3 research outputs found

    A software architecture for consensus based replication

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    Orientador: Luiz Eduardo BuzatoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Esta tese explora uma das ferramentas fundamentais para construção de sistemas distribuídos: a replicação de componentes de software. Especificamente, procuramos resolver o problema de como simplificar a construção de aplicações replicadas que combinem alto grau de disponibilidade e desempenho. Como ferramenta principal para alcançar o objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa desenvolvemos Treplica, uma biblioteca de replicação voltada para construção de aplicações distribuídas, porém com semântica de aplicações centralizadas. Treplica apresenta ao programador uma interface simples baseada em uma especificação orientada a objetos de replicação ativa. A conclusão que defendemos nesta tese é que é possível desenvolver um suporte modular e de uso simples para replicação que exibe alto desempenho, baixa latência e que permite recuperação eficiente em caso de falhas. Acreditamos que a arquitetura de software proposta tem aplicabilidade em qualquer sistema distribuído, mas é de especial interesse para sistemas que não são distribuídos pela ausência de uma forma simples, eficiente e confiável de replicá-losAbstract: This thesis explores one of the fundamental tools for the construction of distributed systems: the replication of software components. Specifically, we attempted to solve the problem of simplifying the construction of high-performance and high-availability replicated applications. We have developed Treplica, a replication library, as the main tool to reach this research objective. Treplica allows the construction of distributed applications that behave as centralized applications, presenting the programmer a simple interface based on an object-oriented specification for active replication. The conclusion we reach in this thesis is that it is possible to create a modular and simple to use support for replication, providing high performance, low latency and fast recovery in the presence of failures. We believe our proposed software architecture is applicable to any distributed system, but it is particularly interesting to systems that remain centralized due to the lack of a simple, efficient and reliable replication mechanismDoutoradoSistemas de ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    Evaluation Of A Read-optimized Database For Dynamic Web Applications

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    In this paper we investigate the use of a specialized data warehousing database management system as a data back-end for web applications and assess the performance of this solution. We have used the Monet database as a drop-in replacement for traditional databases, and performed benchmarks comparing its performance to the performance of two of the most commonly used databases for web applications: MySQL and PostgreSQL. Our main contribution is to show for the first time how a read-optimized database performs in comparison to established general purpose database management systems for the domain of web applications. Monet's performance in relation to MySQL and PostgresSQL allows us to affirm that the widely accepted assumption that relational database management systems are fit for all applications can be reconsidered in the case of dynamic web applications.17380Amza, C., Chanda, A., Cox, A.L., Elnikety, S., Gil, R., Rajamani, K., Zwaenepoel, W., Marguerite, J., Specification and implementation of dynamic web site benchmarks (2002) WWC-5: Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Workload Characterization, pp. 3-13Boncz, P.A., (2002) Monet: A Next-Generation DBMS Kernel For Query-Intensive Applications, , Ph.d. thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsBoncz, P.A., Zukowski, M., Nes, N., Mon-etDB/XlOO: Hyper-pipelining query execution (2005) CIDR 2005: Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, pp. 225-237Cain, H.W., Rajwar, R., Marden, M., Lipasti, M.H., An architectural evaluation of Java TPC-W (2001) HPCA '01: Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, pp. 229-240. , Monterrey, MexicoGarcia, D.F., Garcia, J., TPC-W e-commerce benchmark evaluation (2003) Computer, 36 (2), pp. 42-48Harizopoulos, S., Liang, V., Abadi, D.J., Madden, S., Performance tradeoffs in read-optimized databases (2006) VLDB 2006: Proceedings of the 32nd international conference on Very large data bases, pp. 487-498. , VLDB EndowmentMenascé, D.A., TPC-W: A benchmark for e-commerce (2002) IEEE Internet Computing, 6 (3), pp. 83-87Stonebraker, M., Abadi, D.J., Batkin, A., Chen, X., Cherniack, M., Ferreira, M., Lau, E., Zdonik, S., C-Store: A column-oriented dbms (2005) VLDB '05: Proceedings of the 31st international conference on Very large data bases, pp. 553-564. , VLDB EndowmentStonebraker, M., Bear, C., Çetintemel, U., Cherniack, M., Ge, T., Hachem, N., Harizopoulos, S., Zdonik, S., One size fits all? Part 2: Benchmarking studies (2007) CIDR 2007: Proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems ResearchStonebraker, M., Çetintemel, U., One size fits all: An idea whose time has come and gone (2005) ICDE '05: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Data Engineering, pp. 2-11. , Washington, DC, USA. IEEE Computer Society(2002) TPC Benchmark W Specification, , TPC(2006) TPC Benchmark H Specification, , TP