549 research outputs found

    A computer model of auditory efferent suppression: Implications for the recognition of speech in noise

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    The neural mechanisms underlying the ability of human listeners to recognize speech in the presence of background noise are still imperfectly understood. However, there is mounting evidence that the medial olivocochlear system plays an important role, via efferents that exert a suppressive effect on the response of the basilar membrane. The current paper presents a computer modeling study that investigates the possible role of this activity on speech intelligibility in noise. A model of auditory efferent processing [ Ferry, R. T., and Meddis, R. (2007). J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122, 3519?3526 ] is used to provide acoustic features for a statistical automatic speech recognition system, thus allowing the effects of efferent activity on speech intelligibility to be quantified. Performance of the ?basic? model (without efferent activity) on a connected digit recognition task is good when the speech is uncorrupted by noise but falls when noise is present. However, recognition performance is much improved when efferent activity is applied. Furthermore, optimal performance is obtained when the amount of efferent activity is proportional to the noise level. The results obtained are consistent with the suggestion that efferent suppression causes a ?release from adaptation? in the auditory-nerve response to noisy speech, which enhances its intelligibility

    A binaural grouping model for predicting speech intelligibility in multitalker environments

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    Spatially separating speech maskers from target speech often leads to a large intelligibility improvement. Modeling this phenomenon has long been of interest to binaural-hearing researchers for uncovering brain mechanisms and for improving signal-processing algorithms in hearing-assistive devices. Much of the previous binaural modeling work focused on the unmasking enabled by binaural cues at the periphery, and little quantitative modeling has been directed toward the grouping or source-separation benefits of binaural processing. In this article, we propose a binaural model that focuses on grouping, specifically on the selection of time-frequency units that are dominated by signals from the direction of the target. The proposed model uses Equalization-Cancellation (EC) processing with a binary decision rule to estimate a time-frequency binary mask. EC processing is carried out to cancel the target signal and the energy change between the EC input and output is used as a feature that reflects target dominance in each time-frequency unit. The processing in the proposed model requires little computational resources and is straightforward to implement. In combination with the Coherence-based Speech Intelligibility Index, the model is applied to predict the speech intelligibility data measured by Marrone et al. The predicted speech reception threshold matches the pattern of the measured data well, even though the predicted intelligibility improvements relative to the colocated condition are larger than some of the measured data, which may reflect the lack of internal noise in this initial version of the model.R01 DC000100 - NIDCD NIH HH

    Determination and evaluation of clinically efficient stopping criteria for the multiple auditory steady-state response technique

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    Background: Although the auditory steady-state response (ASSR) technique utilizes objective statistical detection algorithms to estimate behavioural hearing thresholds, the audiologist still has to decide when to terminate ASSR recordings introducing once more a certain degree of subjectivity. Aims: The present study aimed at establishing clinically efficient stopping criteria for a multiple 80-Hz ASSR system. Methods: In Experiment 1, data of 31 normal hearing subjects were analyzed off-line to propose stopping rules. Consequently, ASSR recordings will be stopped when (1) all 8 responses reach significance and significance can be maintained for 8 consecutive sweeps; (2) the mean noise levels were ≤ 4 nV (if at this “≤ 4-nV” criterion, p-values were between 0.05 and 0.1, measurements were extended only once by 8 sweeps); and (3) a maximum amount of 48 sweeps was attained. In Experiment 2, these stopping criteria were applied on 10 normal hearing and 10 hearing-impaired adults to asses the efficiency. Results: The application of these stopping rules resulted in ASSR threshold values that were comparable to other multiple-ASSR research with normal hearing and hearing-impaired adults. Furthermore, in 80% of the cases, ASSR thresholds could be obtained within a time-frame of 1 hour. Investigating the significant response-amplitudes of the hearing-impaired adults through cumulative curves indicated that probably a higher noise-stop criterion than “≤ 4 nV” can be used. Conclusions: The proposed stopping rules can be used in adults to determine accurate ASSR thresholds within an acceptable time-frame of about 1 hour. However, additional research with infants and adults with varying degrees and configurations of hearing loss is needed to optimize these criteria

    Evaluation of the sparse coding shrinkage noise reduction algorithm for the hearing impaired

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    Although there are numerous single-channel noise reduction strategies to improve speech perception in a noisy environment, most of them can only improve speech quality but not improve speech intelligibility for normal hearing (NH) or hearing impaired (HI) listeners. Exceptions that can improve speech intelligibility currently are only those that require a priori statistics of speech or noise. Most of the noise reduction algorithms in hearing aids are adopted directly from the algorithms for NH listeners without taking into account of the hearing loss factors within HI listeners. HI listeners suffer more in speech intelligibility than NH listeners in the same noisy environment. Further study of monaural noise reduction algorithms for HI listeners is required.The motivation is to adapt a model-based approach in contrast to the conventional Wiener filtering approach. The model-based algorithm called sparse coding shrinkage (SCS) was proposed to extract key speech information from noisy speech. The SCS algorithm was evaluated by comparison with another state-of-the-art Wiener filtering approach through speech intelligibility and quality tests using 9 NH and 9 HI listeners. The SCS algorithm matched the performance of the Wiener filtering algorithm in speech intelligibility and speech quality. Both algorithms showed some intelligibility improvements for HI listeners but not at all for NH listeners. The algorithms improved speech quality for both HI and NH listeners.Additionally, a physiologically-inspired hearing loss simulation (HLS) model was developed to characterize hearing loss factors and simulate hearing loss consequences. A methodology was proposed to evaluate signal processing strategies for HI listeners with the proposed HLS model and NH subjects. The corresponding experiment was performed by asking NH subjects to listen to unprocessed/enhanced speech with the HLS model. Some of the effects of the algorithms seen in HI listeners are reproduced, at least qualitatively, by using the HLS model with NH listeners.Conclusions: The model-based algorithm SCS is promising for improving performance in stationary noise although no clear difference was seen in the performance of SCS and a competitive Wiener filtering algorithm. Fluctuating noise is more difficult to reduce compared to stationary noise. Noise reduction algorithms may perform better at higher input signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) where HI listeners can get benefit but where NH listeners already reach ceiling performance. The proposed HLS model can save time and cost when evaluating noise reduction algorithms for HI listeners

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationHearing aids suffer from the problem of acoustic feedback that limits the gain provided by hearing aids. Moreover, the output sound quality of hearing aids may be compromised in the presence of background acoustic noise. Digital hearing aids use advanced signal processing to reduce acoustic feedback and background noise to improve the output sound quality. However, it is known that the output sound quality of digital hearing aids deteriorates as the hearing aid gain is increased. Furthermore, popular subband or transform domain digital signal processing in modern hearing aids introduces analysis-synthesis delays in the forward path. Long forward-path delays are not desirable because the processed sound combines with the unprocessed sound that arrives at the cochlea through the vent and changes the sound quality. In this dissertation, we employ a variable, frequency-dependent gain function that is lower at frequencies of the incoming signal where the information is perceptually insignificant. In addition, the method of this dissertation automatically identifies and suppresses residual acoustical feedback components at frequencies that have the potential to drive the system to instability. The suppressed frequency components are monitored and the suppression is removed when such frequencies no longer pose a threat to drive the hearing aid system into instability. Together, the method of this dissertation provides more stable gain over traditional methods by reducing acoustical coupling between the microphone and the loudspeaker of a hearing aid. In addition, the method of this dissertation performs necessary hearing aid signal processing with low-delay characteristics. The central idea for the low-delay hearing aid signal processing is a spectral gain shaping method (SGSM) that employs parallel parametric equalization (EQ) filters. Parameters of the parametric EQ filters and associated gain values are selected using a least-squares approach to obtain the desired spectral response. Finally, the method of this dissertation switches to a least-squares adaptation scheme with linear complexity at the onset of howling. The method adapts to the altered feedback path quickly and allows the patient to not lose perceivable information. The complexity of the least-squares estimate is reduced by reformulating the least-squares estimate into a Toeplitz system and solving it with a direct Toeplitz solver. The increase in stable gain over traditional methods and the output sound quality were evaluated with psychoacoustic experiments on normal-hearing listeners with speech and music signals. The results indicate that the method of this dissertation provides 8 to 12 dB more hearing aid gain than feedback cancelers with traditional fixed gain functions. Furthermore, experimental results obtained with real world hearing aid gain profiles indicate that the method of this dissertation provides less distortion in the output sound quality than classical feedback cancelers, enabling the use of more comfortable style hearing aids for patients with moderate to profound hearing loss. Extensive MATLAB simulations and subjective evaluations of the results indicate that the method of this dissertation exhibits much smaller forward-path delays with superior howling suppression capability

    Communications Biophysics

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    Contains reports on ten research projects.National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 P01 NS13126)National Institutes of Health (Training Grant 5 T32 NS0704)National Science Foundation (Grant BNS80-06369)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 R01 NS11153)National Science Foundation (Grant BNS77-16861)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 RO1 NS12846)National Science Foundation (Grant BNS77-21751)National Institutes of Health (Grant 1 P01 NS14092)Karmazin Foundation through the Council for the Arts at MITNational Institutes of Health (Fellowship 5 F32 NS06386)National Science Foundation (Fellowship SP179-14913)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 RO1 NS11080

    Coding Strategies for Cochlear Implants Under Adverse Environments

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    Cochlear implants are electronic prosthetic devices that restores partial hearing in patients with severe to profound hearing loss. Although most coding strategies have significantly improved the perception of speech in quite listening conditions, there remains limitations on speech perception under adverse environments such as in background noise, reverberation and band-limited channels, and we propose strategies that improve the intelligibility of speech transmitted over the telephone networks, reverberated speech and speech in the presence of background noise. For telephone processed speech, we propose to examine the effects of adding low-frequency and high- frequency information to the band-limited telephone speech. Four listening conditions were designed to simulate the receiving frequency characteristics of telephone handsets. Results indicated improvement in cochlear implant and bimodal listening when telephone speech was augmented with high frequency information and therefore this study provides support for design of algorithms to extend the bandwidth towards higher frequencies. The results also indicated added benefit from hearing aids for bimodal listeners in all four types of listening conditions. Speech understanding in acoustically reverberant environments is always a difficult task for hearing impaired listeners. Reverberated sounds consists of direct sound, early reflections and late reflections. Late reflections are known to be detrimental to speech intelligibility. In this study, we propose a reverberation suppression strategy based on spectral subtraction to suppress the reverberant energies from late reflections. Results from listening tests for two reverberant conditions (RT60 = 0.3s and 1.0s) indicated significant improvement when stimuli was processed with SS strategy. The proposed strategy operates with little to no prior information on the signal and the room characteristics and therefore, can potentially be implemented in real-time CI speech processors. For speech in background noise, we propose a mechanism underlying the contribution of harmonics to the benefit of electroacoustic stimulations in cochlear implants. The proposed strategy is based on harmonic modeling and uses synthesis driven approach to synthesize the harmonics in voiced segments of speech. Based on objective measures, results indicated improvement in speech quality. This study warrants further work into development of algorithms to regenerate harmonics of voiced segments in the presence of noise

    Evaluation of the Importance of Time-Frequency Contributions to Speech Intelligibility in Noise

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    Recent studies on binary masking techniques make the assumption that each time-frequency (T-F) unit contributes an equal amount to the overall intelligibility of speech. The present study demonstrated that the importance of each T-F unit to speech intelligibility varies in accordance with speech content. Specifically, T-F units are categorized into two classes, speech-present T-F units and speech-absent T-F units. Results indicate that the importance of each speech-present T-F unit to speech intelligibility is highly related to the loudness of its target component, while the importance of each speech-absent T-F unit varies according to the loudness of its masker component. Two types of mask errors are also considered, which include miss and false alarm errors. Consistent with previous work, false alarm errors are shown to be more harmful to speech intelligibility than miss errors when the mixture signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is below 0 dB. However, the relative importance between the two types of error is conditioned on the SNR level of the input speech signal. Based on these observations, a mask-based objective measure, the loudness weighted hit-false, is proposed for predicting speech intelligibility. The proposed objective measure shows significantly higher correlation with intelligibility compared to two existing mask-based objective measures
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