11 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Energy Consumption in MANET

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    In ad hoc mobile wireless networks, energy consumption is an important issue as most mobile hosts operate on limited battery resource. Existing models for evaluating the energy consumption behavior of a mobile ad hoc network have shown that the various components of energy related costs include transmission power as well as power of reception. In this paper, we extend the model for calculating the energy spent at a node due to a flow in the network. We include the transmission and reception costs if the node belongs to a flow, and reception costs if it is near a flow. The model gives the energy costs of nodes in ideal conditions where interferences and collisions are absent, and hence can be extended to evaluate the effect of interference between flows on energy consumption in more realistic conditions. The collisions due to the flows are also measured, which are used to evaluate the effect of such interference in the energy consumption. We then show how the extra energy spent due to collisions can be calculated by predicting the collisions in the nodes of the network. This prediction is shown to be capable of accurate calculation of the extra energy consumption

    Evaluation of the Energy Consumption in MANET

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    In ad hoc mobile wireless networks, energy consumption is an important issue as most mobile hosts operate on limited battery resource. Existing models for evaluating the energy consumption behavior of a mobile ad hoc network have shown that the various components of energy related costs include transmission power as well as power of reception. In this paper, we extend the model for calculating the energy spent at a node due to a flow in the network. We include the transmission and reception costs if the node belongs to a flow, and reception costs if it is near a flow. The model gives the energy costs of nodes in ideal conditions where interferences and collisions are absent, and hence can be extended to evaluate the effect of interference between flows on energy consumption in more realistic conditions. The collisions due to the flows are also measured, which are used to evaluate the effect of such interference in the energy consumption. We then show how the extra energy spent due to collisions can be calculated by predicting the collisions in the nodes of the network. This prediction is shown to be capable of accurate calculation of the extra energy consumption

    A comparative analysis for Detecting Uncertain Deterioration of Node Energy in MANET through Trust Based Solution

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    Energy is consumed in MANET during the transmission and reception of data, propagation of control packets, retransmission and overhearing. We concentrate in reducing the energy consumption during the transmission and reception of data. Each node in MANET transmits data with the maximum energy regardless of the distance between the nodes. Also the mobile nodes expend some energy in transmission and reception of data. We have utilized the metrics received signal strength, link quality and the distance between the nodes to compute the energy required to transmit the data from a node to its neighboring node. The energy computed is involved in the selection of the optimal path which requires minimum energy to route the data from source to destination. Nodes within an ad hoc network generally rely on batteries (or exhaustive energy sources) for energy. Since these energy sources have a limited lifetime, power availability is one of the most important constraints for the operation of the ad hoc network

    Cross-Layer Routing Based on Semantic Web Services Discovery with Energy Evaluation and Optimization in MANET

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    The web services discovery process in mobile adhoc networks is considered as a very difficult challenge due to the continuous change in the topology of the network and also the lack of a fixed central directory for publishing web services. Several approaches have been proposed which are based on either keywords or identifiers representing the service to be searched or by using a specific scenario of discovery. All of those proposed solutions try to respect the constraints of ad hoc networks such as energy, bandwidth, throughput ... etc. In this paper we present our new proposed model for measuring the cost of the overall energy consumption in ad hoc networks depending on the web services discovery protocols. We also present a new optimized web services discovery protocol in MANET based on cross_layer routing techniques with the dissemination in the routing process at the same time the semantic web services information and a Discovery_Diameter parameter that we have proposed to limit the area of discovery in the network. Finally, we present simulation results of our defined approach showing a significant optimization of the energy consumption level and the average throughput

    Energy Issues and Energy Aware Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    Trust-Based Security Technique to Curb Cooperative Black Hole Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using OTB-DSR Protocol in NS-3

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    The advent of mobile technology led to the emergence of Mobile Ad-hoc networks (MANETs). These networks have no infrastructure and central authority. Nodes in MANETs act as both routers and hosts. MANET nodes join and leave the network at will making the network topology dynamic. MANETs are prone to both passive and active security attacks. Blackhole is a denial of service attack under active attacks. Blackhole nodes work in collaboration forming cooperative black hole attacks. The attacks drop or redirecting data packets on transit. Cooperative blackhole attacks are dangerous in operations where communication is critica

    Counter Attack as a Defense Mechanism in Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks

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    Ad-Hoc Mobile Wireless Network (MANETs) have emerged and evolved in many forms. MANETs are rapidly gaining popularity because they do not rely on a pre infrastructure and can be deployed spontaneously. However, compared to wired networks, MANETs are more vulnerable to security attacks due to their unique features, such as stringent power consumption, error prone communication media and highly dynamic network topology. Most of the work done for improving security are focused on defensive mechanism like firewalls, gateways etc. Little research has been done on more offensive mechanisms to provide security. We propose three counter attack models, namely, Round Robin attack, Self-Whisper and flooding. The goal of all these attacks is to use up the intruder's critical resources like energy, communications bandwidth and force the intruder to eventually enter into DoS status. Simulation results shows that proposed counter attack models are an effective tool to counterattack. Simulation shows that a single model may not perform well in all situations. The choice of counter attack model is highly governed by the objective of counterattack. The Self-Whisper attack is the best if the objective is to have minimum energy consumption rate and minimum packet drop rate for agent nodes. On the other hand, if the protocol used is UDP, and the objective is to consume maximum amount of intruder energy, self- whisper performs better but if the objective is to have maximum packet drop rate at the intruder in the minimum time period, Round Robin is perhaps a best choice. Simulation shows that once counter attack begins, any traffic that is through intruder is disrupted. This disruption causes the ordinary nodes that have been tricked by the intruder advertizing false route information, to seek an alternate path to the destination. Hence, counter attack helps in improving security of the network as a whole.Computer Science Departmen