6 research outputs found

    The application of the social model of disability and Wilson’s model of information behaviour towards effective service delivery for students with disabilities within an academic library context

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    This paper explores the applicability of the social model of disability and Wilson’s model of information seeking behaviour for effective service delivery to students with disabilities in the context of academic libraries.The paper is based on a literature review based on Oliver’’s social model of disability and Wilson’s model of information seeking behaviour in relation to service provision to students with disabilities in academic libraries. The literature review provided a background to the two models and their criticisms and implications to academic libraries.This paper shows that despite their respective weaknesses, using the social model of disability and Wilson’s model of information seeking behaviour in the academic library context offers an opportunity for academic libraries to re-look at their systems and services in order to address the different barriers faced by students with disabilities in their day to day information seeking. As libraries acquire and organise their resources, the needs of students with disabilities should always be prioritised. Academic libraries as a key information source in any academic setting have a responsibility to provide information in various formats using various facilities for easy accessibility and use by their diverse users.Access to any form of information is a fundamental human right. Academic libraries must identify and remove barriers that may inhibit information seeking for students with disabilities. Additionally, academic libraries should use multiple facilities to provide information. This will ensure that information needs for users with disabilities are catered for.Keywords: Social model of disability, Wilson’s model of information seeking behaviour, students with disabilities, academic librarie


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    Purpose: This study investigated the information needs and seeking behaviour, hurdles to information seeking of Post Graduate students of Kohat University of Science and Technology, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It focused on the information requirements of the Post Graduate students of the university, the pattern they use for seeking information, the difficulties they faced during seeking information. Design/Methodology/approach: This study used a quantitative approach, adapting a survey questionnaire method for data collection. The population of this study was composed of M.Phil. and PhD students of 2019 and 2020 in the faculties of Physical and Numerical Sciences, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biological Sciences and Social Sciences of KUST. The sample size was 260. Students were selected randomly. The study response rate was 77% and data were analyzed through SPSS (22 version). Key findings: The study revealed that Most students\u27 information needs were for study and research activities, new knowledge, and for career development. To fulfil these needs, the scholars use various sources and resources. The sources they used for information needs were Journal Articles, Textbooks, and Research Projects commonly. For the information-seeking purpose, often, students preferred books that have some importance. The other factors that played an essential role in selecting material were topical relevance, Novelty, Recommended by colleagues, and publisher’s reputation. Most of the students thought that Book Exhibitions, Open Access systems in the Library, and the Display of new arrivals could enhance the students\u27 information-seeking. The main problems during seeking information were faced by them were shortage of printed information resources. Overall they wanted more facilities, enhancement in the library collection and better services. Delimitations of the study: This study has not included 1) BS and M.Sc. Students of KUST; 2) The colleges and institutions affiliated with KUST; 3) This study was delimited only to the Post Graduate students of KUST. Practical implication(s): The findings of the study motivate the policy makers, authorities of KUST to restructure the information literacy programs to fulfil the scholars’ information needs. It may inform the policy makers to know the difficulties faced by scholars during information seeking. Contribution to the knowledge: No significant work has been done on the students\u27 Information Needs and Seeking Behaviour at KUST. The Study analyzed the Information Needs and Seeking Behaviour of Post Graduate students. It brought a clear picture of information needs and seeking behaviour of scholars and addressed the problems faced by them during seeking process

    Designing assistive technology for getting more independence for blind people when performing everyday tasks: an auditory-based tool as a case study

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    Everyday activities and tasks should in theory be easily carried by everyone, including the blind. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been widely used for supporting solutions. However, the solutions can be problematic for the visually impaired since familiarity with digital devices is often required. Or, indeed the procedure can be perceived as fiddly or impractical particularly for repetitive tasks due to the number/type of steps required to complete the task. This paper introduces a simple audio-based tool aimed at supporting visually-impaired people in the seemingly simple activity of checking whether the light in a room is on or off. It is an example of potential low tech devices that can be designed without the need for specific skills or knowledge by the user, and that functions in a practical way. In this context, we discuss the main issues and considerations for totally blind users in identifying whether a light is switched on. The proposed prototype is based on a simple circuit and a form of auditory feedback which informs the user whether they are switching on or off the light. Two prototypes have been designed and built for two different kinds of installation. For the subsequent second prototype, three different versions are proposed to provide a blind person with further support in easily identifying the light status at home. The new design includes enhanced auditory feedback and modifications to the dimensions. The evaluation conducted by involving various groups of end-users revealed the usefulness of the proposed tool. In addition, a survey conducted with 100 visually-impaired people reported the limitations and difficulties encountered by the blind in using existing devices. Moreover, the study revealed the interest from 94% of the participants for a potential (new) basic tool integrable with the existing lighting system. This study gives a contribution in the ambient intelligence field by (1) showing how an auditory-based tool can be used to support totally blind people to check the lights in an autonomous and relatively simple way; (2) proposing an idea that can be exploited in other application cases that use light feedback; and (3) proposing seven potential recommendations for designing assistive technology tools and common everyday devices, based on information gathered from the online survey

    The everyday life information behaviour of visually impaired students at Stellenbosch University

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    This article investigated the everyday life information behaviour of students with visual impairment at Stellenbosch University (SU). Ten students with sight disabilities from various faculties completed a questionnaire administered by the University’s Braille Office. The key findings revealed that students with visual impairments consulted friends, family members and lecturers for both personal and academic information, relied heavily on the support and services of the Braille Office, used assistive technology to find websites, online full text journal articles and e-books. The everyday behaviour of students with visual impairments at Stellenbosch University conformed to McKenzie’s (2003) everyday life information behaviour model

    The exploration of the information needs of students using the UNISA Ekurhuleni Regional Service Centre Library

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    Abstracts in English, Sepedi, XhosaThe objective of this study was to explore the information needs of students using the UNISA Ekurhuleni Regional Service Centre Library by employing a qualitative method of inquiry. A total number of thirty two students were selected as respondents by means of purposive sampling. The one-on-one interview was used as the data collection instrument and the collected data was analysed by means of descriptive analysis. The findings indicate that students’ information needs are influenced by several factors, such as their academic activities, e.g. writing assignments, preparing for the examination, personal development and reading for leisure. The findings also indicate that students are not fully satisfied with the information resources and services that are offered at the UNISA Ekurhuleni Regional Service Centre Library, because of the challenges prohibiting them form utilizing the resources and services. These challenges include inadequate library skills, inadequate information resources, noise in the library and the distance to travel to the library. It is recommended that the infrastructure of the library, as well as the library collection and human resources be improved. The study also suggest that library training skills should be facilitated and that the awareness of information resources and services should be intensifiedMaikemišetšo a thuto ye ke go utulla dinyakwa tša tshedimošo tša baithuti re šomiša Lefelo la Ditirelo tša Bokgobapuku bja Selete sa Ekurhuleni sa ka go šomiša mokgwa wa go nyaka tshedimošo wa qualitative. Palomoka ya baithuti ba 32 e kgethilwe bjalo ka baarabi ba loketšego go dira seo le sešupo ka go se kgethe. Poledišano ya batho ba babedi e šomišitšwe bjalo ka sedirišwa sa go kgoboketša datha mme datha yeo e kgobokeditšwego e ahlaahlilwe ka kahlaahlo ya go hlalosa. Diphihlelelo di laetša go re dinyakwa tša baithuti tša tshedimošo di huetšwa ke dintlha tše mmalwa, go akaretšwa le ditiro tša bona tša thuto ya godimo (mohl. go ngwala asaenemente le go beakanyetša moleko), tlhabollo ya bowena le go balela lethabo. Diphihlelelo le tšona di laetša go re baithuti ga se ba kgotsofale go felela ka ga methopo ya tshedimošo le ditirelo tšeo di abjago mo Lefelo la Ditirelo tša Bokgobapuku bja Selete sa Ekurhuleni sa UNISA, ka gobane go na le mathata ao a mo šitišago go šomiša methopo le ditirelo. Mathata a a akaretša bokgoni bjo bo sa lekanago bja bokgobapuku,lešata ka gare ga bokgobapuku le bokgole bjo ba swanetšego go bo sepela go ya bokgobapuku. Go digetšwe gore lenaneokgoparara la bokgobapuku, gotee le kgoboketšo le methopo ya bašomi, e kaonafatšwe. Thuto ye e ra gore bokgoni bja tlhahlo ya bokgobapuku bo swanetše bo sepedišwe, le gore temošo ka ga methopo ya tshedimošo le ditirelo di swanetše go matlafatšwa.Injongo yesi sifundo kukuphanda ngezidingo zolwazi zabafundi abasebenzisa ithala leencwadi lesithili sasEkurhuleni, elaziwa ngokuba yiUNISA Ekurhuleni Regional Service Centre Library. Oku kwenziwe ngokusebenzisa indlela yophando lomgangatho. Kwakhethwa gabalala abafundi abangama-32 ababeza kuphendula imibuzo, bengakhethwa ngeempawu ezithile. Kwenziwe udliwano ndlebe lomntu ngamnye kuqokelelwa iinkcukacha zolwazi nezithe zahlalutywa ngohlobo lokucacisa okuhlalutywayo Okufunyanisiweyo kubonise ukuba izidingo zolwazi zabafundi zichatshazelwa yimiba eliqela, equka nemisebenzi yezifundo (umz. ukubhala iiasayinmenti nokulungiselela iimviwo), ukuziqhubela phambili nokufundela ulonwabo. Kuphinde kwafunyaniswa ukuba abafundi abanelisekanga ngokupheleleyo yimithombo neenkonzo ezinikwa leli thala leencwadi, ngoba kusekho imingeni enqanda ukuba bangakwazi ukuzisebenzisa ezi nkonzo nemithombo yolwazi. Le mingeni iquka izakhono eziqhwalelayo zamathala eencwadi, imithombo yolwazi esilelayo, ingxolo kwithala leencwadi kwanemigama ehanjwa ngabafundi ukuya kwithala leencwadi Kucetyiswa ukuba kuphuculwe izibonelelo zethala eli, ingqokelela yemithombo yolwazi kwanoncedo oluvela kubantu abasebenzayo. Esi sifundo sikwacebisa ukuba kuququzelelwe uqeqesho kwizakhono zamathala eencwadi, kuqiniswe ukuthathela ingqalelo imithombo yolwazi neyeenkonzo.Information ScienceM.Inf. (Information Science