5 research outputs found


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    Background: Chronic kidney disease is a catastrophic disease ranked second in Indonesia for high health costs. The number of renal units in Indonesia has rapidly increased since the launch of the National Health Insurance program in 2014. Its increase was accompanied by the increased number of patients. Aim: This study analyzed the effect of service quality dimensions on patient satisfaction with hemodialysis care. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design and a quantitative method. It retrieved data from respondents who had undergone hemodialysis care at hospitals and clinics in Jakarta and surroundings. The PLS-SEM approach was used to analyze the data. Results: Eight service dimensions were proven to influence the overall service quality and directly impact patient satisfaction. The influential dimensions included facilities and organization of the service, care by attending nurses and assistants, attention to psychological and administrative issues, medical attention and care, nutrition attention and care, medication supply and quality, features and administration process, attention and care given by the head nurse. All of these dimensions affected patient satisfaction as a dependent variable. This study has strong predictive accuracy, and thus it can be replicable in future research with different populations. Conclusion: This study demonstrated eight service quality dimensions that affect service quality and directly impact satisfaction of hemodialysis patients both with hospital and clinic services

    Effects of sustainable governance to sustainable development

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    Sustainable development advocates effective and efficient planning of both present and future use of resources. Governance, on the other hand, is based on the joint and coordinated management of multidimensional variables, which is the basis of the sustainability approach. This study aims to determine how much sustainable governance influences the fulfillment of multidimensional sustainable development. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the variables that reveal the impact of governance on development in terms of sustainability while the gray relational analysis method was used to rank the countries. The results reveal that increases in the number of people using the internet in society, as well as in the levels of developments in e-government and human development, environmental performance, and political reform, all assist countries achieve their SDGs. Furthermore, it was found that governance has a positive and significant impact on SDGs. In addition, an MCDM model consisting of BWM and gray relational analysis was used to evaluate countries based on their performance in sustainable development, the economic, governance and environment. The gray relational analysis results, on the other hand, revealed that developed and wealthy countries ranked first, while underdeveloped countries experiencing instability, such as war and conflict, ranked last. The Nordic countries outperform other countries in terms of governance and sustainability, depending on the strength of their democracy and executive capacity. 漏 2022 by the authors

    Analysis of Economic and Epidemic Performances of Countries During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period

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    This study aims to analyze the performance of countries in the COVID-19 period. The main motivation of the study is to make a more realistic assessment by taking into account the epidemic information and health system-related features, as well as government precaution (Stringency Index) and economic criteria. In this way, the characteristics of the countries that stand out in the fight against the pandemic were tried to be determined. Within the scope of the study, the CRITIC method, which is widely used and stands out as an objective method, was preferred for weighting the criteria. Country performances were analyzed separately using weighted and unweighted criteria. The Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) method, together with weighted and unweighted criteria, was used to determine country rankings. When the results are examined, it has been observed that the level of economic prosperity and the measures taken against the pandemic has brought countries directly to an advantageous point. Countries with a relatively low level of economic prosperity compared to other countries, unfortunately, ranked lower in the ranking. On the other hand, countries with elderly populations were able to find a place in the lower ranks due to high mortality rates despite their extensive economic opportunities. Although the weighting of the criteria affects the country rankings, there has been no change in the countries in the top two

    Calidad de atenci贸n percibida y satisfacci贸n del usuario en consulta externa de un hospital de Los Olivos, Lima 2022

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    La presente investigaci贸n tuvo como objetivo determinar la relaci贸n entre la calidad de atenci贸n percibida y satisfacci贸n del usuario en consulta externa de un hospital de Los Olivos, Lima 2022. Se ha propuesto un estudio de tipo b谩sico con enfoque cuantitativo y dise帽o observacional, anal铆tico, transversal y prospectivo. La poblaci贸n fueron 153 pacientes; la muestra fue de 110 pacientes. La t茅cnica utilizada es la encuesta y los instrumentos fueron dos cuestionarios con escala tipo Likert. En los hallazgos principales se observa que el 73,6% indic贸 una calidad de atenci贸n percibida buena y referente a sus dimensiones fue principalmente buena en la calidad t茅cnica (79,1%), buena en la calidad interpersonal (72,7%) y buena en la calidad infraestructural (69,1%); en cuanto a la satisfacci贸n del usuario fue buena en el 84,5% y en sus dimensiones fue buena en la satisfacci贸n humana (82,7%), buena en la satisfacci贸n t茅cnico-cient铆fico (84,5%) y buena en la satisfacci贸n entorno a la calidad (84,5%). El an谩lisis bivariado mostr贸 un Rho de Spearman de 0,582 (p = 0,000) entre la calidad de atenci贸n percibida y la satisfacci贸n del usuario. Se concluye que existe una correlaci贸n significativa entre la calidad de atenci贸n percibida y la satisfacci贸n del usuario

    Calidad de servicio e imagen institucional de un hospital de la regi贸n Callao, 2023

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    El presente estudio de investigaci贸n se realiz贸 con el prop贸sito determinar la relaci贸n entre la calidad de servicio y la imagen institucional de un hospital regional del Callao, 2023. La metodolog铆a utilizada en la realizaci贸n de la tesis fue un enfoque cuantitativo con un nivel de estudio descriptivo correlacional. El dise帽o de investigaci贸n corresponde al tipo no experimental transversal correlacional. La poblaci贸n qued贸 constituida por 1492 usuarios del hospital de rehabilitaci贸n del Callao, se determin贸 un tama帽o de muestra que estuvo representada por 306 usuarios a quienes se les atribuy贸 un cuestionario de ambas variables, la prueba de fiabilidad se realiz贸 con 20 encuestados, donde se alcanz贸 un coeficiente de Alfa de Cronbach de 0.80 de la variable calidad de servicio y 0.863 de la variable imagen institucional, con un nivel aceptable, respectivamente. Los resultados de la investigaci贸n, se obtuvieron al aplicar el an谩lisis descriptivo de las variables y el an谩lisis inferencial para conocer el nivel de correlaci贸n mediante la prueba de Rho de Spearman, se lleg贸 a la conclusi贸n que existe relaci贸n directa y positiva moderada (r=0,517) entre la variable calidad de servicios y la imagen en un hospital regional del Callao, 2023