4,781 research outputs found

    Whole Genome Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction Using Colored de Bruijn Graphs

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    We present kleuren, a novel assembly-free method to reconstruct phylogenetic trees using the Colored de Bruijn Graph. kleuren works by constructing the Colored de Bruijn Graph and then traversing it, finding bubble structures in the graph that provide phylogenetic signal. The bubbles are then aligned and concatenated to form a supermatrix, from which a phylogenetic tree is inferred. We introduce the algorithms that kleuren uses to accomplish this task, and show its performance on reconstructing the phylogenetic tree of 12 Drosophila species. kleuren reconstructed the established phylogenetic tree accurately, and is a viable tool for phylogenetic tree reconstruction using whole genome sequences. Software package available at: https://github.com/Colelyman/kleurenComment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted at BIBE 2017. Minor modifications to the text due to reviewer feedback and fixed typo

    Wavelet analysis on symbolic sequences and two-fold de Bruijn sequences

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    The concept of symbolic sequences play important role in study of complex systems. In the work we are interested in ultrametric structure of the set of cyclic sequences naturally arising in theory of dynamical systems. Aimed at construction of analytic and numerical methods for investigation of clusters we introduce operator language on the space of symbolic sequences and propose an approach based on wavelet analysis for study of the cluster hierarchy. The analytic power of the approach is demonstrated by derivation of a formula for counting of {\it two-fold de Bruijn sequences}, the extension of the notion of de Bruijn sequences. Possible advantages of the developed description is also discussed in context of applied

    Navigating in a sea of repeats in RNA-seq without drowning

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    The main challenge in de novo assembly of NGS data is certainly to deal with repeats that are longer than the reads. This is particularly true for RNA- seq data, since coverage information cannot be used to flag repeated sequences, of which transposable elements are one of the main examples. Most transcriptome assemblers are based on de Bruijn graphs and have no clear and explicit model for repeats in RNA-seq data, relying instead on heuristics to deal with them. The results of this work are twofold. First, we introduce a formal model for repre- senting high copy number repeats in RNA-seq data and exploit its properties for inferring a combinatorial characteristic of repeat-associated subgraphs. We show that the problem of identifying in a de Bruijn graph a subgraph with this charac- teristic is NP-complete. In a second step, we show that in the specific case of a local assembly of alternative splicing (AS) events, we can implicitly avoid such subgraphs. In particular, we designed and implemented an algorithm to efficiently identify AS events that are not included in repeated regions. Finally, we validate our results using synthetic data. We also give an indication of the usefulness of our method on real data

    Are we there yet? : reliably estimating the completeness of plant genome sequences

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    Genome sequencing is becoming cheaper and faster thanks to the introduction of next-generation sequencing techniques. Dozens of new plant genome sequences have been released in recent years, ranging from small to gigantic repeat-rich or polyploid genomes. Most genome projects have a dual purpose: delivering a contiguous, complete genome assembly and creating a full catalog of correctly predicted genes. Frequently, the completeness of a species' gene catalog is measured using a set of marker genes that are expected to be present. This expectation can be defined along an evolutionary gradient, ranging from highly conserved genes to species-specific genes. Large-scale population resequencing studies have revealed that gene space is fairly variable even between closely related individuals, which limits the definition of the expected gene space, and, consequently, the accuracy of estimates used to assess genome and gene space completeness. We argue that, based on the desired applications of a genome sequencing project, different completeness scores for the genome assembly and/or gene space should be determined. Using examples from several dicot and monocot genomes, we outline some pitfalls and recommendations regarding methods to estimate completeness during different steps of genome assembly and annotation

    Recovering complete and draft population genomes from metagenome datasets.

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    Assembly of metagenomic sequence data into microbial genomes is of fundamental value to improving our understanding of microbial ecology and metabolism by elucidating the functional potential of hard-to-culture microorganisms. Here, we provide a synthesis of available methods to bin metagenomic contigs into species-level groups and highlight how genetic diversity, sequencing depth, and coverage influence binning success. Despite the computational cost on application to deeply sequenced complex metagenomes (e.g., soil), covarying patterns of contig coverage across multiple datasets significantly improves the binning process. We also discuss and compare current genome validation methods and reveal how these methods tackle the problem of chimeric genome bins i.e., sequences from multiple species. Finally, we explore how population genome assembly can be used to uncover biogeographic trends and to characterize the effect of in situ functional constraints on the genome-wide evolution

    Telescoper: de novo assembly of highly repetitive regions.

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    MotivationWith advances in sequencing technology, it has become faster and cheaper to obtain short-read data from which to assemble genomes. Although there has been considerable progress in the field of genome assembly, producing high-quality de novo assemblies from short-reads remains challenging, primarily because of the complex repeat structures found in the genomes of most higher organisms. The telomeric regions of many genomes are particularly difficult to assemble, though much could be gained from the study of these regions, as their evolution has not been fully characterized and they have been linked to aging.ResultsIn this article, we tackle the problem of assembling highly repetitive regions by developing a novel algorithm that iteratively extends long paths through a series of read-overlap graphs and evaluates them based on a statistical framework. Our algorithm, Telescoper, uses short- and long-insert libraries in an integrated way throughout the assembly process. Results on real and simulated data demonstrate that our approach can effectively resolve much of the complex repeat structures found in the telomeres of yeast genomes, especially when longer long-insert libraries are used.AvailabilityTelescoper is publicly available for download at sourceforge.net/p/[email protected] informationSupplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online
