12 research outputs found

    Integrating independent components with on-demand remodularization

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    This paper proposes language concepts that facilitate the separation of an application into independent reusable building blocks and the integration of pre-build generic software components into applications that have been developed by third party vendors. A key element of our approach are on-demand remodularizations, meaning that the abstractions and vocabulary of an existing code base are translated into the vocabulary understood by a set of components that are connected by a common collaboration interface. This general concept allows us to mix-and-match remodularizations and components on demand

    Meta-programming composers in 2nd generation component systems

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    Future component systems will require that components can be composed flexibly. In contrast to current systems which only support a fixed set of composition mechanisms, the component system should provide a composition language in which users can define their own specific composers. It is argued for an object-oriented setting that this will be possible by meta-programming the class-graph. Composers will be based on two important elements. First, they will express coupling by graph-based operators which transform parts of the class-graph (coupling design patterns). Second, during these transformations, elementary meta-operators will be used to transform data and code, rearranging slots and methods of parameter-components. Thus during their reuse, components are queried by introspection and transformed by meta-programming. Composers that use meta-programming generalize connectors in architectural languages. Hence they encapsulate context-dependent aspects of a system, and make components independent of their embedding context. Since meta-programming composers may change behavior of components transparently, meta-programming composers will lead to a nice form of grey-box reuse, which supports embedding of components (and classes) into application contexts in a new and flexible way

    EOLANG and φ\varphi-calculus

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    Object-oriented programming (OOP) is one of the most popular paradigms used for building software systems. However, despite its industrial and academic popularity, OOP is still missing a formal apparatus similar to λ\lambda-calculus, which functional programming is based on. There were a number of attempts to formalize OOP, but none of them managed to cover all the features available in modern OO programming languages, such as C++ or Java. We have made yet another attempt and created φ\varphi-calculus. We also created EOLANG (also called EO), an experimental programming language based on φ\varphi-calculus

    Context modeling of agile software and a contextbased approach to support virtual enterprises

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    In the practice of software development contexts have been only implicitly modeled and transformed in fixed part of software. The information about context is dispersed in objects across the application. Each context change leads to modification or new development of the software. The context modeling helps developer to separate context objects from contextdependent objects. It allows better reuse of analysis, design and implementation models, if the context of certain objects is changed. The context modeling is interesting and necessary, when the software should be agile - i.e. when the environment and the condition of the software could be changed permanently, e.g. in case of platform for virtual enterprises. The paper introduces a novel approach to support processes within generic platforms for virtual enterprises: the context-based approach. The main advantage of the approach lies in its generic capacity, which allows the users to define processes flexibly to support their own enterprises. In this paper, we discuss further the phenomenon of extra-context logic, its modeling and its application case. The information of extra-context logic provides not only the better understanding of application domain, but also can be used by a wizard to support the interaction of users working with multiple systems

    Implementing layered designs with mixin layers

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    Managing Product Line Asset Bases

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    Product lines are predicated on collecting assets common to the desired product portfolio, commonly known as the asset base. For many product lines, the size of asset base has become large enough to create a variety of difficulties. The techniques for managing large product line asset bases are unaddressed in the literature. This research presents new techniques that take advantage of asset base characteristics, unavailable in more general collections, to both reduce the number of assets and to organize the asset base that go beyond what is possible with other software collections. The result is an asset base that is more efficient to use. Research related to improving the organization of the asset base was performed by taking the component assets of a research SPL and arranging them based on three different organizational criteria - according to the structure of the architecture, important abstractions (Key Domain Abstractions), and product features. The three resulting organizations were then studied using four evaluation criteria - natural division of assets into groups (assets fit into the groups provided by the organization), easy to map assets to organization criteria (mapping between the selection of a particular product variant and the assets needed to produce it), reasonably sized groups, and similarly sized groups. The effectiveness of the different organizations was then compared and recommendations concerning asset base organization provided. The literature indicates that large product lines are likely to contain multiple assets that provide the same functionality, but that differ in the program context that they support. The presence of the duplicative assets creates a number of problems including organization difficulties. In a SPL these differences in program context are the result of requirements expressed at the product`s variation points. The limited differences in program context make it practical to attempt to provide a modular solution which permits the desired variation to be assembled as needed. The research explored a number of different implementation mechanisms to provide these modular variation points. The result is a recommendation on how to implement SPL variation points provided in the form of a pattern language

    Methoden- und Werkzeugunterstützung für evolutionäre, objektorientierte Software-Projekte

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    Die Software-Entwicklung verläuft in der Regel evolutionär, d.h. als eine Folge von Erweiterungs- und Anpassungszyklen, beruhend auf Erfahrung, Nutzung und Revision. Viele der bekannten Vorgehensmodelle, wie z.B. "Rational Unified Process" (RUP), berücksichtigen diesen evolutionären Aspekt der Software-Entwicklung ungenügend. Mit dem EOS-Modell, ein Vorgehensmodell für die evolutionäre, objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung (EOS), wird versucht, dieses Defizit zu überbrücken. In der ursprünglichen Fassung ist das EOS-Modell methodenunabhängig. Ein Ziel der Dissertation war es, konkrete Methoden für die EOS-Subprozesse Projektmanagement, Software-Entwicklung, Qualitätssicherung, Konfigurationsmanagement und Nutzung und Bewertung vorzuschlagen. Ausgehend von der Methoden-Definition wurde prototypisch ein Werkzeug implementiert, das eine systematische Unterstützung der definierten Methoden ermöglicht

    Inheritance relationships for disciplined software construction

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN029714 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    GeNeMe ´99 - Virtuelle Organisation und Neue Medien 1999: Workshop GeNeMe99 - Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien: TU Dresden, 28./29.10.1999

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    Aus dem Vorwort: 'Wir freuen uns, mit dem Band GeNeMe99 die Beiträge des zweiten Workshops zu GeNeMe - Gemeinschaften in neuen Medien - präsentieren zu können. Damit erfüllt sich zumindest im Ansatz die mit der GeNeMe98 verbundene Absicht, eine Arbeits und Veranstaltungslinie zu begründen. Treffend aktuell reflektiert folgende dpa-Meldung zum diesjährigen 'European IT Forum' in Paris vom 13. September des Jahres die Herausforderungen an Forschung und Praxis zur Verwirklichung des GeNeMe-Trends. Europa wird nach Einschätzung von Analysten in den nächsten Jahren im elektronischen Handel über das Internet kräftig aufholen. Damit könne Europa zum größten zusammenhängenden Markt im E-Commerce werden. Um im Wettbewerb bestehen zu können, müßten die Unternehmen aber ihre gesamte Firmenstruktur auf die elektronische Zukunft ausrichten. Das gelte auch für Unternehmen außerhalb der Technologie-Branche.:A. EINFÜHRUNG 1 Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien - Quality of Service aus der Sicht von Nutzer, Betreiber und Service Provider 1 Dr.-Ing. habil. W. Pretzsch, Dipl.-Inform. D. Neumann B. AUSGEWÄHLTE ANSÄTZE ZUR ENTWICKLUNG UND TECHNOLOGIE VON VIRTUELLEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN 25 B. 1. Gruppenorientiertes Requirement Engineering auf der Basis von Lotus Notes 25 Prof. Dr. R Liskowsky, Dipl.-Ing. R Pjater, Dipl.-Inf. H. Steher B.2. Die technische Infrastruktur zur Teilnahme von unternehmen an Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien 49 M. Ecks, M. Senft Prof. Dr. J. Raasch B. 3. Context modeling of agile software and a context-based approach to support virtual enterprises 73 Dipl.-Inform. Duy-TuanNguyen, Dr. V. Do B. 4. Stabilität und Sicherheit im Web - Der Test webbasierter Anwendungen 89 Dr. R Schröder C. REFERENZMODELLE UND ARCHITEKTUREN VON GEMEINSCHAFTEN IN NEUEN MEDIEN 109 C. l. Ein Referenzmodell für virtuelle Unternehmen 109 Dipl.-Inform. (FH) J. Homann, Dipl.-Inform. D. Neumann C.2. Ein Referenzmodell fü r Gemeinschaften und Medien - Case Study Amazon.com 125 Dr. U. Lechner, Prof. Dr. B. Schmid, Dr. P. Schubert, Dipl. Inform. M. Klose, Stud. oec. O. Miler VIII C.3. Formalisierung und Architektur von Medien und ihren Gemeinschaften 151 Dr. U. Lechner, Prof. Dr. B. Schmid, Dipl. Inform. M. Klose CA. Analyse und Bewertung von wirtschaftsrelevanten Internet-Auftritten Mittelständischer Unternehemen in den neuen Bundesländern 181 Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf. E. Kosilek D. KOMMUNIKATION IN VIRTUELLEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN 197 D. 1. Das Potential von Virtual Communities auf Basis von Distributed Virtual Environments für Kundengewinnung und -Bindung 197 J. Templin, Dipl.-Inform. R. Dachselt D.2. Der Einsatz von Desktop-VR für E-Commerce-Anwendungen - Konzepte für dreidimensionale Produktpräsentationen 213 Dipl.-Inform. R. Dachselt D. 3. Die 3D Community als ein Frontend für internetbasierte Anlagenmanagementsysteme 233 Dr.-Ing. K. Richter E. LERNEN IN VIRTUELLEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN 255 E. 1. Ein Web-basierter Compuiergraphik-Kurs im Baukastensysten 255 F. Hanisch, Dr. R. Klein, Prof. Dr. W. Straßer E.2. Integration von Telelearning- und Teleworking-Applikationen 271 Dipl.-Inform. I. Braun, Dipl.-Inform. K. Franze, Dipl.-Inform. R. HEss, Dipl.-Inform. O. Neumann, Prof. Dr. A. Schill E.3. Ein Dokumentmodell für Kursdokumente in Webbasierten Virtuellen Lernumgebungen 291 Prof. Dr. K. Meißner, Dipl.-Inform. F. Wehner E.4. Die Net Academy als Medium für die Learning Community eines Masterprogramms an der Universität St. Gallen 307 S. Seufert, P. Schubert E.5. Das Project Net Academy 329 Dipl.-Kffr. D. Wittig E.6. „Distributed Learning“ unter Lotus Notes - ein Erfahrungsbericht 351 W. Schröter IX F. FACHÜBERGREIFENDE ASPEKTE 371 F. 1. Information Systems for Managing Second Order Dynamics of Organizations 371 Dr. F. Wierda F.2. E-commerce und seine Marktplätze 385 M. Skrzypek F.3. Unternehmensübergreifendes Workflow-Management als Instrument zur Unterstützung von Lieferketten (SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT) 393 Dipl.-Inform. M. Halatchev, Dipl.-Phys., Dipl-SWTE. Közle G. ANSCHRIFTEN DER AUTOREN 409 H. HINWEIS AUF DIE SPONSOREN 41

    Composite objects: dynamic representation and encapsulation by static classification of object references

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    The composition of several objects to one higher-level, composite object is a central technique in the construction of object-oriented software systems and for the management of their structural and dynamic complexity. Standard object-oriented programming languages, however, focus their support on the elementary objects and on class inheritance (the other central technique). They do not provide for the expression of objects' composition, and do not ensure any kind of encapsulation of composite objects. In particular, there is no guarantee that composite objects control the changes of their own state (state encapsulation). We propose to advance software quality by new program annotations that document the design with respect to object composition and, based on them, new static checks that exclude designs violating the encapsulation of composite objects' state. No significant restrictions are imposed on the composite objects' internal structure and dynamic construction. Common design patterns like Iterators and Abstract Factories are supported. We extend a subset of the Java language by mode annotations at all types of object references, and a user-specified classification of all methods into potentially state changing mutators and read-only observers. The modes superimpose composition relationships between objects connected by paths of references at run-time. The proposed mode system limits, orthogonally to the type system, the invocation of mutator methods (depending on the mode of the reference to the receiver object), the permissibility of reference passing (as parameter or result), and the compatibility between references of different modes. These restrictions statically guarantee state encapsulation relative to the mode-expressed object composition structure