7 research outputs found

    Regressing Grasping Using Force Myography: An Exploratory Study

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    Background: Partial hand amputation forms more than 90% of all upper limb amputations. This amputation has a notable efect on the amputee’s life. To improve the quality of life for partial hand amputees diferent prosthesis options, including externallypowered prosthesis, have been investigated. The focus of this work is to explore force myography (FMG) as a technique for regressing grasping movement accompanied by wrist position variations. This study can lay the groundwork for a future investigation of FMG as a technique for controlling externally-powered prostheses continuously. Methods: Ten able-bodied participants performed three hand movements while their wrist was fxed in one of six predefned positions. The angle between Thumb and Index fnger (θTI), and Thumb and Middle fnger (θTM) were calculated as measures of grasping movements. Two approaches were examined for estimating each angle: (i) one regression model, trained on data from all wrist positions and hand movements; (ii) a classifer that identifed the wrist position followed by a separate regression model for each wrist position. The possibility of training the system using a limited number of wrist positions and testing it on all positions was also investigated. Results: The frst approach had a correlation of determination (R2) of 0.871 for θTI and R2 θTM = 0.941. Using the second approach R2 θTI = 0.874 and R2 θTM = 0.942 were obtained. The frst approach is over two times faster than the second approach while having similar performance; thus the frst approach was selected to investigate the efect of the wrist position variations. Training with 6 or 5 wrist positions yielded results which were not statistically signifcant. A statistically signifcant decrease in performance resulted when less than fve wrist positions were used for training. Conclusions: The results indicate the potential of FMG to regress grasping movement, accompanied by wrist position variations, with a regression model for each angle. Also, it is necessary to include more than one wrist position in the training phase


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    Transfer of human intentions into myoelectric hand prostheses is generally achieved by learning a mapping, directly from sEMG signals to the Kinematics using linear or nonlinear regression approaches. Due to the highly random and nonlinear nature of sEMG signals such approaches are not able to exploit the functions of the modern pros- thesis, completely. Inspired from the muscle synergy hypothesis in the motor control community, some studies in the past have shown that better estimation accuracies can be achieved by learning a mapping to kinematics space from the synergistic features extracted from sEMG. However, mainly linear algorithms such as Principle Compo- nent Analysis (PCA), and Non-negative matrix factorization (NNMF) were employed to extract synergistic features, separately, from EMG and kinematics data and have not considered the nonlinearity and the strong correlation that exist between finger kine- matics and muscles. To exploit the relationship between EMG and Finger Kinematics for myoelectric control, we propose the use of the Manifold Relevance Determination (MRD) model (multi-view learning) to find the correspondence between muscular and kinematics by learning a shared low-dimensional representation. In the first part of the study, we present the approach of multi-view learning, interpretation of extracted non- linear muscle synergies from the joint study of sEMG and finger kinematics and their use in estimating the finger kinematics for the upper-limb prosthesis. Applicability of the proposed approach is then demonstrated by comparing the kinematics estimation accuracies against linear synergies and direct mapping. In the second part of the study, we propose a new approach to extract nonlinear muscle synergies from sEMG using multiview learning which addresses the two main drawbacks (1. Inconsistent synergistic patterns upon addition of sEMG signals from more muscles, 2. Weak metric for accessing the quality and quantity of muscle synergies) of established algorithms and discuss the potential of the proposed approach for reducing the number of electrodes with negligible degradation in predicted kinematics.九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:生工博甲第372号 学位授与年月日:令和2年3月25日1 Introduction|2 Related Work|3 Extraction of nonlinear synergies for proportional and simultaneous estimation of finger kinematics|4 An Approach to Extract Nonlinear Muscle Synergies from sEMG through Multi-Model Learning|5 Conclusion and Future Work九州工業大学令和元年

    Deep Vision for Prosthetic Grasp

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    Ph. D. ThesisThe loss of the hand can limit the natural ability of individuals in grasping and manipulating objects and affect their quality of life. Prosthetic hands can aid the users in overcoming these limitations and regaining their ability. Despite considerable technical advances, the control of commercial hand prostheses is still limited to few degrees of freedom. Furthermore, switching a prosthetic hand into a desired grip mode can be tiring. Therefore, the performance of hand prostheses should improve greatly. The main aim of this thesis is to improve the functionality, performance and flexibility of current hand prostheses by augmentation of current commercial hand prosthetics with a vision module. By offering the prosthesis the capacity to see objects, appropriate grip modes can be determined autonomously and quickly. Several deep learning-based approaches were designed in this thesis to realise such a vision-reinforced prosthetic system. Importantly, the user, interacting with this learning structure, may act as a supervisor to accept or correct the suggested grasp. Amputee participants evaluated the designed system and provided feedback. The following objectives for prosthetic hands were met: 1. Chapter 3: Design, implementation and real-time testing of a semi-autonomous vision-reinforced prosthetic control structure, empowered with a baseline convolutional neural network deep learning structure. 2. Chapter 4: Development of advanced deep learning structure to simultaneously detect and estimate grasp maps for unknown objects, in presence of ambiguity. 3. Chapter 5: Design and development of several deep learning set-ups for concurrent depth and grasp map as well as human grasp type prediction. Publicly available datasets, consisting of common graspable objects, namely Amsterdam library of object images (ALOI) and Cornell grasp library were used within this thesis. Moreover, to have access to real data, a small dataset of household objects was gathered for the experiments, that is Newcastle Grasp Library.EPSRC, School of Engineering Newcastle University

    Subject-Independent Frameworks for Robotic Devices: Applying Robot Learning to EMG Signals

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    The capability of having human and robots cooperating together has increased the interest in the control of robotic devices by means of physiological human signals. In order to achieve this goal it is crucial to be able to catch the human intention of movement and to translate it in a coherent robot action. Up to now, the classical approach when considering physiological signals, and in particular EMG signals, is to focus on the specific subject performing the task since the great complexity of these signals. This thesis aims to expand the state of the art by proposing a general subject-independent framework, able to extract the common constraints of human movement by looking at several demonstration by many different subjects. The variability introduced in the system by multiple demonstrations from many different subjects allows the construction of a robust model of human movement, able to face small variations and signal deterioration. Furthermore, the obtained framework could be used by any subject with no need for long training sessions. The signals undergo to an accurate preprocessing phase, in order to remove noise and artefacts. Following this procedure, we are able to extract significant information to be used in online processes. The human movement can be estimated by using well-established statistical methods in Robot Programming by Demonstration applications, in particular the input can be modelled by using a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). The performed movement can be continuously estimated with a Gaussian Mixture Regression (GMR) technique, or it can be identified among a set of possible movements with a Gaussian Mixture Classification (GMC) approach. We improved the results by incorporating some previous information in the model, in order to enriching the knowledge of the system. In particular we considered the hierarchical information provided by a quantitative taxonomy of hand grasps. Thus, we developed the first quantitative taxonomy of hand grasps considering both muscular and kinematic information from 40 subjects. The results proved the feasibility of a subject-independent framework, even by considering physiological signals, like EMG, from a wide number of participants. The proposed solution has been used in two different kinds of applications: (I) for the control of prosthesis devices, and (II) in an Industry 4.0 facility, in order to allow human and robot to work alongside or to cooperate. Indeed, a crucial aspect for making human and robots working together is their mutual knowledge and anticipation of other’s task, and physiological signals are capable to provide a signal even before the movement is started. In this thesis we proposed also an application of Robot Programming by Demonstration in a real industrial facility, in order to optimize the production of electric motor coils. The task was part of the European Robotic Challenge (EuRoC), and the goal was divided in phases of increasing complexity. This solution exploits Machine Learning algorithms, like GMM, and the robustness was assured by considering demonstration of the task from many subjects. We have been able to apply an advanced research topic to a real factory, achieving promising results