in a streaming way. This may be useful for the SKA-type instruments that produce huge amounts of data that have to be calibrated before being averaged

    The Magnetic Topology of the Weak-Lined T Tauri Star V410 - A Simultaneous Temperature and Magnetic Field Inversion

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    We present a detailed temperature and magnetic investigation of the T Tauri star V410 Tau by means of a simultaneous Doppler- and Zeeman-Doppler Imaging. Moreover we introduce a new line profile reconstruction method based on a singular value decomposition (SVD) to extract the weak polarized line profiles. One of the key features of the line profile reconstruction is that the SVD line profiles are amenable to radiative transfer modeling within our Zeeman-Doppler Imaging code iMap. The code also utilizes a new iterative regularization scheme which is independent of any additional surface constraints. To provide more stability a vital part of our inversion strategy is the inversion of both Stokes I and Stokes V profiles to simultaneously reconstruct the temperature and magnetic field surface distribution of V410 Tau. A new image-shear analysis is also implemented to allow the search for image and line profile distortions induced by a differential rotation of the star. The magnetic field structure we obtain for V410 Tau shows a good spatial correlation with the surface temperature and is dominated by a strong field within the cool polar spot. The Zeeman-Doppler maps exhibit a large-scale organization of both polarities around the polar cap in the form of a twisted bipolar structure. The magnetic field reaches a value of almost 2 kG within the polar region but smaller fields are also present down to lower latitudes. The pronounced non-axisymmetric field structure and the non-detection of a differential rotation for V410 Tau supports the idea of an underlying α2\alpha^2-type dynamo, which is predicted for weak-lined T Tauri stars.Comment: Accepted for A&A, 18 pages, 10 figure

    Dismantling the Mantel tests

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    The simple and partial Mantel tests are routinely used in many areas of evolutionary biology to assess the significance of the association between two or more matrices of distances relative to the same pairs of individuals or demes. Partial Mantel tests rather than simple Mantel tests are widely used to assess the relationship between two variables displaying some form of structure. We show that contrarily to a widely shared belief, partial Mantel tests are not valid in this case, and their bias remains close to that of the simple Mantel test. We confirm that strong biases are expected under a sampling design and spatial correlation parameter drawn from an actual study. The Mantel tests should not be used in case auto-correlation is suspected in both variables compared under the null hypothesis. We outline alternative strategies. The R code used for our computer simulations is distributed as supporting material

    Coevolved mutations reveal distinct architectures for two core proteins in the bacterial flagellar motor

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    Switching of bacterial flagellar rotation is caused by large domain movements of the FliG protein triggered by binding of the signal protein CheY to FliM. FliG and FliM form adjacent multi-subunit arrays within the basal body C-ring. The movements alter the interaction of the FliG C-terminal (FliGC) "torque" helix with the stator complexes. Atomic models based on the Salmonella entrovar C-ring electron microscopy reconstruction have implications for switching, but lack consensus on the relative locations of the FliG armadillo (ARM) domains (amino-terminal (FliGN), middle (FliGM) and FliGC) as well as changes during chemotaxis. The generality of the Salmonella model is challenged by the variation in motor morphology and response between species. We studied coevolved residue mutations to determine the unifying elements of switch architecture. Residue interactions, measured by their coevolution, were formalized as a network, guided by structural data. Our measurements reveal a common design with dedicated switch and motor modules. The FliM middle domain (FliMM) has extensive connectivity most simply explained by conserved intra and inter-subunit contacts. In contrast, FliG has patchy, complex architecture. Conserved structural motifs form interacting nodes in the coevolution network that wire FliMM to the FliGC C-terminal, four-helix motor module (C3-6). FliG C3-6 coevolution is organized around the torque helix, differently from other ARM domains. The nodes form separated, surface-proximal patches that are targeted by deleterious mutations as in other allosteric systems. The dominant node is formed by the EHPQ motif at the FliMMFliGM contact interface and adjacent helix residues at a central location within FliGM. The node interacts with nodes in the N-terminal FliGc α-helix triad (ARM-C) and FliGN. ARM-C, separated from C3-6 by the MFVF motif, has poor intra-network connectivity consistent with its variable orientation revealed by structural data. ARM-C could be the convertor element that provides mechanistic and species diversity.JK was supported by Medical Research Council grant U117581331. SK was supported by seed funds from Lahore University of Managment Sciences (LUMS) and the Molecular Biology Consortium

    Fuzzy clustering of univariate and multivariate time series by genetic multiobjective optimization

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    Given a set of time series, it is of interest to discover subsets that share similar properties. For instance, this may be useful for identifying and estimating a single model that may fit conveniently several time series, instead of performing the usual identification and estimation steps for each one. On the other hand time series in the same cluster are related with respect to the measures assumed for cluster analysis and are suitable for building multivariate time series models. Though many approaches to clustering time series exist, in this view the most effective method seems to have to rely on choosing some features relevant for the problem at hand and seeking for clusters according to their measurements, for instance the autoregressive coe±cients, spectral measures or the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix. Some new indexes based on goodnessof-fit criteria will be proposed in this paper for fuzzy clustering of multivariate time series. A general purpose fuzzy clustering algorithm may be used to estimate the proper cluster structure according to some internal criteria of cluster validity. Such indexes are known to measure actually definite often conflicting cluster properties, compactness or connectedness, for instance, or distribution, orientation, size and shape. It is argued that the multiobjective optimization supported by genetic algorithms is a most effective choice in such a di±cult context. In this paper we use the Xie-Beni index and the C-means functional as objective functions to evaluate the cluster validity in a multiobjective optimization framework. The concept of Pareto optimality in multiobjective genetic algorithms is used to evolve a set of potential solutions towards a set of optimal non-dominated solutions. Genetic algorithms are well suited for implementing di±cult optimization problems where objective functions do not usually have good mathematical properties such as continuity, differentiability or convexity. In addition the genetic algorithms, as population based methods, may yield a complete Pareto front at each step of the iterative evolutionary procedure. The method is illustrated by means of a set of real data and an artificial multivariate time series data set.Fuzzy clustering, Internal criteria of cluster validity, Genetic algorithms, Multiobjective optimization, Time series, Pareto optimality