20 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Pattern Classifiers for Fingerprint and OCR Applications

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    (Also cross-referenced as CAR-TR-691) In this paper we evaluate the classification accuracy of four statistical and three neural network classifiers for two image based pattern classification problems. These are fingerprint classification and optical character recognition (OCR) for isolated handprinted digits. The evaluation results reported here should be useful for designers of practical systems for these two important commercial applications. For the OCR problem, the Karhunen-Loeve (K-L) transform of the images is used to generate the inp ut feature set. Similarly for the fingerprint problem, the K-L transform of the ridge directions is used to generate the input feature set. The statistical classifiers used were Euclidean minimum distance, quadratic minimum distance, normal, and knearest neighbor. The neural network classifiers used were multilayer perceptron, radial basis function, and probabilistic. The OCR data consisted of 7,480 digit images for training and 23,140 digit images for testing. The fingerprint data consisted of 9,000 trai ning and 2,000 testing images. In addition to evaluation for accuracy, the multilayer perceptron and radial basis function networks were evaluated for size and generalization capability. For the evaluated datasets the best accuracy obtained for either pro blem was provided by the probabilistic neural network, where the minimum classification error was 2.5% for OCR and 7.2% for fingerprints

    Identification of Alphanumeric Pattern Using Android

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    The “Identification of Alphanumeric pattern using Android” is a smart phone apps using Android platform and combines the functionality of Optical Character Recognition and identification of alphanumeric pattern and after processing, data is stored in server. This paper present, to design an apps using the Android SDK that will enable the Identification of Alphanumeric pattern using optical character reader technique for the Android based smart phone application. Camera, captures the document image and then the OCR is convert that image in to text (Binarization of captured data) according to the Alphanumeric (alphabetic and numeric characters) database and data stored in server. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.160414

    The use of least significant bit (LSB) and knight tour algorithm for image steganography of cover image

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    Steganography is one of the method to communicate in a hidden way. In another word, steganography literally means the practice of hiding messages or information within another data. Previous studies have proposed various steganography techniques using different approaches including Least Significant Bit (LSB), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). However, different approaches still have its own weaknesses. Therefore image stenography using Knight Tour Algorithm with Least Significant Bit (LSB) technique is presented. The main objective is to improve the security factor in the stego image. Basically, the proposed technique is divided into two parts which are the sender and receiver side. Then, steganalysis which is a type of attack on stenography algorithm is used to detect the secret message in the cover image by the statistical analysis of pixel values. Chi Square Statistical Attach which is one of the type of steganalysis is used to detect these near-equal Po Vs in images and bases the probability of embedding on how close to equal the even pixel values and their corresponding odd pixel values are in the test image. The Knight Tour Algorithm is applied due to the common Least Significant Bit technique that is weak in security and easily decoded by outsider

    A New Fingerprint Enhancement Approach Using Image Fusion of Histogram Equalisation and Skeleton

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    Fingerprint classification is a technique used to assign fingerprints into five established classes namely Whorl, Left loop, Right loop, Arch and Tented Arch based on their ridge structures and singular points’ trait. Although some progresses have been made thus far to improve accuracy rates, problem arises from ambiguous fingerprints is far from over, especially in large intra-class and small inter-class variations. Poor quality images including blur, dry, wet, low-contrast, cut, scarred and smudgy, are equally challenging. As a good start of work, fingerprint image enhancement has been focused on this study. It begins with greyscale normalization, followed by histogram equalization, binarization, skeletonization and ends with image fusion, which eventually produces high quality images with clear ridge flows. 27,000 fingerprint images acquired from The National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) Special Database 14, which is de facto dataset for experimental in this study. With the multi-type enhancement method, the fingerprint images became clearly visible

    Estudio comparativo de técnicas para el reconocimiento de gestos por visión artificial

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    Se aborda el problema del reconocimiento visual de gestos realizados con las manos mediante diferentes técnicas de reconocimiento de patrones. Los gestos son capturados a través de una cámara Web , y, se extraen primitivas de movimiento inspiradas del procesamiento de la información de movimiento que ocurre en el cerebro de macacos. Los resultados alcanzados en el reconocimiento indican que características usadas en el reconocimiento son bastante discriminantes, por lo que, incluso con técnicas simples de reconocimiento de patrones, se obtuvieron buenos resultados. Sin embargo, es a través de un estudio que abarque diferentes técnicas de reconocimiento de patrones que los resultados en el reconocimiento pueden ser optimizados. En el presente trabajo, se evaluó el desempeño de seis técnicas de reconocimiento están dar para distinguir entre cuatro gestos diferentes, en donde el porcentaje de reconocimiento correcto osciló entre 87.88% y 97.14%

    A Translation And Rotation Independent Fingerprint Identification Approach

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    This thesis describes a new approach for fingerprint identification that will be shift and rotation independent. Detailed descriptions of directional filtering, foreground and background segmentation, feature extraction, and matching based on structural correlation are the main topics of this thesis. The fingerprint identification system consists of image preprocessing, feature extraction, and matching which run on a PC platform. The preprocessing step includes histogram equalization, block-based directional filtering, thinning, and adaptive thresholding to enhance the original images for successful feature extraction. The features extracted will be stored in the database for matching. The matching algorithm presented is a modification and improvement of the structural approach. A two-step process of local feature matching and global feature matching guarantees the correct matching results

    Automatic fingerprint classification scheme using template matching with new set of singular point-based features

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    Fingerprint classification is a technique used to assign fingerprints into five established classes namely Whorl, Left loop, Right loop, Arch and Tented Arch based on their ridge structures and singular points’ trait. Although some progresses have been made thus far to improve accuracy rates, problem arises from ambiguous fingerprints is far from over, especially in large intra-class and small inter-class variations. Poor quality images including blur, dry, wet, low-contrast, cut, scarred and smudgy, are equally challenging. Thus, this thesis proposes a new classification technique based on template matching using fingerprint salient features as a matching tool. Basically, the methodology covers five main phases: enhancement, segmentation, orientation field estimation, singular point detection and classification. In the first phase, it begins with greyscale normalization, followed by histogram equalization, binarization, skeletonization and ends with image fusion, which eventually produces high quality images with clear ridge flows. Then, at the beginning of the second phase, the image is partitioned into 16x16 pixels blocks - for each block, local threshold is calculated using its mean, variance and coherence. This threshold is then used to extract a foreground. Later, the foreground is enhanced using a newly developed filling-in-the-gap process. As for the third phase, a new mask called Epicycloid filter is applied on the foreground to create true-angle orientation fields. They are then grouped together to form four distinct homogenous regions using a region growing technique. In the fourth phase, the homogenous areas are first converted into character-based regions. Next, a set of rules is applied on them to extract singular points. Lastly, at the classification phase, basing on singular points’ occurrence and location along to a symmetric axis, a new set of fingerprint features is created. Subsequently, a set of five templates in which each one of them represents a specific true class is generated. Finally, classification is performed by calculating a similarity between the query fingerprint image and the template images using x2 distance measure. The performance of the current method is evaluated in terms of accuracy using all 27,000 fingerprint images acquired from The National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) Special Database 14, which is de facto dataset for development and testing of fingerprint classification systems. The experimental results are very encouraging with accuracy rate of 93.05% that markedly outpaced the renowned researchers’ latest works

    GPU acceleration of object classification algorithms using NVIDIA CUDA

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    The field of computer vision has become an important part of today\u27s society, supporting crucial applications in the medical, manufacturing, military intelligence and surveillance domains. Many computer vision tasks can be divided into fundamental steps: image acquisition, pre-processing, feature extraction, detection or segmentation, and high-level processing. This work focuses on classification and object detection, specifically k-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine classification, and Viola & Jones object detection. Object detection and classification algorithms are computationally intensive, which makes it difficult to perform classification tasks in real-time. This thesis aims in overcoming the processing limitations of the above classification algorithms by offloading computation to the graphics processing unit (GPU) using NVIDIA\u27s Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). The primary focus of this work is the implementation of the Viola and Jones object detector in CUDA. A multi-GPU implementation provides a speedup ranging from 1x to 6.5x over optimized OpenCV code for image sizes of 300 x 300 pixels up to 2900 x 1600 pixels while having comparable detection results. The second part of this thesis is the implementation of a multi-GPU multi-class SVM classifier. The classifier had the same accuracy as an identical implementation using LIBSVM with a speedup ranging from 89x to 263x on the tested datasets. The final part of this thesis was the extension of a previous CUDA k-Nearest Neighbor implementation by exploiting additional levels of parallelism. These extensions provided a speedup of 1.24x and 2.35x over the previous CUDA implementation. As an end result of this work, a library of these three CUDA classifiers has been compiled for use by future researchers

    FLAG : the fault-line analytic graph and fingerprint classification

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    Fingerprints can be classified into millions of groups by quantitative measurements of their new representations - Fault-Line Analytic Graphs (FLAG), which describe the relationship between ridge flows and singular points. This new model is highly mathematical, therefore, human interpretation can be reduced to a minimum and the time of identification can be significantly reduced. There are some well known features on fingerprints such as singular points, cores and deltas, which are global features which characterize the fingerprint pattern class, and minutiae which are the local features which characterize an individual fingerprint image. Singular points are more important than minutiae when classifying fingerprints because the geometric relationship among the singular points decide the type of fingerprints. When the number of fingerprint records becomes large, the current methods need to compare a large number of fingerprint candidates to identify a given fingerprint. This is the result of having a few synthetic types to classify a database with millions of fingerprints. It has been difficult to enlarge the minter of classification groups because there was no computational method to systematically describe the geometric relationship among singular points and ridge flows. In order to define a more efficient classification method, this dissertation also provides a systematic approach to detect singular points with almost pinpoint precision of 2x2 pixels using efficient algorithms