6,476 research outputs found


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    Puffy: A Step-by-step Guide to Craft Bio-inspired Artifacts with Interactive Materiality

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    A rising number of HCI scholars have begun to use materiality as a starting point for exploring the design's potential and restrictions. Despite the theoretical flourishing, the practical design process and instruction for beginner practitioners are still in scarcity. We leveraged the pictorial format to illustrate our crafting process of Puffy, a bio-inspired artifact that features a cilia-mimetic surface expressing anthropomorphic qualities through shape changes. Our approach consists of three key activities (i.e., analysis, synthesis, and detailing) interlaced recursively throughout the journey. Using this approach, we analyzed different input sources, synthesized peers' critiques and self-reflection, and detailed the designed experience with iterative prototypes. Building on a reflective analysis of our approach, we concluded with a set of practical implications and design recommendations to inform other practitioners to initiate their investigations in interactive materiality.Comment: 17th International Conference On Tangible Embedded And Embodied Interactio

    Art and Design Practices as a Driver for Deformable Controls, Textures and Screen Interactions

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    In this thesis, we demonstrate the innovative uses of deformable interfaces to help de-velop future digital art and design interactions. The great benefits of advancing digital art can often come at a cost of tactile feeling and physical expression, while traditional methods celebrate the diverse sets of physical tools and materials. We identified these sets of tools and materials to inform the development of new art and design interfaces that offer rich physical mediums for digital artist and designers. In order to bring forth these unique inter-actions, we draw on the latest advances in deformable interface technology. Therefore, our research contributes a set of understandings about how deformable interfaces can be har-nessed for art and design interfaces. We identify and discuss the following contributions: insights into tangible and digital practices of artists and designers; prototypes to probe the benefits and possibilities of deformable displays and materials in support of digital-physical art and design, user-centred evaluations of these prototypes to inform future developments, and broader insights into the deformable interface research.Each chapter of this thesis investigates a specific element of art and design, alongside an aspect of deformable interfaces resulting in a new prototype. We begin the thesis by studying the use of physical actuation to simulate artist tools in deformable surfaces. In this chapter, our evaluations highlight the merits of improved user experiences and insights into eyes-free interactions. We then turn to explore deformable textures. Driven by the tactile feeling of mixing paints, we present a gel-based interface that is capable of simulating the feeling of paints on the back of mobile devices. Our evaluations showed how artists endorsed the interactions and held potential for digital oil painting.Our final chapter presents research conducted with digital designers. We explore their colour picking processes and developed a digital version of physical swatches using a mod-ular screen system. This use of tangible proxies in digital-based processes brought a level of playfulness and held potential to support collaborative workflows across disciplines. To conclude, we share how our outcomes from these studies could help shape the broader space of art and design interactions and deformable interface research. We suggest future work and directions based on our findings

    An aesthetics of touch: investigating the language of design relating to form

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    How well can designers communicate qualities of touch? This paper presents evidence that they have some capability to do so, much of which appears to have been learned, but at present make limited use of such language. Interviews with graduate designer-makers suggest that they are aware of and value the importance of touch and materiality in their work, but lack a vocabulary to fully relate to their detailed explanations of other aspects such as their intent or selection of materials. We believe that more attention should be paid to the verbal dialogue that happens in the design process, particularly as other researchers show that even making-based learning also has a strong verbal element to it. However, verbal language alone does not appear to be adequate for a comprehensive language of touch. Graduate designers-makers’ descriptive practices combined non-verbal manipulation within verbal accounts. We thus argue that haptic vocabularies do not simply describe material qualities, but rather are situated competences that physically demonstrate the presence of haptic qualities. Such competencies are more important than groups of verbal vocabularies in isolation. Design support for developing and extending haptic competences must take this wide range of considerations into account to comprehensively improve designers’ capabilities

    Children’s stories and multisensory engagement: insights from a cultural probes study

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    This study builds on child-centred early education models that emphasise active listening to children's voices and follow participatory research methods to accommodate children's expressions. We used the cultural probes method with eleven Norwegian 4-5-year-olds to elicit children's storytelling and multisensory engagement. The children were encouraged to tell a story using open-ended art-making materials provided in a “story box”. Children's stories were analysed according to their structural elements with The Social Relationships in Children's Stories (SRCS) tool, and in relation to the intensity of children's engagement of their six senses (vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste and proprioception) during the activity. The SRCS analysis showed that children's stories centred on real characters performing commonly encountered acts, mostly in rural settings (e.g., ‘a man pushing a tree’ or ‘A mother and a baby relaxing in the forest’). Children engaged their senses selectively, in a sequence of different levels of intensity, with the visual and haptic engagement being the most intensively engaged senses during the story-tellings. Children's real-life stories that engage the hidden senses (olfaction, taste and proprioception) could enrich the methods and design of future education studies.publishedVersio

    Application of the H-Mode, a Design and Interaction Concept for Highly Automated Vehicles, to Aircraft

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    Driven by increased safety, efficiency, and airspace capacity, automation is playing an increasing role in aircraft operations. As aircraft become increasingly able to autonomously respond to a range of situations with performance surpassing human operators, we are compelled to look for new methods that help us understand their use and guide their design using new forms of automation and interaction. We propose a novel design metaphor to aid the conceptualization, design, and operation of highly-automated aircraft. Design metaphors transfer meaning from common experiences to less familiar applications or functions. A notable example is the "Desktop metaphor" for manipulating files on a computer. This paper describes a metaphor for highly automated vehicles known as the H-metaphor and a specific embodiment of the metaphor known as the H-mode as applied to aircraft. The fundamentals of the H-metaphor are reviewed followed by an overview of an exploratory usability study investigating human-automation interaction issues for a simple H-mode implementation. The envisioned application of the H-mode concept to aircraft is then described as are two planned evaluations

    Entwined approaches: integrating design, art and science in design research-by-practice

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    Drawing on experience gained through a recently completed practice-led PhD project in textiles this paper considers the importance of evolving design research methodologies that integrate the intuitive, creative and poetic approaches prevalent in professional design practice with more quantifiable academic research methods. The paper explores the relationship between scientific and artistic approaches in practice-led design research and possible means by which they can be balanced in order to accurately reflect both the technological and poetic aspects of such research. This paper surveys existing discourse originating from studies of design practice, particularly regarding ‘thinking-in-action’ (Harrison, 1978; Schön, 1995; Cross, 2007; Pallasmaa, 2009), ‘productive science’ (Buchanan, 2007; Tooming Buchanan, 2010) and active documentation of studio practice (de Freitas, 2002). However, influential debate on the subject is not limited to the discipline of design. The paper also discusses how a multi-perspectival approach and the use of multi-strand methodologies originating from the social sciences (Richardson, 2000; Denzin & Lincoln, 2008) have been applied in a specifically textile design research context. This paper, illustrated by examples drawn from the project, explores the potential of an integrated approach using a ‘bricolage’ of methods (Kincheloe, 2001) to produce original research outputs that address both theoretical and practical questions, allowing for investigation of the metaphysical, the emotional and the imaginative alongside the technical

    Towards harmonious experiences – A service design approach to evaluating and optimizing multi-touchpoint user experience

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    Like many other traditionally product-centric companies, ABB is facing the challenges and opportunities of digitalization. ABB’s contemporary strategy relies more and more on offering digital services alongside their technically advanced products to their customers. Providing consistent experiences has, therefore, become an increasingly important differentiator factor also in the B2B market. Over the years, the ABB Drives business unit has developed its offering of software tools that answer to the ever-evolving technical needs of ABB’s industrial customers, partners, and employees. In the past, the technology-oriented and expert-driven R&D culture has guided the development of these tools, and the emphasis has remained on solving highly specific technical challenges. While successful in meeting these needs, the experience of end-users, as well as alignment with the ABB brand, have remained secondary priorities. As a result, the offering has become inconsistent in terms of logic, look and feel. The recently renewed ABB corporate brand and the ABB UI style guide aim to bring all ABB digital product user interfaces under the same brand visually, and thus ‘harmonize’ the software tool offering as a whole. However, it is stated that improving visual aspects of user interfaces alone does not optimize their user experience and that a more strategic, user-centric approach is needed to create more consistent and holistic user experiences. This thesis documents a case study of how user-centric, service design-based research methods can be utilized to evaluate the user experience of work-related journeys that require interaction with multiple digital systems. The case focuses on ABB field engineers as the users, four case software tools, and drive start-up, registration and start-up reporting in different industrial environments as the case journey. The theoretical background and the definition of user experience position this study in between user experience design and service design. Moreover, due to the multi-touchpoint nature of this study, the thesis connects with the field of multi-touchpoint experience design, a largely unexplored research field. The literature review indicates that there is a lack of user experience evaluation methods suitable for studying multi-touchpoint user experience of user journeys that include user interaction with multiple separate digital systems over time. The case study was carried out in three parts: first, to map and quantify the current state and extent of the software tool offering; second, to understand the drive start-up-registration-reporting –journey and to identify the related user experience related aspects; and third, using a co-constructive “UX timeline” method, to evaluate the journey-specific multi-touchpoint user experience of end-users. Based on the findings of the study, it was found that there are several user experience related points of improvement that affect the user experience. The found issues are predominantly related to work efficiency, user transition between work phases, software tool synergy, and the physical context the tools are used in. Based on these case results, a contextual definition of user experience is de ned, and a user-centric approach is recommended for the Drives business unit to de ne and prioritize needs for future development of their software tool offering. Therefore, the results of this study are important for the organization on its quest to develop a more strategic and user-centric culture that strives for more holistic and consistent user experiences. The recommended approach is not restricted or limited to ABB Drives software tool offering and can be replicated to be utilized by organizations that seek to improve the user experience of offerings that consist of multiple interdependent systems used by several user profiles.Kuten muut alkujaan tuotekeskeiset yritykset, myös ABB on kohdannut digitalisaation tuomat haasteet ja mahdollisuudet. Yrityksen strategia perustuu nykyään yhä vahvemmin digitaalisten palveluiden tarjoamiseen teknologisesti edistyksellisten tuotteiden rinnalla teollisuusasiakkaille. Yhdenmukaisten kokemusten tuomisesta on siten tullut yhä tärkeämpi erottuvuustekijä myös B2B-ympäristössä. Vuosien varrella ABB Drives –liiketoimintayksikkö on kehittänyt ohjelmistotyökaluja vastatakseen asiakkaidensa, kumppaneidensa ja työntekijöidensä alati kehittyviin teknisiin tarpeisiin. ABB:n teknologiaorientoitunut ja asiantuntijavetoinen tuotekehityskulttuuri on ohjannut kehitystä, ja siten myös työkalujen suunnittelua. Kyseiset työkalut vastaavat haasteisiin teknisestä näkökulmasta, mutta sekä työkalujen loppukäyttäjien kokemus, että ABB:n brändin noudattaminen ovat jääneet taka-alalle kehityksessä. Ohjelmistotyökalujen tarjoomasta on siten tullut epäyhtenäinen työkalujen toimintalogiikan, ulkonäön ja tuntuman osalta. ABB:n vastikään uudistettu brändi yhdessä ABB:n käyttöliittymien suunnitteluohjeiston kanssa pyrkivät tuomaan kaikki ABB:n digitaaliset tuotteet saman emobrändin alle, yhtenäistämään käyttöliittymien visuaalista ulkoasua, ja siten ‘harmonisoimaan’ työkalutarjoomaa kokonaisuutena. On esitetty, että käyttöliittymien visuaalinen yhtenäisyys ei yksin riitä optimoimaan käyttäjäkokemusta, ja että yhdenmukaisten ja holististen käyttäjäkokemusten luomiseen tarvitaan strategisempi ja käyttäjäkeskeimpi tulokulma. Tämä opinnäytetyö dokumentoi tapaustutkimuksen, jossa käyttäjäkeskeisiä palvelumuotoilun tutkimusmenetelmiä on käytetty käyttäjäkokemuksen arviointiin työympäristössä, jossa käyttäjän polku vaatii vuorovaikuttamista useamman digitaalisen ohjelman kanssa. Tapaus keskittyy ABB:n kenttäinsinööreihin ohjelmistotyökalujen loppukäyttäjinä, neljään ohjelmistotyökaluun, ja käyttäjän polkuun, joka koostuu taajuusmuuttajien käyttöönotosta, rekisteröinnistä ja käyttöönottoraportoinnista erilaisissa teollisuudelle ominaisissa työskentely-ympäristöissä. Teoreettinen tausta ja käyttäjäkokemuksen määrittely positioivat tutkimuksen käyttäjäkokemussuunnitelun (user experience design) ja palvelumuotoilun (service design) välimaastoon. Lisäksi, johtuen työn monikosketuspisteisestä luonteesta, työ liittyy uuteen, vielä laajalti tutkimattomaan alaan, monikosketuspistekokemussuunnitteluun (multi-touchpoint experience design). Työn kirjallisuuskatsaus osoittaa, että on olemassa selvä puute käyttäjäkokemuksen arviointityökaluista, jotka soveltuvat monikosketuspisteisten käyttäjäpolkujen arviointiin ympäristöissä, jotka edellyttävät käyttäjää vuorovaikuttamaan usean erillisen ohjelmiston välillä, pidemmän ajanjakson aikana. Tapaustutkimus koostuu kolmesta osasta: ensimmäisessä osassa ohjelmistotyökalujen tarjooman nykytila ja laajuus on kartoitettu. Toisessa osassa taajuusmuuttajien käyttöönotto-rekisteröinti-raportointi –polkuun liittyvät kontekstisidonnaiset käyttäjäkokemushaasteet, tarpeet ja ehdotukset on kartoitettu. Kolmas osio keskittyy arvioimaan käyttäjän polkuun sidonnaista loppukäyttäjien monikosketuspistekäyttäjäkokemusta käyttäen yhteis-rakentamiseen (co-constructive) perustuvaa “UX timeline” -tutkimusmetodia. Tutkimuksessa on tunnistettu useita käyttäjäkokemukseen liitännäisiä epäkohtia. Löydetyt epäkohdat ovat enimmäkseen liitännäisiä työtehokkuuteen, käyttäjän siirtymiseen työvaiheiden välillä, ohjelmistotyökalujen väliseen synergiaan, sekä fyysiseen työympäristöön, jossa ohjelmistotyökaluja käytetään. Tuloksiin nojaten kontekstisidonnainen käyttäjäkokemus on määritelty, sekä liiketoimintayksikölle on suositeltu käyttäjäkeskeistä lähestymistapaa ohjelmistotyökalujen kehitykseen tulevaisuudessa, hyödyttäen organisaatiota sen kehityspyrkimyksissä kohti strategisesti käyttäjäkeskeisempää kulttuuria, joka tähtää kokonaisvaltaisempiin ja yhdenmukaisempiin käyttäjäkokemuksiin. Suositeltu lähestymistapa ei ole rajoittunut ainoastaan ABB Drives -liiketoimintayksikön ohjelmistotyökalujen tarjoamaan, vaan se voidaan replikoida ja hyödyntää organisaatioissa, jotka pyrkivät edistämään monisyisten, useita yksittäisiä ohjelmistoja ja niiden erilaisia käyttäjäprofiileja sisältävien tarjoomien käyttäjäkokemusta