375,587 research outputs found

    The influence of urban indicators in determining the quality of life

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    This thesis focuses on the quality of life. It is a topic that is increasingly used not only in urban planning and cartography, but also in other areas. In the first part of work we define the topic based on existing literature, establish a framework system and describe the indicators of quality of life. In the second part we define the final system for determination of quality of life through the existing spatial data. We focus on indicators that show the quality of life in urban environment. We define the method\ud of calculating selected indicators and we create classification classes with the help of ArcGis software.\ud Based on well-known standards and guidelines, the average values or preferences of people values of indicators are determined to classes. With their establishment we determine their significance. By setting the weight of indicators we follow the definition of quality of life which accounts for subjectivity as an important part of the final assessment. With the help of cartographic representation, the urban indicators are presented also visually. Usefulness of urban indicators is proved on the case of three buildings in the area of Ljubljana. We show usefulness of the system by changing the components of the system and we observe their effect on the final evaluation of the quality of life

    Real time monitoring of rural sanitation at scale in Zambia using mobile-to-web technologies

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    UNICEF, in collaboration with Zambia’s Ministry of Local Government and Housing (MLGH), developed an innovative real-time monitoring and evaluation system using a Mobile-to-Web (M2W) platform using low-cost mobile phones, trained Community Volunteers, and simple protocols for the monitoring and analysis of improved access to sanitation. The M2W system uses DHIS 2, an open source software, which analyses Volunteersdata in real-time, and provides flexible options for data representation as to be user-friendly and appropriate for various audiences. M2W was piloted in 2013, starting with 15 districts and scaling up to 29 rural districts by 2014, covering a population of 2,153,788. The framework has resulted in greater accountability, better data quality, and high cost efficiency per village targeted. Given its cost-effectiveness, the Government of Zambia has the potential to expand M2W into not only a national WASH management information system but also to incorporate indicators from other sectors, as well

    Classification of Performance and Quality Indicators in Manufacturing

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    A critical aspect in operations management is to represent the firm goals properly. This is usually done by translating the organisational results and objectives in ‘performance measurements'. The scientific literature shows many applications in different fields such as quality, production, logistics, marketing, etc. Nevertheless, a general theory formalising basic and application concepts is still lacking. This paper shows a classification of ‘performance indicators' in manufacturing, providing a mathematical structure to the concept of ‘indicator'. This approach is based on the formalism of the Representation Theory. All the mentioned concepts are explained and discussed through practical example


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    Purpose of the study: The article discusses some aspects of the professional development of the artist in the context of changes occurring in the modern domestic system of higher education. The authors conducted research aimed at studying the phenomenon of the artist's personality and related features of students' search for their own trajectory of education. Methodology: The literature review of works describing the life and work of artists, essays on the history of art has been conducted. Main Findings: As a result of the study, the criteria for evaluating the level of artistic literacy of students before and after passing elective courses were identified. In the course of the experiment was the evaluation of the creative works of students, performing tests and surveys. Quality indicators have significantly improved as a result of the experiment. The level of motivation of students has increased significantly. Applications of this study: The main conclusion of the experimental classes was to prove the relevance and importance of studying the basics of artistic literacy for the successful education of an artist of any specialization. The results of this study will serve as a basis for continuing research in this area of art education. The experience described in the article can serve as a prototype for higher school art pedagogy. Novelty/Originality of this study: Comparison of the results of experimental and control groups showed a significant increase in quality indicators. During the experiment, several points were identified that determine the prospects for further research on the introduction into the educational process of topical issues included in the conditional representation of the structure of the concepts of artistic literacy

    Mapping Varieties of Industrial Relations: Eurofound\u27s Analytical Framework Applied

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    Eurofound’s 2016 report Mapping key dimensions of industrial relations identified four key dimensions of industrial relations: industrial democracy, industrial competitiveness, social justice, and quality of work and employment. This report builds upon that earlier study, developing a dashboard of 45 indicators to assess how and to what extent the conceptual framework of these key dimensions can be applied at national level. The indicators were tested across the Member States by Eurofound’s Network of European Correspondents and show reasonable accuracy when used to map the predominant features and trends of the national industrial relations systems. The study confirms that a dashboard of indicators that can accurately measure and summarise the complex reality of industrial relations across the EU is a valuable tool for comparative research and a useful instrument for supporting policymakers, social partners and stakeholders. The report sets out a range of options for further developing this conceptual approach

    United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Kenya

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    The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (2014-2018) for Kenya is an expression of the UN's commitment to support the Kenyan people in their self-articulated development aspirations. This UNDAF has been developed according to the principles of UN Delivering as One (DaO), aimed at ensuring Government ownership, demonstrated through UNDAF's full alignment to Government priorities and planning cycles, as well as internal coherence among UN agencies and programmes operating in Kenya. The UNDAF narrative includes five recommended sections: Introduction and Country Context, UNDAF Results, Resource Estimates, Implementation Arrangements, and Monitoring and Evaluation as well as a Results and Resources Annex. Developed under the leadership of the Government, the UNDAF reflects the efforts of all UN agencies working in Kenya and is shaped by the five UNDG programming principles: Human Rights-based approach, gender equality, environmental sustainability, capacity development, and results based management. The UNDAF working groups have developed a truly broad-based Results Framework, in collaboration with Civil Society, donors and other partners. The UNDAF has four Strategic Results Areas: 1) Transformational Governance encompassing Policy and Institutional Frameworks; Democratic Participation and Human Rights; Devolution and Accountability; and Evidence-based Decision-making, 2) Human Capital Development comprised of Education and Learning; Health, including Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Environmental Preservation, Food Availability and Nutrition; Multi-sectoral HIV and AIDS Response; and Social Protection, 3) Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth, with Improving the Business Environment; Strengthening Productive Sectors and Trade; and Promoting Job Creation, Skills Development and Improved Working Conditions, and 4) Environmental Sustainability, Land Management and Human Security including Policy and Legal Framework Development; and Peace, Community Security and Resilience. The UNDAF Results Areas are aligned with the three Pillars (Political, Social and Economic) of the Government's Vision 2030 transformational agenda

    An expert system for a local planning environment

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    In this paper, we discuss the design of an Expert System (ES) that supports decision making in a Local Planning System (LPS) environment. The LPS provides the link between a high level factory planning system (rough cut capacity planning and material coordination) and the actual execution of jobs on the shopfloor, by specifying a detailed workplan. It is divided in two hierarchical layers: planning and scheduling. At each level, a set of different algorithms and heuristics is available to anticipate different situations.\ud \ud The Expert System (which is a part of the LPS) supports decision making at each of the two LPS layers by evaluating the planning and scheduling conditions and, based on this evaluation, advising the use of a specific algorithm and evaluating the results of using the proposed algorithm.\ud \ud The Expert System is rule-based while knowledge (structure) and data are separated (which makes the ES more flexible in terms of fine-tuning and adding new knowledge). Knowledge is furthermore separated in algorithmic knowledge and company specific knowledge. In this paper we discuss backgrounds of the expert system in more detail. An evaluation of the Expert system is also presented

    An Empirical Study at Évora’s University about Representations of “Quality Teaching” within an Intercultural Context

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    In this paper the authors tried to compare the representations of «teaching quality» between African portuguese speakers and portuguese native students’ throughout an attempt of intercultural education course. The students had answered to a questionnaire made specially for that propose and although the pilot character of the study, the analysis of the result seems to show that, in opposite to the expected, the concept of «teaching quality» does not present significative differences between them

    Using patient-reported measures to drive change in healthcare: the experience of the digital, continuous and systematic PREMs observatory in Italy

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    BACKGROUND: The use of Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) has great potential in healthcare service improvement, but a limited use. This paper presents an empirical case of PREMs innovation in Italy, to foster patient data use up to the ward level, by keeping strengths and addressing weaknesses of previous PREMs survey experiences. The paper reports key lessons learned in this ongoing experience of action research, directly involving practitioners. METHODS: The aim of this paper is to present the results of an ongoing action research, encompassing the innovation of PREMs collection, reporting and use, currently adopted by 21 hospitals of two Italian regions. The continuous and systematic PREMs collection has been implemented between 2017 and 2019 and includes: a continuous web-based administration, using web-services; an augmented and positive questionnaire matching standard closed-ended questions with narrative sections; the inclusion and benchmarking of patient data within a shared performance evaluation system; public disclosure of aggregated anonymized data; a multi-level and real-time web-platform for reporting PREMs to professionals. The action research was carried out with practitioners in a real-life and complex context. The authors used multiple data sources and methods: observations, feedback of practitioners, collected during several workshops and meetings, and analysis of preliminary data on the survey implementation. RESULTS: A continuous and systematic PREMs observatory was developed and adopted in two Italian regions. PREMs participation and response rates tend to increase over time, reaching stable percentages after the first months. Narrative feedback provide a 'positive narration' of episodes and behaviours that made the difference to patients and can inform quality improvement actions. Real-time reporting of quantitative and qualitative data is enabling a gratifying process of service improvement and people management at all the hospitals' levels. CONCLUSIONS: The PREMs presented in this paper has been recognized by healthcare professionals and managers as a strategic and positive tool for improving an actual use of PREMs at system and ward levels, by measuring and highlighting positive deviances, such as compassionate behaviours
