8 research outputs found

    Context-Aware System for Indoor Localization

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    User location is an important information to provide personalized service in any domain of interest. In this paper, we present a context-aware system to find location of a user at office domain. Hence, smartphone of the user transmits Wi-Fi signal and our system identifies the user by matching MAC address of the smartphone. Wi-Fi signal strength is used to calculate the distance of user from office room. Additionally, PIR sensor value and office time are used to increase localization accuracy as well as minimize the conflict of user location. Raspberry pi 3, a low-cost embedded platform, is used to collect and process sensed information, generate low-level context, and reason user location from available contexts. Demonstration result of our system shows an excellent performance within our domain of interest

    An IoT-aware Architecture to improve Safety in Sports Environments

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    The introduction of Internet of Things enabling technologies into the sport and recreational activities domain provide an interesting research challenge. Their adoption could significantly improve the sport experience and also the safety level of team sports. Despite this, only few attempts have been done to demonstrate the benefits provided by use of IoT technologies in sport environments. To fill this gap, this paper propose an IoT-aware Sport System based on the jointly use of different innovative technologies and standards. By exploiting the potentialities offered by an ultra-low-power Hybrid Sensing Network (HSN), composed of 6LoWPAN nodes integrating UHF RFID functionalities, the system is able to collect, in real time, both environmental parameters and players’ physiological data. Sensed data are then delivered to a Cloud platform where a monitoring application makes them easily accessible via REST Web Services. A simple proof of concept has demonstrated the appropriateness of the proposed solution

    Performance Evaluation of a Novel Animals Tracking System based on UHF RFID Technology

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    The adoption of solutions based on Radio Frequency IDentification technology in a wide range of contexts is a matter of fact. In many situations, such as the tracking of small-size living animals, the straightforward use of commercial systems does not ensure adequate performance. Consequently, both the RFID hardware and the software control platform should be tailored for the particular application. In this work, the specific requirements of Near Field Ultra High Frequency RFID reader antennas suitable for small-size animal localization and tracking are identified and a control system in a LabVIEW environment is designed. Afterwards, both hardware and software solutions have been implemented and validated. In particular, an algorithm based on the measured Received Signal Strength Indication, in order to obtain precise localization data, was developed and validated. Finally, the set-up of a first working prototype involving built-in-lab reader antennas has been completed and tested. The achieved results prove the effectiveness of the proposed tracking system

    A Web-based Software System for Behavior Analysis of Laboratory Animals

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    The analysis of locomotion in laboratory animals plays a crucial role in many scientific research areas. In fact, important information on animals’ behavior and their reaction to a particular stimulus is deduced from a careful analysis of their movements. The techniques commonly adopted to support such analysis have many limitations, which make the related systems particularly ineffective. On the one hand, the human observation and annotation process is strongly observer-dependent and expensive in terms of time and efforts. On the other hand, the use of more sophisticated systems based on video recordings and recognition algorithms is very expensive and complex. In order to face this challenge, this paper presents a tracking solution based on passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in Ultra High Frequency (UHF) band, allowing the tracking of laboratory animals with a high accuracy. The overall solution consists of a hybrid system including hardware and software components. In particular, in this paper, the attention is focused on the software component as the hardware has already been described in previous works. The software component is a Web-oriented solution that offers a complete 2D and 3D information tool including reports, dashboards, and tracking graphs. The proposed solution was widely tested using twelve laboratory mice and compared with an automated video-tracking software (i.e., EthoVision) in order to demonstrate its effectiveness and reliability. The obtained results have demonstrated that the proposed solution is able to correctly detect and reconstruct the events occurring in the animals’ cage, and to offer a complete and user-friendly tool to support researchers in behavioral analysis of small laboratory animals

    Evaluation of potential effects of RFID-based item-level tracing systems on the integrity of biological pharmaceutical products

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    The application of RFID technologies along the pharmaceutical supply chain represents a guarantee of transparency in the drug flow, against the growing counterfeiting problem. Unfortunately, the large-scale deployment of these solutions is still limited because of concerns over potential deteriorating effects of RF emissions on traced pharmaceuticals. This work aims at delineating an experimental framework to evaluate potential exposure risks and get new insight into poorly explored safety issues. Heterogeneous skills (engineering, chemistry and physiology) have been recruited to draw up a suitable experimental protocol, consisting of three main steps: (i) simulation of drug exposure to electromagnetic fields generated by RFID devices in a test environment reproducing the pharmaceutical supply chain; (ii) investigation of potential drug structural changes by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) techniques; (iii) analysis of performance by in vitro functional assays. An example of application of this protocol on a commercial FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) preparation has been reported, showing no alterations of the hormone integrity following RF exposure. Conclusively, a wide adoption of "trace and track" RFID technologies passes through the assessment of related safety issues. The varying nature of drugs as well as their different biological targets make it a hard challenge, that can be successfully overcome by multidisciplinary approaches

    Organisational factors in RFID adoption, implementation, and benefits

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    This study investigates the impact of organisational and technological factors within pre-adoption, implementation, and post-implementation phases of RFID system deployment. In the pre-adoption phase, the study examines factors that drive and hinder organisations’ decision to adopt RFID. In the implementation phase, the study investigates the impact of organisational factors (business size, strength of culture, and business process re-engineering) on influencing the implementation processes of RFID. In the post-implementation phase, the study investigates how the benefits derived from RFID implementation interact with organisational factors (business size, strength of culture, and business process re-engineering) and RFID-related factors (product unit level of tagging, RFID implementation stage, and organisational pedigree in RFID). This study was motivated by the lack of (i) an advisory framework which considers quantifiable firm characteristics and the costs and benefits of implementing RFID, in yielding advice to guide decisions on RFID adoption, and (ii) a framework that covers the complete processes of RFID project deployment (from adoption decision to benefits derived) in yielding advice to guide decisions on RFID adoption. This study is achieved using a two-phase research approach: questionnaire survey of organisations that have adopted or plan to adopt RFID and case studies of organisations that have integrated RFID into their business processes. In addition, a thorough review of existing literature on RFID in different industrial settings was conducted. The key findings from the study indicate that RFID adoption is driven by factors from technological, organisational and environmental contexts and that the adoption, implementation and benefits of RFID are influenced by organisational culture strength, business size, and BPR. It was found that strong cultures, organisational size and BPR are all positively correlated with RFID adoption decisions, implementation and benefits. Potential contribution towards the existing body of knowledge is through highlighting the significance of organisational culture strength, business size, and BPR in providing a platform in which RFID will be accepted and implemented successfully to achieve maximum derivable benefits