2,485 research outputs found

    Content Replication in Mobile Networks

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    Performance and reliability of content access in mobile networks is conditioned by the number and location of content replicas deployed at the network nodes. In this work, we design a practical, distributed solution to content replication that is suitable for dynamic environments and achieves load balancing. Simulation results show that our mechanism, which uses local measurements only, approximates well an optimal solution while being robust against network and demand dynamics. Also, our scheme outperforms alternative approaches in terms of both content access delay and access congestio

    Caching on Named Data Network: a Survey and Future Research

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    The IP-based system cause inefficient content delivery process. This inefficiency was attempted to be solved with the Content Distribution Network. A replica server is located in a particular location, usually on the edge router that is closest to the user. The user’s request will be served from that replica server. However, caching on Content Distribution Network is inflexible. This system is difficult to support mobility and conditions of dynamic content demand from consumers. We need to shift the paradigm to content-centric. In Named Data Network, data can be placed on the content store on routersthat are closest to the consumer. Caching on Named Data Network must be able to store content dynamically. It should be selectively select content that is eligible to be stored or deleted from the content storage based on certain considerations, e.g. the popularity of content in the local area. This survey paper explains the development of caching techniques on Named Data Network that are classified into main points. The brief explanation of advantages and disadvantages are presented to make it easy to understand. Finally, proposed the open challenge related to the caching mechanism to improve NDN performance

    Data Replication for Improving Data Accessibility in Ad Hoc Networks

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    In ad hoc networks, due to frequent network partition, data accessibility is lower than that in conventional fixed networks. In this paper, we solve this problem by replicating data items on mobile hosts. First, we propose three replica allocation methods assuming that each data item is not updated. In these three methods, we take into account the access frequency from mobile hosts to each data item and the status of the network connection. Then, we extend the proposed methods by considering aperiodic updates and integrating user profiles consisting of mobile users\u27\u27 schedules, access behavior, and read/write patterns. We also show the results of simulation experiments regarding the performance evaluation of our proposed method

    Context-aware collaborative storage and programming for mobile users

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    Since people generate and access most digital content from mobile devices, novel innovative mobile apps and services are possible. Most people are interested in sharing this content with communities defined by friendship, similar interests, or geography in exchange for valuable services from these innovative apps. At the same time, they want to own and control their content. Collaborative mobile computing is an ideal choice for this situation. However, due to the distributed nature of this computing environment and the limited resources on mobile devices, maintaining content availability and storage fairness as well as providing efficient programming frameworks are challenging. This dissertation explores several techniques to improve these shortcomings of collaborative mobile computing platforms. First, it proposes a medley of three techniques into one system, MobiStore, that offers content availability in mobile peer-to-peer networks: topology maintenance with robust connectivity, structural reorientation based on the current state of the network, and gossip-based hierarchical updates. Experimental results showed that MobiStore outperforms a state-of-the-art comparison system in terms of content availability and resource usage fairness. Next, the dissertation explores the usage of social relationship properties (i.e., network centrality) to improve the fairness of resource allocation for collaborative computing in peer-to-peer online social networks. The challenge is how to provide fairness in content replication for P2P-OSN, given that the peers in these networks exchange information only with one-hop neighbors. The proposed solution provides fairness by selecting the peers to replicate content based on their potential to introduce the storage skewness, which is determined from their structural properties in the network. The proposed solution, Philia, achieves higher content availability and storage fairness than several comparison systems. The dissertation concludes with a high-level distributed programming model, which efficiently uses computing resources on a cloud-assisted, collaborative mobile computing platform. This platform pairs mobile devices with virtual machines (VMs) in the cloud for increased execution performance and availability. On such a platform, two important challenges arise: first, pairing the two computing entities into a seamless computation, communication, and storage unit; and second, using the computing resources in a cost-effective way. This dissertation proposes Moitree, a distributed programming model and middleware that translates high-level programming constructs into events and provides the illusion of a single computing entity over the mobile-VM pairs. From programmers’ viewpoint, the Moitree API models user collaborations into dynamic groups formed over location, time, or social hierarchies. Experimental results from a prototype implementation show that Moitree is scalable, suitable for real-time apps, and can improve the performance of collaborating apps regarding latency and energy consumption

    Nomadic fog storage

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    Mobile services incrementally demand for further processing and storage. However, mobile devices are known for their constrains in terms of processing, storage, and energy. Early proposals have addressed these aspects; by having mobile devices access remote clouds. But these proposals suffer from long latencies and backhaul bandwidth limitations in retrieving data. To mitigate these issues, edge clouds have been proposed. Using this paradigm, intermediate nodes are placed between the mobile devices and the remote cloud. These intermediate nodes should fulfill the end users’ resource requests, namely data and processing capability, and reduce the energy consumption on the mobile devices’ batteries. But then again, mobile traffic demand is increasing exponentially and there is a greater than ever evolution of mobile device’s available resources. This urges the use of mobile nodes’ extra capabilities for fulfilling the requisites imposed by new mobile applications. In this new scenario, the mobile devices should become both consumers and providers of the emerging services. The current work researches on this possibility by designing, implementing and testing a novel nomadic fog storage system that uses fog and mobile nodes to support the upcoming applications. In addition, a novel resource allocation algorithm has been developed that considers the available energy on mobile devices and the network topology. It also includes a replica management module based on data popularity. The comprehensive evaluation of the fog proposal has evidenced that it is responsive, offloads traffic from the backhaul links, and enables a fair energy depletion among mobiles nodes by storing content in neighbor nodes with higher battery autonomy.Os serviços móveis requerem cada vez mais poder de processamento e armazenamento. Contudo, os dispositivos móveis são conhecidos por serem limitados em termos de armazenamento, processamento e energia. Como solução, os dispositivos móveis começaram a aceder a estes recursos através de nuvens distantes. No entanto, estas sofrem de longas latências e limitações na largura de banda da rede, ao aceder aos recursos. Para resolver estas questões, foram propostas soluções de edge computing. Estas, colocam nós intermediários entre os dispositivos móveis e a nuvem remota, que são responsáveis por responder aos pedidos de recursos por parte dos utilizadores finais. Dados os avanços na tecnologia dos dispositivos móveis e o aumento da sua utilização, torna-se cada mais pertinente a utilização destes próprios dispositivos para fornecer os serviços da nuvem. Desta forma, o dispositivo móvel torna-se consumidor e fornecedor do serviço nuvem. O trabalho atual investiga esta vertente, implementado e testando um sistema que utiliza dispositivos móveis e nós no “fog”, para suportar os serviços móveis emergentes. Foi ainda implementado um algoritmo de alocação de recursos que considera os níveis de energia e a topologia da rede, bem como um módulo que gere a replicação de dados no sistema de acordo com a sua popularidade. Os resultados obtidos provam que o sistema é responsivo, alivia o tráfego nas ligações no core, e demonstra uma distribuição justa do consumo de energia no sistema através de uma disseminação eficaz de conteúdo nos nós da periferia da rede mais próximos dos nós consumidores