1,235 research outputs found

    Optimized Compilation of Aggregated Instructions for Realistic Quantum Computers

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    Recent developments in engineering and algorithms have made real-world applications in quantum computing possible in the near future. Existing quantum programming languages and compilers use a quantum assembly language composed of 1- and 2-qubit (quantum bit) gates. Quantum compiler frameworks translate this quantum assembly to electric signals (called control pulses) that implement the specified computation on specific physical devices. However, there is a mismatch between the operations defined by the 1- and 2-qubit logical ISA and their underlying physical implementation, so the current practice of directly translating logical instructions into control pulses results in inefficient, high-latency programs. To address this inefficiency, we propose a universal quantum compilation methodology that aggregates multiple logical operations into larger units that manipulate up to 10 qubits at a time. Our methodology then optimizes these aggregates by (1) finding commutative intermediate operations that result in more efficient schedules and (2) creating custom control pulses optimized for the aggregate (instead of individual 1- and 2-qubit operations). Compared to the standard gate-based compilation, the proposed approach realizes a deeper vertical integration of high-level quantum software and low-level, physical quantum hardware. We evaluate our approach on important near-term quantum applications on simulations of superconducting quantum architectures. Our proposed approach provides a mean speedup of 5×5\times, with a maximum of 10×10\times. Because latency directly affects the feasibility of quantum computation, our results not only improve performance but also have the potential to enable quantum computation sooner than otherwise possible.Comment: 13 pages, to apper in ASPLO

    Towards understanding two-level-systems in amorphous solids -- Insights from quantum circuits

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    Amorphous solids show surprisingly universal behaviour at low temperatures. The prevailing wisdom is that this can be explained by the existence of two-state defects within the material. The so-called standard tunneling model has become the established framework to explain these results, yet it still leaves the central question essentially unanswered -- what are these two-level defects? This question has recently taken on a new urgency with the rise of superconducting circuits in quantum computing, circuit quantum electrodynamics, magnetometry, electrometry and metrology. Superconducting circuits made from aluminium or niobium are fundamentally limited by losses due to two-level defects within the amorphous oxide layers encasing them. On the other hand, these circuits also provide a novel and effective method for studying the very defects which limit their operation. We can now go beyond ensemble measurements and probe individual defects -- observing the quantum nature of their dynamics and studying their formation, their behaviour as a function of applied field, strain, temperature and other properties. This article reviews the plethora of recent experimental results in this area and discusses the various theoretical models which have been used to describe the observations. In doing so, it summarises the current approaches to solving this fundamentally important problem in solid-state physics.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Readout and Control Beyond a Few Qubits: Scaling-up Solid State Quantum Systems

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    Quantum entanglement and superposition, in addition to revealing interesting physics in their own right, can be harnessed as computational resources in a machine, enabling a range of algorithms for classically intractable problems. In recent years, experiments with small numbers of qubits have been demonstrated in a range of solid-state systems, but this is far from the numbers required to realise a useful quantum computer. In addition to the qubits themselves, quantum operation requires a host of classical electronics for control and readout, and current techniques used in few-qubit systems are not scalable. This thesis presents a series of techniques for control and readout of solid-state qubits, working towards scalability by integrating classical control with the quantum technology. Two techniques for reducing the footprint associated with readout of gallium arsenide spin qubits are demonstrated. Gate electrodes, used to define the quantum dot, are also shown to be sensitive state detectors. These gate-sensors, and the more conventional Quantum Point Contacts, are then multiplexed in the frequency domain, where three-channel qubit readout and ten-channel QPC readout are demonstrated. Two types of superconducting devices are also explored. The loss in superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators is measured, and a suppression of coupling to the parasitic electromagnetic environment is demonstrated. The thesis also details software for the simulation of Josephson-junction based circuits including features beyond what is available in commercial products. Finally, an architecture for managing control of a scalable machine is proposed where classical components are distributed throughout a cryostat and cryogenic switches route control pulses to the appropriate qubits. A simple implementation of the architecture is demonstrated that incorporates a double quantum dot, a gallium arsenide switch matrix, frequency multiplexed readout, and cryogenic classical computation

    Characterizing Niobium Nitride Superconducting Microwave Coplanar Waveguide Resonator Array for Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics in Extreme Conditions

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    The high critical magnetic field and relatively high critical temperature of niobium nitride (NbN) make it a promising material candidate for applications in superconducting quantum technology. However, NbN-based devices and circuits are sensitive to decoherence sources such as two-level system (TLS) defects. Here, we numerically and experimentally investigate NbN superconducting microwave coplanar waveguide resonator arrays, with a 100 nm thickness, capacitively coupled to a common coplanar waveguide on a silicon chip. We observe that the resonators' internal quality factor (Qi) decreases from Qi ~ 1.07*10^6 in a high power regime ( = 27000) to Qi ~ 1.36 *10^5 in single photon regime at temperature T = 100 mK. Data from this study is consistent with the TLS theory, which describes the TLS interactions in resonator substrates and interfaces. Moreover, we study the temperature dependence internal quality factor and frequency tuning of the coplanar waveguide resonators to characterise the quasiparticle density of NbN. We observe that the increase in kinetic inductance at higher temperatures is the main reason for the frequency shift. Finally, we measure the resonators' resonance frequency and internal quality factor at single photon regime in response to in-plane magnetic fields B||. We verify that Qi stays well above 10^4 up to B|| = 240 mT in the photon number = 1.8 at T = 100 mK. Our results may pave the way for realising robust microwave superconducting circuits for circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) at high magnetic fields necessary for fault-tolerant quantum computing, and ultrasensitive quantum sensing

    Fault-Tolerant Computing With Biased-Noise Superconducting Qubits

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    We present a universal scheme of pulsed operations for the IBM oscillator-stabilized flux qubit comprising the CPHASE gate, single-qubit preparations and measurements. Based on numerical simulations, we argue that the error rates for these operations can be as low as about .5% and that noise is highly biased, with phase errors being stronger than all other types of errors by a factor of nearly 10^3. In contrast, the design of a CNOT gate for this system with an error rate of less than about 1.2% seems extremely challenging. We propose a special encoding which exploits the noise bias allowing us to implement a logical CNOT gate where phase errors and all other types of errors have nearly balanced rates of about .4%. Our results illustrate how the design of an encoding scheme can be adjusted and optimized according to the available physical operations and the particular noise characteristics of experimental devices.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Roadmap on quantum optical systems

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    This roadmap bundles fast developing topics in experimental optical quantum sciences, addressing current challenges as well as potential advances in future research. We have focused on three main areas: quantum assisted high precision measurements, quantum information/simulation, and quantum gases. Quantum assisted high precision measurements are discussed in the first three sections, which review optical clocks, atom interferometry, and optical magnetometry. These fields are already successfully utilized in various applied areas. We will discuss approaches to extend this impact even further. In the quantum information/simulation section, we start with the traditionally successful employed systems based on neutral atoms and ions. In addition the marvelous demonstrations of systems suitable for quantum information is not progressing, unsolved challenges remain and will be discussed. We will also review, as an alternative approach, the utilization of hybrid quantum systems based on superconducting quantum devices and ultracold atoms. Novel developments in atomtronics promise unique access in exploring solid-state systems with ultracold gases and are investigated in depth. The sections discussing the continuously fast- developing quantum gases include a review on dipolar heteronuclear diatomic gases, Rydberg gases, and ultracold plasma. Overall, we have accomplished a roadmap of selected areas undergoing rapid progress in quantum optics, highlighting current advances and future challenges. These exciting developments and vast advances will shape the field of quantum optics in the future

    JETC (Japanese Technology Evaluation Center) Panel Report on High Temperature Superconductivity in Japan

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    The Japanese regard success in R and D in high temperature superconductivity as an important national objective. The results of a detailed evaluation of the current state of Japanese high temperature superconductivity development are provided. The analysis was performed by a panel of technical experts drawn from U.S. industry and academia, and is based on reviews of the relevant literature and visits to Japanese government, academic and industrial laboratories. Detailed appraisals are presented on the following: Basic research; superconducting materials; large scale applications; processing of superconducting materials; superconducting electronics and thin films. In all cases, comparisons are made with the corresponding state-of-the-art in the United States
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