3 research outputs found

    Path tracking control of differential drive mobile robot based on chaotic-billiards optimization algorithm

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    Mobile robots are typically depending only on robot kinematics control. However, when high-speed motions and highly loaded transfer are considered, it is necessary to analyze dynamics of the robot to limit tracking error. The goal of this paper is to present a new algorithm, chaotic-billiards optimizer (C-BO) to optimize internal controller parameters of a differential-drive mobile robot (DDMR)-based dynamic model. The C-BO algorithm is notable for its ease of implementation, minimal number of design parameters, high convergence speed, and low computing burden. In addition, a comparison between the performance of C-BO and ant colony optimization (ACO) to determine the optimum controller coefficient that provides superior performance and convergence of the path tracking. The ISE criterion is selected as a fitness function in a simulation-based optimization strategy. For the point of accuracy, the velocity-based dynamic compensation controller was successfully integrated with the motion controller proposed in this study for the robot's kinematics. Control structure of the model was tested using MATLAB/Simulink. The results demonstrate that the suggested C-BO, with steady state error performance of 0.6 percent compared to ACO's 0.8 percent, is the optimum alternative for parameter optimizing the controller for precise path tracking. Also, it offers advantages of quick response, high tracking precision, and outstanding anti-interference capability

    Robotika kolaboratiboa nabigazio autonomoarekin bihurketa prozesuak egiteko entengabeko lanetan

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    Capítulo 6.2 confidencial . -- Tesis completa 190 p. -- Tesis censurada 165 p.Proiektu honek bi prototipo ezberdin jasotzen ditu. Alde batetik, nabigazio autonomoa erabiltzen duen AMR prototipo baten garapena erakutsiko da. Bestetik, Mercedes ¿ Benz barnean landuriko tresneria baten ikerketa aurkeztuko da. AMR-ak plataforma mugikor ahaltsuak dira eta hauek barneko nabigazio autonomoa erabiltzen dute, edozein gune ezagunetik mugiarazteko. Horregatik, Gasteizko Ingeniaritza Eskolak halako plataforma baten diseinua burutzen hasi da, lokalizazio algoritmoak lantzeko. Robot mugikor honek elementu industrialak erabiliko ditu eta hauek inteligentzia garapenean zenbait oztopo ezarriko ditu. AMR - ri robot bat atxiki ahal zaio, horregatik Mercedes ¿ Benz barnean elementu komertzialekin AMR bateri robot kolaboratibo bat ezarri zaio. Garapen honek lan postuen efizientziak lantzeko baliagarria izango da eta horretarako robotak etengabeko lanetan mugiarazi, kokatu eta kalitatezko lana burutu behar du