200 research outputs found

    Evolution of Voronoi based Fuzzy Recurrent Controllers

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    A fuzzy controller is usually designed by formulating the knowledge of a human expert into a set of linguistic variables and fuzzy rules. Among the most successful methods to automate the fuzzy controllers development process are evolutionary algorithms. In this work, we propose the Recurrent Fuzzy Voronoi (RFV) model, a representation for recurrent fuzzy systems. It is an extension of the FV model proposed by Kavka and Schoenauer that extends the application domain to include temporal problems. The FV model is a representation for fuzzy controllers based on Voronoi diagrams that can represent fuzzy systems with synergistic rules, fulfilling the ϵ\epsilon-completeness property and providing a simple way to introduce a priory knowledge. In the proposed representation, the temporal relations are embedded by including internal units that provide feedback by connecting outputs to inputs. These internal units act as memory elements. In the RFV model, the semantic of the internal units can be specified together with the a priori rules. The geometric interpretation of the rules allows the use of geometric variational operators during the evolution. The representation and the algorithms are validated in two problems in the area of system identification and evolutionary robotics

    Evolution of recurrent fuzzy controllers

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    The main advantage of a recurrent architecture is the ability to store information from prior system states. A recurrent fuzzy controller includes hidden fuzzy variables which makes the controller more appropriate to deal with dynamic systems. We are currently investigating the effect of evolution of recurrent fuzzy controllers by applying the FV representation, which provides a set of advantages that can signi catively benefit the quality of the knowledge insertion process.Eje: Sistemas de información y MetaheurísticaRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Prior knowledge in evolutionary fuzzy recurrent controllers design

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    A fuzzy controller is usually designed by formulating the knowledge of a human expert into a set of linguistic variables and fuzzy rules. As it is well known, the use of prior knowledge can dramatically improve the performance and quality of the fuzzy system design process. In previous works we have introduced the RFV model, a representation for recurrent fuzzy controllers based on Voronoi diagrams that can represent fuzzy systems with synergistic rules, ful lling the completeness property and providing a simple way to introduce prior knowledge. In this work we present our current approach in the study of the inclusion of prior knowledge in the context of the RFV model.Eje: Inteligencia artificialRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Evolution of recurrent fuzzy controllers

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    The main advantage of a recurrent architecture is the ability to store information from prior system states. A recurrent fuzzy controller includes hidden fuzzy variables which makes the controller more appropriate to deal with dynamic systems. We are currently investigating the effect of evolution of recurrent fuzzy controllers by applying the FV representation, which provides a set of advantages that can signi catively benefit the quality of the knowledge insertion process.Eje: Sistemas de información y MetaheurísticaRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A study of prior knowledge insertion in evolutionary fuzzy recurrent controllers design

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    A fuzzy controller is usually designed by formulating the knowledge of a human expert into a set of linguistic variables and fuzzy rules. As it is well known, the use of prior knowledge can dramatically improve the performance and quality of the fuzzy system design process. In previous works we have introduced the RFV model, a representation for recurrent fuzzy controllers based on Voronoi diagrams that can represent fuzzy systems with synergistic rules, ful lling the completeness property and providing a simple way to introduce prior knowledge. In this work we present our current approach in the study of the inclusion of prior knowledge in the context of the RFV modelEje: VI Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Prior knowledge in evolutionary fuzzy recurrent controllers design

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    A fuzzy controller is usually designed by formulating the knowledge of a human expert into a set of linguistic variables and fuzzy rules. As it is well known, the use of prior knowledge can dramatically improve the performance and quality of the fuzzy system design process. In previous works we have introduced the RFV model, a representation for recurrent fuzzy controllers based on Voronoi diagrams that can represent fuzzy systems with synergistic rules, ful lling the completeness property and providing a simple way to introduce prior knowledge. In this work we present our current approach in the study of the inclusion of prior knowledge in the context of the RFV model.Eje: Inteligencia artificialRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Evolución de controladores difusos recurrentes basados en diagramas de voronoi

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    Para muchos procesos del mundo real es posible dise ñar un controlador difuso que provea buena regularidad usando sólo conocimiento experto. No obstante ello, para lograr un desempeñno satisfactorio es necesario hacer uso de métodos más so fisticados. En este trabajo proponemos un modelo basado en sistemas difusos recurrentes, donde el antecedente de las reglas está determinado por una función de pertenencia multidimensional de finida en términos de regiones de Voronoi. Las conexiones recurrentes permiten mantener una memoria que guarda información previa. Un algoritmo evolutivo puede evolucionar todas las componentes del sistema difuso recurrente. Además es posible insertar en el sistema conocimiento a priori de forma simple y efectiva. El modelo propuesto es evaluado sobre un problema de control de un robot móvil que debe avanzar evitando obstáculos y siguiendo una trayectoria dirigida por se ñales luminosas.Eje: V - Workshop de agentes y sistemas inteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Evolución de controladores difusos recurrentes basados en diagramas de voronoi

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    Para muchos procesos del mundo real es posible dise ñar un controlador difuso que provea buena regularidad usando sólo conocimiento experto. No obstante ello, para lograr un desempeñno satisfactorio es necesario hacer uso de métodos más so fisticados. En este trabajo proponemos un modelo basado en sistemas difusos recurrentes, donde el antecedente de las reglas está determinado por una función de pertenencia multidimensional de finida en términos de regiones de Voronoi. Las conexiones recurrentes permiten mantener una memoria que guarda información previa. Un algoritmo evolutivo puede evolucionar todas las componentes del sistema difuso recurrente. Además es posible insertar en el sistema conocimiento a priori de forma simple y efectiva. El modelo propuesto es evaluado sobre un problema de control de un robot móvil que debe avanzar evitando obstáculos y siguiendo una trayectoria dirigida por se ñales luminosas.Eje: V - Workshop de agentes y sistemas inteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Evolución de controladores difusos recurrentes basados en diagramas de voronoi

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    Para muchos procesos del mundo real es posible dise ñar un controlador difuso que provea buena regularidad usando sólo conocimiento experto. No obstante ello, para lograr un desempeñno satisfactorio es necesario hacer uso de métodos más so fisticados. En este trabajo proponemos un modelo basado en sistemas difusos recurrentes, donde el antecedente de las reglas está determinado por una función de pertenencia multidimensional de finida en términos de regiones de Voronoi. Las conexiones recurrentes permiten mantener una memoria que guarda información previa. Un algoritmo evolutivo puede evolucionar todas las componentes del sistema difuso recurrente. Además es posible insertar en el sistema conocimiento a priori de forma simple y efectiva. El modelo propuesto es evaluado sobre un problema de control de un robot móvil que debe avanzar evitando obstáculos y siguiendo una trayectoria dirigida por se ñales luminosas.Eje: V - Workshop de agentes y sistemas inteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI