11,322 research outputs found

    Business models for deployment and operation of femtocell networks; - Are new cooperation strategies needed for mobile operators?

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    In this paper we discuss different business models for deployment and operation of femtocell networks intended for provisioning of public mobile broad band access services. In these types of business cases the operators use femtocells in order to reduce investments in "more costly" macro networks since the traffic can be "offloaded" to "less costly" femtocell networks. This is in contrast to the many business cases presented in Femtoforum where femtocells mainly are discussed as a solution to improve indoor coverage for voice services in homes and small offices, usually for closed user groups The main question discussed in this paper is if "operators need to consider new forms of cooperation strategies in order to enable large scale deployment of femtocells for public access?" By looking into existing solutions for indoor wireless access services we claim that the answer is both "Yes" and "No". No, since many types of cooperation are already in place for indoor deployment. Yes, because mobile operators need to re-think the femtocell specific business models, from approaches based on singe operator networks to different forms of cooperation involving multi-operator solutions, e.g. roaming and network sharing. --

    Coverage and Deployment Analysis of Narrowband Internet of Things in the Wild

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    Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) is gaining momentum as a promising technology for massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC). Given that its deployment is rapidly progressing worldwide, measurement campaigns and performance analyses are needed to better understand the system and move toward its enhancement. With this aim, this paper presents a large scale measurement campaign and empirical analysis of NB-IoT on operational networks, and discloses valuable insights in terms of deployment strategies and radio coverage performance. The reported results also serve as examples showing the potential usage of the collected dataset, which we make open-source along with a lightweight data visualization platform.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Magazine (Internet of Things and Sensor Networks Series

    Business Innovation Strategies to Reduce the Revenue Gap for Wireless Broadband Services

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    Mobile broadband is increasing rapidly both when it comes to traffic and number of subscriptions. The swift growth of the demand will require substantial capacity expansions. Operators are challenged by the fact that revenues from mobile broadband are limited, just a few per cent of APRU, and thus not compensating for declining voice revenues, creating a so called "revenue gap". Concurrently, mobile broadband dominates the traffic, set to grow strongly. In this paper we analyze the potential of different strategies for operators to reduce or bridge the revenue gap. The main options are to reduce network costs, to increase access prices and to exploit new revenue streams. The focus in the paper is on cost & capacity challenges and solutions in the network domain. Operators can cooperate and share sites and spectrum, which could be combined with off-loading heavy traffic to less costly local networks. In the network analysis we illustrate the cost impacts of different levels of demand, re-use of existing base station sites, sharing of base stations and spectrum and deployment of a denser network. A sensitivity analysis illustrates the impact on total revenues if access prices are increased, whether new types of services generate additional revenues, and if it fills the revenue gap. Our conclusion is that the different technical options to reduce the revenue gap can be linked to business strategies that include cooperation with both other operators as well as with non-telecom actors. Hence, innovations in the business domain enable technical solutions to be better or fully exploited.Wireless Internet access, data traffic, revenues, network costs, spectrum, deployment strategies, HSPA, LTE, operator cooperation, value added services, NFC, B2B2C.

    5G-SMART D1.5 Evaluation of radio network deployment options

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    This deliverable results from the work on the radio network performance analysis of the identified use cases and deployment options. Covered topics include latency reduction and mobility features of the 5G NR itself, as well as detailed analysis of the radio network KPIs, such as latency, reliability, throughput, spectral efficiency and capacity. Corresponding trade-offs for the identified deployment options and industrial use cases are quantified with an extensive set of technical results. Also, this deliverable is looking into co-channel coexistence performance analyzed through a real-life measurement campaign and considers performance optimization in presence of a special micro-exclusion zone within a factory.Comment: Deliverable D1.5 of the project 5G For Smart Manufacturing (5G-SMART

    Technical, financial and environmental evaluation of 4G long term evolution: advanced with femtocell base stations

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    Recent advances in mobile communication technology have allowed for considerable growth both in traffic and user numbers. However, in order to maintain acceptable quality of experience and service levels with increasing network capacity requirements, a mobile communications operator is challenged with high investment costs and high operating costs. Cost effectiveness and environmental sustainability are two major factors a mobile telecommunications operator must take into account in order to maintain its network planning techniques ready for the accelerated growth of traffic in future mobile networks. With the incoming LTE-Advanced system and with the increasing popularity of femtocells, it becomes necessary to evaluate and quantify the economic viability and sustainability of this new type of base station when used as a standalone deployment option, as well as when used in a two-tier network. Therefore, different cases were used with a deployment method based on capacity used with a varying non-uniform traffic distribution in order to assess the future resistance and flexibility of this proposed solution. A comparison was made between macro cell coverage only, full femtocell coverage and a two-tier joint solution. Our study has concluded that for low capacity demands, the best approach is a two-tier network with femtocells used for indoor backhaul. A joint solution also allows for the cost-effective resolution of indoor coverage issues. According to our future capacity requirements projected, it has been concluded that a full femtocell deployment, by far, the most economically viable option. A method for the quantification and suppression of carbon emissions due to energy consumption is also proposed, through which we studied and estimated the price for the achievement of a zero carbon emissions network.Os recentes avanços na tecnologia de comunicações móveis têm permitido um crescimento considerável da indústria, tanto em termos de tráfego como em número de clientes. No entanto, para conseguir manter uma qualidade de experiência aceitável e com elevada qualidade de serviço, um operador de comunicações móveis depara-se com elevados custos de investimento e operação. A eficácia em termos de custos e a pegada ambiental são dois factores que, entre outros, um operador de telecomunicações móveis deve ter em conta de modo a manter as suas técnicas de planeamento de rede preparadas para o acelerado crescimento do tráfego nas redes móveis do futuro. Com a chegada próxima do LTE-Advanced e com a crescente popularidade de femtocells, torna-se necessário avaliar e quantificar a viabilidade económica e o potencial de poupança de energia deste novo tipo de estação de base quando utilizado como uma opção de implantação autónoma, ou quando utilizado para suporte de uma rede de macro células. Dessa forma, foram dimensionados diferentes casos de implementação baseados nos requisitos de capacidade. Foi também aplicada uma distribuição de tráfego não-uniforme, a fim de avaliar a resistência ao futuro e a flexibilidade de aplicação desta solução proposta. Fez-se uma comparação entre uma implementação apenas com recurso a macro células, uma implementação feita completamente com recurso a femtocells e uma solução conjunta destes dois tipos de estação-base. O estudo concluiu que, para requisitos de baixa capacidade, a melhor implementação é uma rede de duas camadas, com femtocells utilizadas para o backhaul das ligações indoor. A solução conjunta permite ainda a resolução eficaz de problemas de cobertura no interior de edifícios. De acordo com a nossa projecção das necessidades futuras de capacidade concluiu-se que a implementação de uma rede apenas com recurso a femtocells é a melhor opção, do ponto de vista da capacidade, financeiro e ambiental. Também foi apresentada uma metodologia para quantificar a pegada ambiental devida ao consumo de energia, através da qual se estudou e estimou os custos associados à implementação de uma rede com pegada ambiental nula

    60 GHz MAC Standardization: Progress and Way Forward

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    Communication at mmWave frequencies has been the focus in the recent years. In this paper, we discuss standardization efforts in 60 GHz short range communication and the progress therein. We compare the available standards in terms of network architecture, medium access control mechanisms, physical layer techniques and several other features. Comparative analysis indicates that IEEE 802.11ad is likely to lead the short-range indoor communication at 60 GHz. We bring to the fore resolved and unresolved issues pertaining to robust WLAN connectivity at 60 GHz. Further, we discuss the role of mmWave bands in 5G communication scenarios and highlight the further efforts required in terms of research and standardization
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