183 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Case-Based Reasoning in Product Style Acquisition Incorporating Valence-Arousal-Based Emotional Cellular Model

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    Emotional cellular (EC), proposed in our previous works, is a kind of semantic cell that contains kernel and shell and the kernel is formalized by a triple- L = <P, d, δ>, where P denotes a typical set of positive examples relative to word-L, d is a pseudodistance measure on emotional two-dimensional space: valence-arousal, and δ is a probability density function on positive real number field. The basic idea of EC model is to assume that the neighborhood radius of each semantic concept is uncertain, and this uncertainty will be measured by one-dimensional density function δ. In this paper, product form features were evaluated by using ECs and to establish the product style database, fuzzy case based reasoning (FCBR) model under a defined similarity measurement based on fuzzy nearest neighbors (FNN) incorporating EC was applied to extract product styles. A mathematical formalized inference system for product style was also proposed, and it also includes uncertainty measurement tool emotional cellular. A case study of style acquisition of mobile phones illustrated the effectiveness of the proposed methodology


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    AvanttĂ­tol: KEER2022. DiversitiesDescripciĂł del recurs: 25 juliol 202

    Understanding and modeling of aesthetic response to shape and color in car body design

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    This study explored the phenomenon that a consumer's preference on color of car body may vary depending on shape of the car body. First, the study attempted to establish a theoretical framework that can account for this phenomenon. This framework is based on the (modern-) Darwinism approach to the so-called evolutionary psychology and aesthetics. It assumes that human's aesthetic sense works like an agent that seeks for environmental patterns that potentially afford to benefit the underlying needs of the agent, and this seeking process is evolutionary fitting. Second, by adopting the framework, a pattern called “fundamental aesthetic dimensions” was developed for identifying and modeling consumer’s aesthetic response to car body shape and color. Next, this study developed an effective tool that is capable in capturing and accommodating consumer’s color preference on a given car body shape. This tool was implemented by incorporating classic color theories and advanced digital technologies; it was named “Color-Shape Synthesizer”. Finally, an experiment was conducted to verify some of the theoretical developments. This study concluded (1) the fundamental aesthetics dimensions can be used for describing aesthetics in terms of shape and color; (2) the Color-Shape Synthesizer tool can be well applied in practicing car body designs; and (3) mapping between semantic representations of aesthetic response to the fundamental aesthetics dimensions can likely be a multiple-network structure

    Study on function and appearance design of smart street lamps based on Kansei engineering: a literature review

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    The potential of smart cities to alleviate the challenges of urban development in relation to population, resources, and environment is widely recognized, making it a key urban development trend for the future. Smart street lamps (SSLs) are a crucial component of smart city infrastructure. However, their current unreasonable function settings and appearance design do not meet the emotional needs of residents and come at a high construction cost, resulting in decreased user satisfaction. Based on WOS and CNKI databases, 39 literatures on the aspects of theory, steps and technologies of KE, 32 literatures on the development, basic functions, construction, existing problems, and key technologies of SSLs, and 6 papers on street lamps functions or appearance design research based on KE be reviewed in this paper. Therefore, the application of KE method in SSL design be extensively reviewed, with emphasis on the future development direction of KE, the design principles of SSLs, and the implementation of KE in SSL design. This review aims to summarize the research gaps, future research directions, and future development trends of KE and SSL. Ultimately, the review concludes that the integration of KE in SSL design research is crucial to improve SSL products’ rationality, openness, and amicability, guided by scienti ic SSL design principles

    Review on recent advances in information mining from big consumer opinion data for product design

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    In this paper, based on more than ten years' studies on this dedicated research thrust, a comprehensive review concerning information mining from big consumer opinion data in order to assist product design is presented. First, the research background and the essential terminologies regarding online consumer opinion data are introduced. Next, studies concerning information extraction and information utilization of big consumer opinion data for product design are reviewed. Studies on information extraction of big consumer opinion data are explained from various perspectives, including data acquisition, opinion target recognition, feature identification and sentiment analysis, opinion summarization and sampling, etc. Reviews on information utilization of big consumer opinion data for product design are explored in terms of how to extract critical customer needs from big consumer opinion data, how to connect the voice of the customers with product design, how to make effective comparisons and reasonable ranking on similar products, how to identify ever-evolving customer concerns efficiently, and so on. Furthermore, significant and practical aspects of research trends are highlighted for future studies. This survey will facilitate researchers and practitioners to understand the latest development of relevant studies and applications centered on how big consumer opinion data can be processed, analyzed, and exploited in aiding product design

    CBCRS: An open case-based color recommendation system

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    In this paper, a case-based color recommendation system (CBCRS) is proposed for online color ranges (CRs) recommendation. This system can help designers and consumers to obtain the most appropriate CR of consumer-products (e.g., garments, cars, architecture, furniture …) based on the color image perceptual data of each specific user. The proposed system is an open system, permitting to dynamically integrate new CRs by progressively learning from users’ and designers’ perceptual data. For this purpose, a Color Image Space (CIS) is initially established by using Basic Color Sensory Attributes (BCSAs) to obtain the color image perceptual data of both designers and consumers. Emotional Color Image Words (CIWs) representing CRs are measured in the proposed CIS through a knowledge-based Kansei evaluation process performed by designers using fuzzy aggregation operators and fuzzy similarity measurement tools. Using this method, new CIWs and related CRs from open resources (such as new color trends) can be integrated into the system. In a new recommendation, user's color image perceptual data measured in the proposed CIS regarding different BCSAs will be compared with those of CIWs previously defined in the system in order to recommend new CRs. CBCRS is an adaptive system, i.e. satisfied CRs will be further retained in a Successful Cases Database (SCD) so as to adapt recommended CRs to new consumers, who have similar user profiles. The general working process of the proposed system is based on case-based learning. Through repeated interactions with the proposed system by performing the cycle of Recommendation – Display - Evaluation – SCD adjustment, users (consumer or designer) will obtain satisfied CRs. Meanwhile, the quality of the SCD can be improved by integrating new recommendation cases. The proposed recommendation system is capable of dynamically generating new CIWs, CRs and new cases based on open resources.SMDTex Project funded by the European Erasmus Mundus Progra
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